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Message in Genesis Chapter 5

Posted: Wed Jun 06, 2012 8:02 am
by Rob
I was listening to Chuck Missler and he was talking about how he believes there to be a message in Genesis Chapter 5- the part most of us skip over- where it talks about the genealogies.

I thought this was very neat.
The name Adam comes from a root word in Hebrew which means Man.
Here are the names of all the firstborn sons in 10 generations from Adam to Noah:

Adam - Man
Seth - Appointed
Enosh - Mortal
Cainan - Sorrow
Mahalalel - The Blessed God
Jared - Shall Come Down
Enoch - Teaching
Methuselah - His Death Shall Bring
Lamech - Despairing
Noah - Comfort

So if we put all that together, it's something like:

Man is Appointed Mortal Sorrow. The Blessed God Shall Come Down Teaching. His Death Shall Bring Despair Comfort (Comfort from Despair?)

Kinda neat.

Re: Message in Genesis Chapter 5

Posted: Wed Jun 06, 2012 5:25 pm
by Danieltwotwenty
I read once there is more with the lineage to Jesus, the name meanings etc... Gman I think posted on this once.


Re: Message in Genesis Chapter 5

Posted: Wed Jun 06, 2012 5:48 pm
by Danieltwotwenty
I found it it was Cet-To who posted it here ... ed#p100649

Watch the video as it explains even more of the lineage

God Bless

Re: Message in Genesis Chapter 5

Posted: Fri Jun 08, 2012 8:52 pm
by Callisto
Interesting. The only thing is, most scholars think that the lineage is interrupted a little - as in, many people are in-between some of those generations when it says "son of" it often means "descendent of", except for those when it's explicit in the text that so-and-so is the son of so-and-so and they interact. But it really doesn't distort the "code" even with this because of who was recorded.

Re: Message in Genesis Chapter 5

Posted: Fri Jun 08, 2012 11:19 pm
by cheezerrox
This was discussed a couple weeks ago by me and a few members of my church, as one of them gave a sermon that week on the genealogy of Genesis 5 (and a very insightful one at that!). Unfortunately, although me and another member thought this to be authentic, it turns out it's misleading. For example, Enoch doesn't mean "teaching," but comes from the verb hanak, and means "to dedicate" (take notice of the name of the festival of Hanukkah, which is derived from the same verb and is referred to as the Feast of Dedication (John 10:22)), and Methuselah doesn't mean "His Death Shall Bring," but "man of the arrow/javelin." Now some of these names' meanings are disputed, and we really don't know all the answers, but I don't feel comfortable taking this as truth anymore.

Re: Message in Genesis Chapter 5

Posted: Sun Jun 10, 2012 5:46 am
by Rob
cheezerrox wrote:This was discussed a couple weeks ago by me and a few members of my church, as one of them gave a sermon that week on the genealogy of Genesis 5 (and a very insightful one at that!). Unfortunately, although me and another member thought this to be authentic, it turns out it's misleading. For example, Enoch doesn't mean "teaching," but comes from the verb hanak, and means "to dedicate" (take notice of the name of the festival of Hanukkah, which is derived from the same verb and is referred to as the Feast of Dedication (John 10:22)), and Methuselah doesn't mean "His Death Shall Bring," but "man of the arrow/javelin." Now some of these names' meanings are disputed, and we really don't know all the answers, but I don't feel comfortable taking this as truth anymore.
Here's an article about the whole thing:

From that article:

The Flood of Noah did not come as a surprise. It had been preached on for four generations. But something strange happened when Enoch was 65, from which time "he walked with God." Enoch was given a prophecy that as long as his son was alive, the judgment of the flood would be withheld; but as soon as he died, the flood would be sent forth.

Enoch named his son to reflect this prophecy. The name Methuselah comes from two roots: muth, a root that means "death" ; and from shalach, which means "to bring," or "to send forth." Thus, the name Methuselah signifies, "his death shall bring."

And, indeed, in the year that Methuselah died, the flood came. Methuselah was 187 when he had Lamech, and lived 782 years more. Lamech had Noah when he was 182. The Flood came in Noah's 600th year. 187 + 182 + 600 = 969, Methuselah's age when he died.

It is interesting that Methuselah's life was, in effect, a symbol of God's mercy in forestalling the coming judgment of the flood. It is therefore fitting that his lifetime is the oldest in the Bible, symbolizing the extreme extensiveness of God's mercy.

Re: Message in Genesis Chapter 5

Posted: Mon Jun 11, 2012 8:13 am
by PaulSacramento
Callisto wrote:Interesting. The only thing is, most scholars think that the lineage is interrupted a little - as in, many people are in-between some of those generations when it says "son of" it often means "descendent of", except for those when it's explicit in the text that so-and-so is the son of so-and-so and they interact. But it really doesn't distort the "code" even with this because of who was recorded.
Yes, son could and does many times mean "descendent".
As in Jesus Son of David.