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Godly Discussions on Facebook... check it out

Posted: Tue Jun 12, 2012 5:45 pm
by zacchaeus
There are some really awesome discussions brewing right now... we are having a fun time, Christians know how to have fun, thats for sure!!! The page is built on and is about LOVE, come share, love, laugh!!! Enjoy... hope to see you there. This is a personal invite from me to all... we currently have over 900 members. Thanks, peace, joy, love!!!

Godly Discussions covers anything from theology, science, faith, doubt, questions in general, Christianity, world-religions/views, apologetics, atheism, agnostics, scripture, bible versions, doctrines, ethics, philosophy, creation, end-times, church, ministries, missions, out-reach, evangelizing, prayer requests, sermons, and testimonies..

Search Godly Discussions and or Clay Dyken and friend me so I can add you, thanks!!!