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Posted: Wed Jun 13, 2012 12:24 pm
by inlovewiththe44
God is all-powerful, all-knowing. Perfect. Therefore, he doesn't really need anything we have to offer him. We could never really offer him something that he doesn't already have. Therefore, why must we "serve" God?

Re: Service

Posted: Wed Jun 13, 2012 12:27 pm
by PaulSacramento
Just like we WANT to serve those we love in our life, we want to serve God out of love also.
Not because we have to, or because God needs us to or wants us to.

Re: Service

Posted: Wed Jun 13, 2012 12:31 pm
by inlovewiththe44
Yeah, I understand that. I don't mind serving Him. But what is the purpose? It's not to show my love for God; He already knows it. I just want to know the purpose behind it.

Re: Service

Posted: Wed Jun 13, 2012 12:36 pm
by PaulSacramento
What service are you referring to? Evangelizing/preaching? or worshiping God? Helping others ?

Re: Service

Posted: Wed Jun 13, 2012 1:14 pm
by inlovewiththe44
I would say I guess the reason I started this thread in the first place was because I was questioning the need for witnessing to people. If others' salvation is indirectly affected by our own ability to evangelize to others, then I think that leaves a lot of people out there doomed. Why does God need us to witness to people and tell others about Him? To me, if we believe that, we are relying on our own ability to preach to save others versus God doing it all on his own.

Re: Service

Posted: Wed Jun 13, 2012 2:04 pm
by RickD
inlovewiththe44 wrote:I would say I guess the reason I started this thread in the first place was because I was questioning the need for witnessing to people. If others' salvation is indirectly affected by our own ability to evangelize to others, then I think that leaves a lot of people out there doomed. Why does God need us to witness to people and tell others about Him? To me, if we believe that, we are relying on our own ability to preach to save others versus God doing it all on his own.
That's a really good point, Hana. Just last week, I listened to a guy, who said, "I went street evangelizing, and I got over 300 people saved."

I nearly flipped my lid. YOU got over 300 people saved? It's the Holy Spirit that saves, not us.

That's not taking anything away from the point, that the most common way for people to be saved, is by hearing the gospel. And, how are they going to hear, if we don't preach the gospel?

Re: Service

Posted: Wed Jun 13, 2012 2:17 pm
by inlovewiththe44
This isn't Hana, but since our usernames are similar at first glance, I completely understand your mistake haha

Very true, they won't hear the gospel unless we preach it, so does that mean God does need us? Or is it just that He gave us the responsibility so that we would have an opportunity to serve him, even though He knew that He could do it in an infinitely more efficient manner?

Re: Service

Posted: Wed Jun 13, 2012 4:11 pm
by RickD
inlovewiththe44 wrote:This isn't Hana, but since our usernames are similar at first glance, I completely understand your mistake haha

Very true, they won't hear the gospel unless we preach it, so does that mean God does need us? Or is it just that He gave us the responsibility so that we would have an opportunity to serve him, even though He knew that He could do it in an infinitely more efficient manner?
Sorry, "Not Hana", :oops: I don't know how I messed up on that one.

I guess all you females sound alike. :mrgreen:

I definitely don't think God needs us. I believe He just uses the preaching of the gospel, as the primary way for Him to save us. I suppose He could use a "Saul of Tarsus" experience with each of us. :lol:
I don't think God would be "God", if He needed anything.

Re: Service

Posted: Wed Jun 13, 2012 5:12 pm
by Callisto
RickD wrote:
inlovewiththe44 wrote:This isn't Hana, but since our usernames are similar at first glance, I completely understand your mistake haha

Very true, they won't hear the gospel unless we preach it, so does that mean God does need us? Or is it just that He gave us the responsibility so that we would have an opportunity to serve him, even though He knew that He could do it in an infinitely more efficient manner?
Sorry, "Not Hana", :oops: I don't know how I messed up on that one.

I guess all you females sound alike. :mrgreen:

I definitely don't think God needs us. I believe He just uses the preaching of the gospel, as the primary way for Him to save us. I suppose He could use a "Saul of Tarsus" experience with each of us. :lol:
I don't think God would be "God", if He needed anything.
Counter - all you males sound alike. :lol:

Would it be any way accurate to say that serving God does us more good than it does Him, since He certainly doesn't need us like that? It's more telling in how we need God and He WANTS us. There's the difference. We need and want God, and He wants us but doesn't "need" us. Our service to God turns out to serve others as well as help ourselves in our spiritual struggle. Did I make any sense?

Re: Service

Posted: Wed Jun 13, 2012 5:55 pm
by inlovewiththe44
Oh, Rick. What a charmer ;)

But thank you both for your responses. I should've thought about the fact that God can use us and also divinely intervene, probably without us even knowing it sometimes. And yes, Callisto, I did think about the fact that it benefits us. Sometimes it's just hard to see how, and I guess I find that frustrating. But I guess that's why we have to trust on God's understanding :)

Re: Service

Posted: Thu Jun 14, 2012 6:02 am
by PaulSacramento
We MAY be a TOOL for spreading the Word of God, BUT what happens AFTER that ( to those that hear) is on THEM and the HS.
The sad part is that we are far more able to STUMBLE people than to bring them to Christ.
The best way to witness to Christ is to be loving and compassionate, to lead by example if you will.
In regards to preaching the Gospel, will...the thing is that NOT everyone SHOULD/CAN because, with all honesty, not every is able.
We all have "gifts" and not all of us are good preachers or teachers or evangalizers.
I have heard from non-believers that some of the biggest reasons they don't believe is BECAUSE of preachers that preach things they find unacceatbale.
When I ask what those things are it is quite typically that whole "Believe from fear" apporach that some think is effective but that pushes far more away than it attracts.
While only the HS can bring on to Christ, it is believers that tend to push people away.
Something we MUST work on.

Re: Service

Posted: Thu Jun 14, 2012 7:28 am
by jlay
PaulSacramento wrote:We MAY be a TOOL for spreading the Word of God, BUT what happens AFTER that ( to those that hear) is on THEM and the HS.
The sad part is that we are far more able to STUMBLE people than to bring them to Christ.
Now there is something encouraging?
The best way to witness to Christ is to be loving and compassionate, to lead by example if you will.
That is certainly a way. The Bible says that Jesus was loving to the rich young ruler. And I can't think of anyone more loving than Christ, and he was hung on cross for it.
In regards to preaching the Gospel, will...the thing is that NOT everyone SHOULD/CAN because, with all honesty, not every is able.
God doesn't call the equipped. He equips the called.
We all have "gifts" and not all of us are good preachers or teachers or evangalizers.
True, but the gospel is not limited to a certain format.
I have heard from non-believers that some of the biggest reasons they don't believe is BECAUSE of preachers that preach things they find unacceatbale.
Rejection does not mean the message is bad. The Bible speaks of why people reject, and it doesn't mention this. But that does raise another problem. The body of Christ relies on so called "preachers" (that's their job) to share the Gospel. Many preachers aren't preaching the Gosple at all, but are motivated by all kinds of secondary agendas.
When I ask what those things are it is quite typically that whole "Believe from fear" apporach that some think is effective but that pushes far more away than it attracts.
Would you care to give some examples. There is certainly a difference between truth and error. HOwever, it is a fearful thing to fall into the hands of the living God.
While only the HS can bring on to Christ, it is believers that tend to push people away.
Unfortunately, in this time, you can't seperate the HS and the believer, which is exactly what you seem to be doing. We are the instrument of the HS today. The HS is not some mystical force of sweet fragrance luring sinners.

Anyone who is saved can preach the gospel. They can share their story, which is the same for every believer. " I am a sinner saved by grace."
We need more people preaching the real Gospel.

Re: Service

Posted: Thu Jun 14, 2012 8:42 am
by Jac3510
To the OP, we serve God for our benefit and for the benefits of others, not for His. To put it in consequentialist terms, serving Him is in everyone's best interest. To put it in telological terms, serving Him is our natural end. To put it in plain, old fashioned moral terms, serving Him is the right thing to do. To put it in common sense terms, serving Him maximizes happiness for everyone involved.

Re: Service

Posted: Thu Jun 14, 2012 9:32 am
by inlovewiththe44
Thanks, Jac :) That seemed to cover all the bases.

Re: Service

Posted: Thu Jun 14, 2012 9:42 am
by PaulSacramento
jlay wrote: Now there is something encouraging?

That is certainly a way. The Bible says that Jesus was loving to the rich young ruler. And I can't think of anyone more loving than Christ, and he was hung on cross for it.

God doesn't call the equipped. He equips the called.

True, but the gospel is not limited to a certain format.

Rejection does not mean the message is bad. The Bible speaks of why people reject, and it doesn't mention this. But that does raise another problem. The body of Christ relies on so called "preachers" (that's their job) to share the Gospel. Many preachers aren't preaching the Gosple at all, but are motivated by all kinds of secondary agendas.

Would you care to give some examples. There is certainly a difference between truth and error. HOwever, it is a fearful thing to fall into the hands of the living God.
Unfortunately, in this time, you can't seperate the HS and the believer, which is exactly what you seem to be doing. We are the instrument of the HS today. The HS is not some mystical force of sweet fragrance luring sinners.

Anyone who is saved can preach the gospel. They can share their story, which is the same for every believer. " I am a sinner saved by grace."
We need more people preaching the real Gospel.
I recall Paul saying that NOT all should be teachers ( or to prophecize or speak languages) the the HS gives to each the gift according to their own ability ( or something along those lines).
It is a sad fact that many preach their own agenda and not the Gospel (Mormans and JW's come to mind).

I recall one time speaking to a guy that is an unbeliever ( agnostic at best) and after discussing some of his issues he turns to me and says:
When are you gonna mention me burning in hell because I don't believe in Jesus?
Why I asked?
And His reply:, You know, so I get afraid and think that its better to believe than go to hell...

I answered that God wants people to come to Jesus out of love and NOT fear, that IF there is "fear" of God that it is the fear of disappointing Him, of hurting God, much like a child is fearful of hurting their parents or we fear hurting the ones we love.
For some, yes, there is fear of Hell but I submit that this fear only exists because they believe and was not what "forced" them to believe.
You don't fear what you don't believe.
And as strange as this may sound, his reply was: Oh, no one ever put it that way, it was always "believe or burn in h ell, your choice".