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the beating heart:evidence of the presence and power of God?

Posted: Fri Jun 29, 2012 9:08 pm
by sky
I am new here but I am not a stranger to online forums.
To me one of the greatest evidence of the presence and
power of God is the beating heart.

We have five hundred muscles in the body, and they are all controlled by the will, the mind. When I strike with my hand or beat with my fist, there is a will behind the hand and the fist. My muscles do not act unless there is a command to contract. The thing that is efficient and all essential is the will, it is the commanding power. My arm will contract and cause the fist to beat; but it beats only when my will commands.

But here is a muscle in the body that beats when I am asleep. It beats when my will is inactive and I am utterly unconscious. It keeps on beating all the time. What will is it that causes this heart to beat? The heart can not beat once without a command!

To me it is a most wonderful thing that a man’s heart goes on beating. It does not beat by means of my will; for I can not stop the heart’s beating, or make it beat faster or slower by commanding it by my will. But there is a will that controls the heart. It is the divine will that causes it to beat. In the beating of that heart that you can feel, as you put your hand upon the breast, or as you put your finger against the pulse, we have the evidence of the divine presence that we have within us, that there is an Intelligence, a power, a will within, that is commanding the functions of our bodies and controlling them!

To me, every pulsation of the heart is an evidence of the care of Him in whom we live and move and have our being! Acts 17:28; Col.1:17; Eph.4:6; Ps.137:9.

What say you?


Re: the beating heart:evidence of the presence and power of

Posted: Sun Jul 01, 2012 1:06 pm
by KBCid
sky wrote: The heart can not beat once without a command!
Hi sky,

The form of the heart and the brain center that sends the commands to the heart are ultimately all physical formations of matter arranged into a highly specified arrangement that allows for function. The thing that you are seeing maybe without completely understanding it is what is termed irreducible complexity. Though this a current arguement of ID it is a truth that can be asserted by any intellect.

The arguement goes forth in this manner. Of what use is the form of a heart without having the command to beat existing at the same time and conversely of what use is a command to beat if there is no heart to carry out the command. Two entirely different formations of matter are separated by a multitude of other formations yet they work in concert to keep not only themselves but every other part of the body in existence.

To an evolutionist this arrangement came into existence by natural occurance. to anyone else who has a semblance of logic such an answer requires evidence. For the rest of us that aren't going to wait for their truth to show up we choose to believe in an intelligent designer. the God of abraham is that designer.

Re: the beating heart:evidence of the presence and power of

Posted: Mon Jul 02, 2012 1:06 am
by bippy123
It's just like a book in a way. The word inside the boom are comprised of ink but there is much more than ink there on those papers. There are thoughts, ideas which come about through an intelligent mind through the force of the will.

The paper might have ink on it but the ideas conveyed by that ink come from an immaterial mind.

Re: the beating heart:evidence of the presence and power of

Posted: Mon Jul 02, 2012 8:46 pm
by sky
Hi KBCid. You wrote: The form of the heart and the brain center that sends the commands to the heart are ultimately all physical formations of matter arranged into a highly specified arrangement that allows for function.

I don't doubt that but these functions are controlled by an unseen Intelligence. They are not self-acting. "In God we live and move and have our being." Acts 17:28.

Some of us have been in the habit of thinking that man was created away back somewhere in the ages, and that after man had been made and placed on the earth, God rested from His work, and that He never worked any since, but that things have been taking care of themselves.

Some of us have thought that the Lord set the world going through space, and that ever since it has been going on of itself. We can figure the problem out this way. We will suppose, for instance, that the earth is a big cannon ball. How much gunpowder would it take to shoot the earth off into space and make it go as fast as it is going now, at the rate of about thirty miles a second? How much gunpowder do you suppose it would take? Cannoneers have found that it would take eight hundred times as much as the earth itself weights. But after it is started, it must be kept going. The earth does not lose a moment of time. Astronomers tell us that not one twentieth of a second has been lost during the past two thousand years. Why? Because there is a power behind it that will keep it going; it is not a thing that is moving itself!
