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Posted: Sat Jul 07, 2012 3:45 am
by phareztamar
Summer greetings, my friends.


Master, which is the great commandment in the law? Jesus said unto him, Thou shalt love the Lord thy God with all thy heart, and with all thy soul, and with all thy mind. And the second is like unto it, Thou shalt love thy neighbor as thyself. On these two commandments hang all the law and the prophets.

The “Big Bang”, dare say, is true. The evidence is pretty compelling. But to comprehend such a moment, nudges us even farther back, than just the “Big Bang”. This brain that God designed, and gave me…in this short, elite generation of knowledge…wants to know about pre-“Big Bang”. Our only clues, are the smithereens…from a singularity, popping up out of nowhere…and suddenly going bang, some 15 billion years ago.

Perhaps the event, then, is but a single shout from our God. A creative burst, of uttered spiritual power. Intricately designed to explode…super-heat to trillions of degrees…and fly apart at alarming speeds, for the past 15 billion years. A well-planned time. An engineered mix of cosmic unrest…sub-atomic metamorphosis…gargantuan stellar collisions…colossal nuclear explosions…and galactic violence everywhere.

Then at last…billions of years down the line…conditions are right. Our brief 7,000 year capsule of life, is neatly placed in an envelope of cosmic peace. In a tiny, obscure galaxy…one of trillions…called the Milky Way. A dazzling, pinwheel-shaped galaxy of billions of stars, spinning at 225 million miles per hour. Here…tucked away on the Orion Arm of this galaxy…we find our itsy-bitsy nine planet solar system. And in that one galaxy among trillions…in that tiny nine-planet solar system…on the third rock from the sun, God chooses to place the story of life. Perfect spin speed. Perfect axial tilt. Perfect distance from the sun. Perfect maturing time of billions of years. All of it, just as He calculated, in that single shout…that “Big Bang”.

And so; though a violent cosmic evolution, it was not random. It was designed…from a sub-quantum level, all the way to thinking men. Both chemically and atomically…quantumly and gravitationally…morphing ever so slowly forward, to this wonderful…short…7,000 year moment.

As the universe cooled and expanded, it may be that every day, of every billion years, was necessary. Atoms, it turns out, are complex little critters. A single, microscopic molecule of DNA, is a gathering of over 200 billion atoms. Each atomic nucleus being orbited by electrons…whizzing overhead at the speed of light. The world of the very small, is still wide open. It’s an inner world, that affects conditions, for atoms to form molecules. And for those molecules to form cells…climaxing at the cellular wizardry of our own bodies.

Though the conditions to support life were at last ready; they weren’t ready for man…but for God. After 15 billion years, we’ve only now, come to the end of Genesis verse one:
In the beginning God created the heaven and the earth.
Through a fearfully complex cosmic evolution, the paradise is now ready. Its thin crust of soil…atop its molten iron core…is now at the apex of God’s inter-acting laws. Each star strategically placed in the canopy. But as with the rest of the universe…and though conditions were now ready…life was still lacking.

And the earth was without form, and void; and darkness was upon the face of the deep.

God would still have to light the darkness, and breathe life into creation…on this remote, tiny speck in the universe. The science was fully grown, but the wonder of life, must begin at God’s perfect, evolutionary moment.

Our arrival at this cosmic party, is both new and brief. The sub-atomic design of that original burst, is far too complex to unravel, in our short 7,000 year blip on the radar. The power…the fearful power…of that single word, bangs forth at blazing speeds and temperatures, across billions of years. Expanding…colliding…reacting…birthing stars in cradles of nuclear fusion…cooling…becoming atoms and matter…breaking apart…exploding…fusing…a living universe, lacking only life.

The conditions for our existence…while stable these last 6,000 years…are nonetheless fragile. A one degree shift on our rotating axis, and life is obliterated. A microscopic mutation can hold viral consequence. Not to mention being powerless against hurricane, lightning, earthquake, and unreasonable men.

The wonder is, that God chose here and now, for the story of life. Here…in one of gazillions of galaxies. Now…at this expansion stage of that bang. It’s too wonderful to grasp. And yet, we’ve proven it so. Here…in an obscure Bethlehem, amongst a sprawling cosmic metropolis…God creates life.

The vastness of the universe, and the vastness of quantum ratio, are constitutional facts. The universe goes on. The quantum world continues to baffle. But at the end of the day, life is really about people…about society. We stop at the store for bread and milk…we chat with the locals…and we come home to family. Day in and day out, for about 70 years. That’s life. The sub-atomic design…the 15 billion year patience of our God, as a burst of violence tames and cools…these are all wonderful. God went to a lot of trouble…a lot of love…for this free-willed man to behold it, and raise his hands in awe. But life is about your 70 years, here at dusk on the sixth day.

Perhaps that’s why the two greatest laws, address not the cosmos, nor the quanta. Not thermodynamics, or strong and weak force, or mathematical constants. Uppermost to our God, is your relationship with Him, and with your neighbor. He transcends the mind-boggling journey from lepton to atom to cell to human. He nudges us past our remote location in endless time and space. Past our physics revelations about His wisdom, from bang to us. His two greatest laws, are about love, and you, and Him, and your neighbor. For so has He stitched them together.

Maybe we never figure out, if introns are simply insulators between exons. But we will see our neighbor today. We will pray to our Lord today.