Curious: Will the second coming assure the end of all evil?

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Curious: Will the second coming assure the end of all evil?

Post by MrAda43 »


This is just a curious question I'm wanting to throw out there. I will admit that this question is not arising from a deep study that I have done into the bible or anything, but more from just a simple look at some of the recurring events of the bible.

From what I understand, the second coming of Jesus will lead to the destruction of all evil and a "renewal" of Earth to become a place of purity. Or at least that is my basic understanding. That sounds a lot similar to what God has tried to do twice before in the past. The first time was when he created the Earth. He created a perfect world without sin. Then, he created Adam and Eve to inhabit this new, perfect world he created. However, as we all know, it didn't remain perfect because Adam and Eve both sinned. Thus, evil entered into the world.

Some time went on and the world began becoming more and more evil to the point that God even regretted ever creating us. So what He does is He plans to rid the Earth of all it's evil with a huge, worldwide flood that will kill everything that inhabits the planet. Even though He planned to flood the Earth, He found favor with one of its inhabitants that has stayed true to righteousness. This man's name was Noah. Noah was instructed to build an ark and he did. When God flooded the Earth, everything was killed except for Noah, his family, and two of every animal. Once again, humanity had a chance to live in a perfect world without evil. However, once again, humanity failed to keep up with God's standards and began to fall under sin again.

Then Jesus comes around and after he dies on the cross and raises back to life, he says that he will return one day to destroy all evil on Earth. What is said about the second coming to my understanding is that everyone who believes in Jesus will be saved from all the punishment that is to come on the Earth during the end times and once evil is destroyed, we will all have a chance to live in a perfect world.

So my question is: What is to stop us from repeating history and start sinning all over again? Once again, just a curious question. Wanted to see what people think.
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Re: Curious: Will the second coming assure the end of all ev

Post by Furstentum Liechtenstein »

MrAda43 wrote:From what I understand, the second coming of Jesus will lead to the destruction of all evil and a "renewal" of Earth to become a place of purity. Or at least that is my basic understanding
Your understanding is wrong. Here is, briefly, the sequence of events:

1.Today, all is well.
2. Rapture.
3. Arrival of the Antichrist on the world scene.
4. Tribulation period: increasing wickedness, wars/bad weather/earthquakes/famines, Antichrist declares himself god, persecution of believers and so on.
5. Christ's second coming.
6. Resurrection of dead believers from all times.
7. 1000-year reign of Christ on earth begins; Satan temporarily banished.
8. Satan released at the end of the millenial reign and deceives many.
9. Satan & his followers battle God, and lose. Satan cast into the Lake of Fire.
10. Great White Throne Judgement.
11. New Heaven & New Earth created.

I've left a lot out, so this must be considered an outline of future events only.

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Re: Curious: Will the second coming assure the end of all ev

Post by PaulSacramento »

We will ALWAYS have the potential to sin, as the angels like Satan showed.
Only God is perfect and sinless.
Things will be a WHOLE LOT better of course and we will KNOW God in ways that we can only imagine BUT the potential, the choice to sin will always be there and there will always be those that will.
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