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Scientists apparently recreate primordial big bang

Posted: Fri Jul 20, 2012 1:34 am
by cubeus19 ... 42484.html

Anyone know if this could have implications for God's existence????? This kinda makes me nervous.

Re: Scientists apparently recreate primordial big bang

Posted: Fri Jul 20, 2012 5:17 am
by Byblos
cubeus19 wrote: ... 42484.html

Anyone know if this could have implications for God's existence????? This kinda makes me nervous.
What reason could you possibly have for being nervous? So what if it's true? All it would mean is that science may have discovered how God did it. Fantastic for our ingenuity as a species but says absolutely nothing about the existence of God.

Re: Scientists apparently recreate primordial big bang

Posted: Fri Jul 20, 2012 5:42 am
by PaulSacramento
All that means is that the "primordial soup" that happened after the Big Bang can be re-created, ie: it was created and can be re-created now via modern technology.
Now, IF this primordial soup just happened to happen without any external influence, then, maybe, you can have the argument that God wasn't needed ( though since it was the BG that caused the soup to occur you would still have that issue).
That Man can now re-create was happened just shows that it took a CREATIVE process to do it.

Re: Scientists apparently recreate primordial big bang

Posted: Fri Jul 20, 2012 6:48 am
by RickD
cubeus19 wrote: ... 42484.html

Anyone know if this could have implications for God's existence????? This kinda makes me nervous.
I'd worry more about the Obama advertisements in the article. If he gets re-elected, that could have implications for our country's existence. Now, that makes me nervous. :pound:

Re: Scientists apparently recreate primordial big bang

Posted: Fri Jul 20, 2012 6:55 am
by jlay
I didn't hear anything?

Big bang?

Re: Scientists apparently recreate primordial big bang

Posted: Fri Jul 20, 2012 1:04 pm
by Pierson5
Byblos wrote: Fantastic for our ingenuity as a species but says absolutely nothing about the existence of God.