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What can I expect as a job if I got a Theology Degree?

Posted: Mon Jul 30, 2012 11:02 pm
by Dallas
The questions is straight forward, but I want to explain my dilemma a bit first. For the past year and a half I made the decision to go into ministry. More around the lines of Theology because it seemed like the hardest to do and I like the field in general. However, I'm concerned about what happens when I get out of College. Will there still be jobs available, was this the career that fits best for me? Those type of questions. However, I believe this is what God wants me to do and I'll do it no questions asked. Yet, on the other hand, I want to do stuff with technology as my career. I have always been a sucker for video games; up until I made the switch to Theology I wanted to be a Video Game Designer. I have a passion for this type of field and I believe it is where I belong. I constantly find myself on technology 98% of my time when I am awake. Might be a little obsessed :). Then there's my science guy in me...I really like astronomy. Just to watch the stars at night is just amazing. About every documentary I watch is about space. I'm just a big fan of space, stars, planets, etc... The science behind it, the complex chemicals that make stars, humans, etc... Just fascinates me.

So, I'm stuck. What should I do? Should I do what God wants me to do? Or should I just quit that and move into a field in which I know I would love to work in? I know God's plan is the best plan, but it's much harder for me to realize that. Any advice would be great.

Thank you,


Re: What can I expect as a job if I got a Theology Degree?

Posted: Mon Jul 30, 2012 11:20 pm
by Ivellious
Something tells me God wouldn't want to force you into the ministry if you didn't want to or if you wanted to do something else. It sounds like you have lots of potential options that you are considering. A few quick questions: How old are you/what grade will you be in this fall? Have you started looking into colleges or started applying? That might be a good place for the discussion.

As far as job outlooks, I have no idea what theology majors can do for a living and I have even less idea about job prospects. I'm assuming most people go into that field less for the practical reasons and more out of sheer devotion to their faith...Which, to be frank, you don't seem dead-set on, and to me that might be a sign that you might want to look elsewhere.

Video game designing, as wicked cool as it sounds, is an incredibly hard field to actually get into, especially since typically it requires a great deal of both artistic and technical training, plus the very limited jobs available and a lot of people who would like to do it. If you were to go that route, I would suggest getting a degree in computer programming or computer sciences, that way if video games didn't pan out, you could still use the skill set to do something similar with computers (and for the record, those degrees are in high demand for a variety of types of jobs).

Astronomy is another tough thing to estimate right now. There aren't many things you could do with a degree in astronomy, except teaching astronomy and if you got a PhD you might be able to move into research. But, again, that's quite a commitment.

Re: What can I expect as a job if I got a Theology Degree?

Posted: Tue Jul 31, 2012 12:10 am
by Dallas
Ivellious wrote:Something tells me God wouldn't want to force you into the ministry if you didn't want to or if you wanted to do something else. It sounds like you have lots of potential options that you are considering. A few quick questions: How old are you/what grade will you be in this fall? Have you started looking into colleges or started applying? That might be a good place for the discussion.
I am 17 years old and I'm a recent graduate from High School. In May I went to Baptist Bible College in Missouri and loved it there. The atmosphere there was just so comforting and I needed it. I won't actually start applying until the fall of this year. I plan to get a grant through fasfa and possibly some scholarships as well. But at the moment, i'm just wondering what's the best choice for me when I get older. Yet, at the same time, I want to do God's will.

As far as video game designing goes, I know how hard that field is to get into. After some heavy research it turns out you have to be artistic which I am not; Drawing wise. I believe I am a good story artist though. So that field is out of my reach :(

For the astronomy one as well. It would defiantly be the commitment which I wouldn't mind doing. And I've always wanted the title of Doctor. So, I wouldn't mind doing that. I need to do more research on it though.

Re: What can I expect as a job if I got a Theology Degree?

Posted: Tue Jul 31, 2012 3:40 am
by Furstentum Liechtenstein
Go into engineering. Astronomy and theology will get you the top job at the local Burger King but that's about it.


Re: What can I expect as a job if I got a Theology Degree?

Posted: Tue Jul 31, 2012 3:59 am
by neo-x
Astronomy and theology will get you the top job at the local Burger King but that's about it.
Guess I did my for counting how many buns did we serve today? :lol:

Re: What can I expect as a job if I got a Theology Degree?

Posted: Tue Jul 31, 2012 4:45 am
by PaulSacramento
I'm working on my Bach in theology, but just for fun.
I already have a degree in Business and Mechanical Engineering.
Unless you are going to go into a teaching position or have a position lined up in a ministry, I am not sure what "real world" application it may have.

Re: What can I expect as a job if I got a Theology Degree?

Posted: Tue Jul 31, 2012 10:16 am
by 1over137
Then there's my science guy in me...I really like astronomy. Just to watch the stars at night is just amazing. About every documentary I watch is about space. I'm just a big fan of space, stars, planets, etc... The science behind it, the complex chemicals that make stars, humans, etc... Just fascinates me.
Go into theoretical physics. They will also teach you some programming. With good income as a programmer you can support the poor.

(You can study theology later)

Re: What can I expect as a job if I got a Theology Degree?

Posted: Tue Jul 31, 2012 10:33 am
by Stygian
Theology always seemed like something more like a hobby to me, kinda like philosophy (the study of being able to think really well, essentially). Like, something on the side that you're passionate about. Not so much a career.

Re: What can I expect as a job if I got a Theology Degree?

Posted: Tue Jul 31, 2012 6:45 pm
by Dallas
1over137 wrote:
Go into theoretical physics. They will also teach you some programming. With good income as a programmer you can support the poor.

(You can study theology later)
I wasn't good at physics in school. From what my physics teacher said, we were doing a level above basic in college terms. I like the science behind it, but the math behind it blew me away. Not saying the math was hard, but to understand what was going on at each interval completely stumped me. :)

Re: What can I expect as a job if I got a Theology Degree?

Posted: Tue Jul 31, 2012 6:47 pm
by Jac3510
I have an BA in theology, an MA in apologetics, and am about to have an MDiv. With that said . . .

BE VERY CAREFUL about getting a theology degree. Unless you are a part of a large denomination with a formal support structure (e.g., Southern Baptist, Presbyterian, Methodist), you will almost certainly not be able to get a job. I would strongly encourage you to get a degree that will get you a job, and then go back and get an MDiv. Bible Baptist is a GREAT school, and an MDiv from there would do you a lot of good.

I say that because all of the jobs in theology will require an MDiv. Especially if you are very young. If you were in your thirties or forties and had kids, you could maybe get away with pastoring a small church with a BA. But as young as you are, it will be very difficult for you. Once you get the MDiv, doors start opening. You can easily get a pastorate (especially if you are willing to do bi-vocational work), you can teach at a local seminary, you can work as a Christian educator, you can become a chaplain, etc.

If you want to do some theological studies in your undergraduate program, find a good Christian university where you can take some courses on theology for your electives. Or, do dual enrollment. Take some classes from a local (ACCREDITED) Bible college that will transfer into your secular degree. That will help you immensely when you go on to do an MDiv.

Trust me - I understand the call to ministry and the desire to go to Bible college. Just think long and hard about it. If you go that route, make sure you have a strong mentor who is going to help you get into a paid position quickly. But all in all, remember that if God is calling you into ministry, it's a lifelong calling. Moses' training took forty years! It's good that you are ready to go--but be prudent. If you are interested in some secular career so that you can make a living while you do ministry, then so much the better. And there's nothing unspiritual about that. Paul was a tent maker, after all . . .

I hope this has been helpful. Whatever you do, just do it for God's glory. Make a choice. Don't second guess things and play "what if." God's not in heaven worrying about whether or not you make the right or wrong choice. If He wants to you use you, He will. You just follow Him!

God bless :D

Re: What can I expect as a job if I got a Theology Degree?

Posted: Tue Jul 31, 2012 8:32 pm
by neo-x
I'd say give it time, start with your non-theological degrees. If you have steady income you can always study later but you will have a career and a means to support yourself. Go to a career counselor, they might chart out a nice plan for you. At the end of the day, if you are called and want to do God's work, it will come to you. Remember ministry is a life long calling. And in the start you don't even have to go full time, start slowly, patience is the key.

Re: What can I expect as a job if I got a Theology Degree?

Posted: Wed Aug 01, 2012 7:34 am
by Jac3510
Let me also add that if you don't get a specifically theological degree, you can still get a degree that will directly help you in ministry. For instance, if you like teaching, you could get a history degree and teach HS history while you do advanced theological studies and look for a ministerial position. Or if you like languages, you could study linguistics (which can be profitable). If you think you want to be a pastor, then a business degree wouldn't hurt, because like it or not, the church has to operate as a business (for most of us, that falls in the "or not" category . . . ick). A marketing degree would be VERY useful if you want to start your own ministry and need to know how to get your name out there (speaking from experience here -- thankfully, my wife has a degree in . . . MARKETING!). Again, depending on where you go to school, if you take this route, you can always take some electives in theology so that you don't feel like you aren't getting no kind of theological education.

Lastly, whatever you do, I would STRONGLY advise you to take at least Greek (Koine) in your undergraduate program. Hebrew, too, if you can manage it, but definitely Greek. You can take that from almost any good university.

Again, I hope this is helpful :D

Re: What can I expect as a job if I got a Theology Degree?

Posted: Fri Aug 03, 2012 7:45 am
by B. W.
Re: What can I expect as a job if I got a Theology Degree?

One minister mentioned to me - a headache and board meetings... :lol:

Sorry Dallas, just had to toss that one in!

On to a more serious note:

What do you think God has called you too and do?

Re: What can I expect as a job if I got a Theology Degree?

Posted: Fri Aug 03, 2012 9:29 pm
by cheezerrox
I just want to say thank you for your advice, as I feel I've been called into the ministry as well. Your information and suggestions have been really helpful to me, and I hope they've been helpful to Dallas too.

Re: What can I expect as a job if I got a Theology Degree?

Posted: Wed Aug 15, 2012 2:19 am
by 1stjohn0666
Depends on how far you went with it. Other classes are taken along the ride. I have a bachelors in religion (kind of the history stuff) I will some day have a Ph.D in theology and may teach at a university, Pastor, debate, author books, ministries of so many kinds. I am the worship coordinator at my church. Outreach programs, drug and alcohol counselor on the christian end. I will tell you this, a person with a lot of schooling has a much better chance at employment regardless of the degree required. A theological background really sets a moral perspective. I have a few other degrees all of which I do not utilize anymore.