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Tithing without spouse's permission????

Posted: Tue Jul 31, 2012 7:35 pm
by rockstarmom
Although I was raised Christian, I am a recent born again Christian. I have been married to a wonderful person for years, but my faith has grown stronger while his has faded. I want to tithe, but he does not believe in giving money to organized religion and says I should give it to general charities instead. In the bible it says I am to obey my husband, but it also says tithe. If I tithe he will be upset and I will be disobeying him and possible the bible...if I don't tithe I feel as though I am cheating my God, who has blessed me, and again disobeying the bible. What should I do?

Thank you in advance for any help you provide.

God Bless

Re: Tithing without spouse's permission????

Posted: Tue Jul 31, 2012 8:00 pm
by RickD
Hi, rockstarmom.
This may help:

If you have a charity that you trust, then you are still giving in the proper spirit, IMO. I can certainly understand your husband's reluctance to give to organized religion, with all the garbage that goes on. It seems many churches are fleecing the flock.
Quick story: I went to a church where my Bro in law was being ordained. It wasn't his church, just where the ceremony was being held. As We drove up, I noticed that it was a huge church. That sets off warning bells right away with me. We got inside the church, and weren't sure where to go. A teenage boy, maybe 16ish was greeting people as they came in. He came over and handed me a piece of paper. I thought, great, a program so I can see what's going on. WRONG! It was an envelope, for offerings. My first time in this church, and I was greeted with an envelope to give. Unfortunately, I can see your husband's POV, when it comes to this particular issue.

Re: Tithing without spouse's permission????

Posted: Tue Jul 31, 2012 8:13 pm
by Ivellious
I'm not a Christian, but I know plenty of Christians who don't give to their church, instead choosing to give to the Red Cross, the Salvation Army, or other charities. Many smaller, local churches could certainly use the money, but even then it's all to common for churches to misuse money and as Rick said, larger churches are often a sign of a church not having its priorities in order.

If you don't want to give to a church or religious group, there are loads of other places to give money to that can do as much (if not more) good for those in need. I can't imagine that God or the Bible would prefer that you give to one charity or another, so long as the end result is helping others and the gesture of charity is in good faith.

Re: Tithing without spouse's permission????

Posted: Tue Jul 31, 2012 8:26 pm
by neo-x
I don't tithe but I give money to the needy people. just look around you, you will find someone who needs better clothing. Perhaps someone who you can help with medicine billing, I do it and there are tons of people around to help. You can for instance help someone go through school with money and other expenses. You can help a widow or orphans. There are many way to help out yourself. I am not against tithe, you should give it but give it to a church who helps others, who helps the needy and the poor and not just make bigger building and extra benches to accommodate new people all the time.

Re: Tithing without spouse's permission????

Posted: Thu Nov 01, 2012 11:56 pm
by zacchaeus
God has called us to be a cheerful giver... IMO for what its worth you should want to give, its not your money anyways its God, all things belong to Him under heaven how gracious is He to allow you to work for a living and provide for your family, the least we could do is give what isn't ares to begin with, our first and our best, we.should want to give... Out of love, it boils down to obedience and ultimately trust. It's the house of the Lord, how glad was I when they said let us go in. Suppose we chose to just quit paying rent for our home,note also God gave us that too... But let's give our rent to say a charity, maybe it will pay someone else's rent, however what suppose Ye will happen to your home,or gathering place- exactly. How selfish of us... Think about this, if you still have a church that your able to come and go a building to attend to weekly, that had water and electricity, bet your bottom dollar somebody somewhere is tithing, may be out the pastors on pocket... But those here who said, well I don't tithe we know then its not you. I heard a saying once, if you just tithe and never make an offering you've never given anything to God. Our tithe is sort of like our rent for earth... How awesome. If our hand is closed in a fist then not only can God not take anything out He can't put anything in... If its open, not only can He take out but He can put in more... He will always provide and always give you what you need if you allow Him... Finances is the easy thing you've already gave Him your life that was the hard part,now sumbit, be faithful, obedient, and grow in Christ!!! If you don't trust the church,your church at that and God with your money then why do you go to that church if you came trust God, the headship, nor the body members??? Just my two (ten) cents lol, prayer always helps.peace,joy,love

Re: Tithing without spouse's permission????

Posted: Thu Nov 01, 2012 11:56 pm
by zacchaeus
God has called us to be a cheerful giver... IMO for what its worth you should want to give, its not your money anyways its God, all things belong to Him under heaven how gracious is He to allow you to work for a living and provide for your family, the least we could do is give what isn't ares to begin with, our first and our best, we.should want to give... Out of love, it boils down to obedience and ultimately trust. It's the house of the Lord, how glad was I when they said let us go in. Suppose we chose to just quit paying rent for our home,note also God gave us that too... But let's give our rent to say a charity, maybe it will pay someone else's rent, however what suppose Ye will happen to your home,or gathering place- exactly. How selfish of us... Think about this, if you still have a church that your able to come and go a building to attend to weekly, that had water and electricity, bet your bottom dollar somebody somewhere is tithing, may be out the pastors on pocket... But those here who said, well I don't tithe we know then its not you. I heard a saying once, if you just tithe and never make an offering you've never given anything to God. Our tithe is sort of like our rent for earth... How awesome. If our hand is closed in a fist then not only can God not take anything out He can't put anything in... If its open, not only can He take out but He can put in more... He will always provide and always give you what you need if you allow Him... Finances is the easy thing you've already gave Him your life that was the hard part,now sumbit, be faithful, obedient, and grow in Christ!!! If you don't trust the church,your church at that and God with your money then why do you go to that church if you came trust God, the headship, nor the body members??? Just my two (ten) cents lol, prayer always helps.peace,joy,love

Re: Tithing without spouse's permission????

Posted: Fri Nov 02, 2012 5:45 am
by Byblos
rockstarmom wrote:Hi!
Although I was raised Christian, I am a recent born again Christian. I have been married to a wonderful person for years, but my faith has grown stronger while his has faded. I want to tithe, but he does not believe in giving money to organized religion and says I should give it to general charities instead. In the bible it says I am to obey my husband, but it also says tithe. If I tithe he will be upset and I will be disobeying him and possible the bible...if I don't tithe I feel as though I am cheating my God, who has blessed me, and again disobeying the bible. What should I do?

Thank you in advance for any help you provide.

God Bless
I say keep the peace in your home and discuss with your husband to see if both of you can agree on a list of non-religiously affiliated charities you can donate to. There are many.

Here are a few:

- St. Jude (I know they're named after a saint but still, their work speaks for itself)
- American Cancer Society
- American Diabetes Association
- Make-A-Wish Foundation
- Red Cross
- Salvation Army
- and many more