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Rationality, Reality and Truth

Posted: Thu Aug 16, 2012 6:19 pm
by Noah1201
While I always understood the concept of morality being relative on atheism, for some reason, I have a difficult time grasping how 'rationality, reality and truth' are also relative, and how adding god into the equation solves the problem. Can someone clarify?

Re: Rationality, Reality and Truth

Posted: Fri Aug 17, 2012 7:53 am
by jlay
Let me as you this.
Supposing there are no people on the earth, is this statement true.
"There are no people on the earth."

Re: Rationality, Reality and Truth

Posted: Fri Aug 17, 2012 11:42 am
by Noah1201

Of course, I'm sure you will tell how I have no basis to think for some reason, but as of now, I'm not sure why.

Feel free to link me to some articles/sites that explain this.

EDIT: Why do so many apologists, like WLC for example, focus so much only on morality? Is morality somehow different than these other concepts?

Re: Rationality, Reality and Truth

Posted: Fri Aug 17, 2012 1:07 pm
by jlay

Your statement, "I don't see how adding God....." only shows you have a presupposition clouding your view. You assume you are right, that God is a concept that is added. Yet, the reality, is you can't account for questioning reality apart from God. The laws of logic you use exist independent of man, and that was the point of my example. Which of course you admitted when you answered, "yes." Account for logic (immaterial laws) in a material universe and then we can talk. It's not that you have no basis to think, you just fail to acknowledge what ground you are standing on to do so.

Re: Rationality, Reality and Truth

Posted: Thu Aug 23, 2012 3:08 pm
by domokunrox
Its actually pretty easy.

Assuming that all physical objects simply existed forever without an author or came into existence for no reason at all (this depends entirely on your view of mathematics and time theory).

What would be objective rationality?
What would be an objective view of reality?
What would be an objective view of what corresponds to the facts?

We're going to have to ask why we should believe your axioms to be true. In otherwords, you're going to need to defend your presuppositions.