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Super computer "recreates" universe events from big bang

Posted: Wed Sep 12, 2012 12:38 am
by cubeus19 ... 51580.html

To me this sounds somewhat like Richard Dawkins's weasel program. Thoughts?

Re: Super computer "recreates" universe events from big bang

Posted: Wed Sep 12, 2012 1:23 am
by Danieltwotwenty
You got me intrigued, i read on wiki about this dawkins weazel program and was confused by it, mainly because the computer required prior knowledge of the phase to be able to complete it. Now tell me how does DNA know what it's target is, how does the program know what the target phrase is in the experiment, it knows because an intelligent agent told it i.e. humans. Without knowledge of the target phrase the computer would never reach it's target before the universe died.
We again use our computer monkey, but with a crucial difference in its program. It again begins by choosing a random sequence of 28 letters, just as before ... it duplicates it repeatedly, but with a certain chance of random error – 'mutation' – in the copying. The computer examines the mutant nonsense phrases, the 'progeny' of the original phrase, and chooses the one which, however slightly, most resembles the target phrase, METHINKS IT IS LIKE A WEASEL.
The same goes for this big bang experiment, it relies on human data input that may or may not be correct.


Re: Super computer "recreates" universe events from big bang

Posted: Wed Sep 12, 2012 5:30 am
by PaulSacramento
All this proves is that the universe can come from "nothing" only by being guided to "come from nothing".

Re: Super computer "recreates" universe events from big bang

Posted: Wed Sep 12, 2012 3:40 pm
by KBCid
PaulSacramento wrote:All this proves is that the universe can come from "nothing" only by being guided to "come from nothing".
The law of conservation of energy - This states that energy can be neither created nor destroyed... Unless you really, really believe it can.

Re: Super computer "recreates" universe events from big bang

Posted: Thu Sep 13, 2012 5:41 am
by PaulSacramento
KBCid wrote:
PaulSacramento wrote:All this proves is that the universe can come from "nothing" only by being guided to "come from nothing".
The law of conservation of energy - This states that energy can be neither created nor destroyed... Unless you really, really believe it can.
The law is based on our observed universe as it is RIGHT now, it doesn't apply to what it MAY have been before the start of the big bang.
IF energy is "all there is" and has "always been", then it means that the big bang was energy that has always existed that simply "expanded" for unknown reasons.

Its hard to think of energy as being ever present and then, suddenly, changing/expanding with no outside influence, I think that was why the BB was received with such "doubts" by the scientists of the time, like Einstein, and why, to this day, there are many looking to find an alternative to the BB.

Re: Super computer "recreates" universe events from big bang

Posted: Thu Sep 13, 2012 8:36 am
by bippy123
PaulSacramento wrote:All this proves is that the universe can come from "nothing" only by being guided to "come from nothing".
Paul as William Lane Craig said the word nothing here means nothing physically, not non-being.
Remember that God spoke the universe into existence, and his words are his thoughts. Thoughts might be immaterial but they aren't non-being.

Re: Super computer "recreates" universe events from big bang

Posted: Thu Sep 13, 2012 8:43 am
by PaulSacramento
bippy123 wrote:
PaulSacramento wrote:All this proves is that the universe can come from "nothing" only by being guided to "come from nothing".
Paul as William Lane Craig said the word nothing here means nothing physically, not non-being.
Remember that God spoke the universe into existence, and his words are his thoughts. Thoughts might be immaterial but they aren't non-being.
Sure, but that is beyond the realm of science.
Science can't or at least shouldn't comment on things that are outside its "expertise", ie: what can be observed.
If the big bang can be re-created in a laboratory under controlled conditions by an external influence( Man), then all that proves is that the big ban could have happened due to "outside influence".
The only way that the big bang could have happened "by itself" is if, somehow, in nature, something never before in existence, comes to be, without ANY cause and pertaining elements that had never existed until that very moment in time.

Re: Super computer "recreates" universe events from big bang

Posted: Thu Sep 13, 2012 3:28 pm
by KBCid
PaulSacramento wrote:All this proves is that the universe can come from "nothing" only by being guided to "come from nothing".
KBCid wrote: The law of conservation of energy - This states that energy can be neither created nor destroyed... Unless you really, really believe it can.
PaulSacramento wrote:The law is based on our observed universe as it is RIGHT now, it doesn't apply to what it MAY have been before the start of the big bang.
How do you know what ocurred prior to designed formations of matter? I could just as easily infer that there were nothing but pink and purple pixies that explode on contact into matter and energy.
PaulSacramento wrote:IF energy is "all there is" and has "always been", then it means that the big bang was energy that has always existed that simply "expanded" for unknown reasons. Its hard to think of energy as being ever present and then, suddenly, changing/expanding with no outside influence, I think that was why the BB was received with such "doubts" by the scientists of the time, like Einstein, and why, to this day, there are many looking to find an alternative to the BB.
Of course the bottom line question will always end with "what caused anything to occur" which has led science to hypothesize strings and branes and the multiverse and the underverse and dimensional folding and many many things that are far beyond the ability to test and in many cases beyond comprehension. The only fact that can really be ascertain is that energy is observed to be in a state that is extremely far from equilibrium in the observable universe and if everything continues under the laws of physics as they are currently everything will eventually end in heat death or maximum entropy. So the logical state of the universe prior to its becoming far from equilibrium would be maximum equilibrium and then a bunch of pixies came along and messed up all that serenity. ;)

Re: Super computer "recreates" universe events from big bang

Posted: Mon Sep 17, 2012 2:53 pm
by Rockliffe
PaulSacramento wrote:
bippy123 wrote:
PaulSacramento wrote:All this proves is that the universe can come from "nothing" only by being guided to "come from nothing".

If the big bang can be re-created in a laboratory under controlled conditions by an external influence( Man),
Then man is God? :)

Re: Super computer "recreates" universe events from big bang

Posted: Tue Sep 18, 2012 5:39 am
by PaulSacramento
Rockliffe wrote:
PaulSacramento wrote:
bippy123 wrote:
PaulSacramento wrote:All this proves is that the universe can come from "nothing" only by being guided to "come from nothing".

If the big bang can be re-created in a laboratory under controlled conditions by an external influence( Man),
Then man is God? :)
Indeed, LOL !

Re: Super computer "recreates" universe events from big bang

Posted: Fri Sep 21, 2012 2:38 pm
by BryanH
All this proves is that the universe can come from "nothing" only by being guided to "come from nothing".
"Nothing" is an abstract concept and it is also arbitrary. You can't find "nothing" somewhere. There is always something there. Even in the vacuum of space, we arbitrarely say that there is "nothing" there, but the truth is that there is something there.