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Imperfect God and Benefits

Posted: Thu Sep 13, 2012 7:12 am
by Stygian
A discussion in my philosophy class led to the point of godly perfection, and where worshipping God is beneficial to him.

My question is, does worshipping God benefit him (makes him happy, and he's unhappy when one doesn't worship him)? And if he can be benefitted by us, does that make him imperfect? Why or why not?

Re: Imperfect God and Benefits

Posted: Thu Sep 13, 2012 7:26 am
by PaulSacramento
I think that God is happy when we worship him because in doing so, we are doing soemthing of great benefit to ourselves.
By worship I don't mean getting on our knees and praying and singing or whatever ritualistic thing you prefer, but living FOR God.
And what I mean by that is being in God image, being loving, caring compassionate, stewards of creation, taking care of one another, that is true worship of God.

Re: Imperfect God and Benefits

Posted: Thu Sep 13, 2012 7:58 am
by Stygian
The big thing confusing me is, if God can be benefitted by us (for doing good for ourselves as you put it), is He not quite as perfect as most say He is?

Re: Imperfect God and Benefits

Posted: Thu Sep 13, 2012 8:04 am
by PaulSacramento
Stygian wrote:The big thing confusing me is, if God can be benefitted by us (for doing good for ourselves as you put it), is He not quite as perfect as most say He is?
I am not sure that God is "benefited" by our worship of Him and nowhere does it state that God needs us to worship Him, that our worship "sustains" or make Him "better".
As a Triune God, He is a perfect relational being, "needing" nothing outside His perfect union.

Re: Imperfect God and Benefits

Posted: Sat Nov 24, 2012 12:29 am
by jurek
The term “to benefit” sounds like taken from the commercial or business domain. It seems that Jesus displayed his displeasure with this type of thinking (see His reaction to the money-changers).

We would be much better off not interpreting relation to/with God in the commercial context. When we apply commercial thinking, we would finish up quarreling about the salvation by works (in a sense of gathering some merit so that God is due to give you something so that you have almost formal right to some “benefits”) extreme of which may be Purgatory or other devices reducing grace to the commercial deals between the “equals.” This is because in order to have a meaningful commercial transaction you need to recognize the basic equality of relationship between those transacting, at least in the context of this transaction. Do you think we are in any way “equal” with God as grace and love is concerned? Is there anything you can offer to God which was not offered first to you?

From the above perspectives it seems that the term "benefit" simply does not apply to the interaction between God and its creature. I understand your intention, I just propose that the specific term you used does not quite apply here. Cheers

Re: Imperfect God and Benefits

Posted: Wed Nov 28, 2012 4:32 pm
by Alpha~Omega
Benefited? No

Before we were here God was in perfect communion with himself and can continue to do so without our worship.

Joyous is a better way of putting it.

He is joyous that we have turned from our ways and turned to Christ in order to serve him. Much like how we have the joy of salvation within us id reckon.