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Seeking Guidance - Please Help

Posted: Tue Sep 25, 2012 7:24 am
by TruthSeeker919
Hello - I am a 38 year old man, married, and have two sons (4 and 1). I have always dipped a toe into Christianity, but have never been fully willing to believe in the Bible, God, and Jesus Christ as the only true path to heaven. In fact, even if I made it, for some reason I'm still uncomfortable about how I will exist in heaven. All of my life, I have been very terrified of the prospect of no afterlife. The prospect that this life is it. When you die, it's just like going to sleep but you never wake up. I'm terrified of that. To no longer exist, and ESPECIALLY, to know at some point my loved ones will no longer exist, is the highest level of anxiety I've ever had. The thought of my sons one day ceasing to exist makes my stomach turn. Last week, for some reason, it just hit me with great power how precious this time we have here is. I'm not sure what clicked in me. But as I looked at my sons and my wife, all I could think was that I've wasted too much time not seeking the truth. That every ounce of me should be poured into both generating love and seeking the truth.

To all of you out there, I seek your help. I want to believe. I want to sit back, weigh all of the evidence for and against God, and in particular, Christianity, and say "I believe - I believe Jesus is our savior and I accept him as such." And then I want to live my life in pursuit of goodness and the love of God. I want my children and wife to follow my path, so that one day I can stand beside them in Heaven.

I cannot shake this level of anxiety I'm currently feeling. But I do think this level of anxiety has let me know that it is finally the time to start my journey in the pursuit of truth. I am a man of science. My background is engineering, so as I read more and more about scientists "solving" the universe, it scares me. It scares me because I'm petrified that scientists will will find irrefutible proof that the universe is simply a natural occurence of things. That no deity created it. To me, living this life with no hope for anything beyond it, is such a bleak, hollow existence, that I don't see a point. But I also don't want to delude myself for the sake of comfort - "opiate for the masses" so to speak.

Now, I hope this is not just onset of a mid-life crisis or me spinning into depression. I've let my wife know how I'm feeling and she is encouraging me to seek guidance from those in the church. That is something I'm seriously considering. However, in my own personal research, I have stumbled accross this website and found it very interesting. And by this message, I'm asking for all of you who are gracious enough to read this lengthy post, can you offer me some encouragement why you believe God exists and why Christianity is the true path? I really need someone to provde a compelling argument as to why Christianity is the one true religion human beings should follow. The doubt that I feel comprises aspects of science (age of universe, dinosaurs, evolution, etc.), existence of other religions (Islam, denominations, etc.), and lack of physical evidence.

I am in crisis. I ask that if any of you have anyting to say regarding my position in life right now, I would greatly appreciate it. Thanks to any of you willing to respond.

Re: Seeking Guidance - Please Help

Posted: Tue Sep 25, 2012 10:14 am
by bippy123
Ok first let me see if I can help take some of that anxiety off as far as there being an afterlife .
Here is the most medically verified near death experience which happened to a lady named Pam Reynolds.

Please go through this video.

Then read through this



The Minimal Facts Approach:
Dr. Gary Habermas is able to argue persuasively for the real, historical death and bodily resurrection of Jesus of Nazareth using only those facts that 95% of critics concede. In other words, using the facts about Jesus that virtually all scholars agree upon, Dr. Habermas is able to establish the historical reality of the resurrection. Listen to this brief audio description to learn more.
PART I [MP3 file]

Habermas was an unbeliever who was 2 weeks away from converting to buddhism and started his conversion to Christianity when he decided to do his phd thesis on the resurrection of Jesus Christ. The data was so overwhelmingly in favor of the resurrection that he went with the evidence and started to believe, and later accepted Christ as his Lord and Savior.
I love reading anything from Habermas because he presents his material in a way that even a layman like me could understand , and hes so down to earth. When you are done with Habermas's stuff you will see that there is a wealth of evidence not only for Christianity but for the resurrection.

If you ever need to talk you can shoot me a pm anytime.
Putting you in my prayers

Re: Seeking Guidance - Please Help

Posted: Tue Sep 25, 2012 10:20 am
by TruthSeeker919
Thank you for your response. I greatly appreciate it! I will keep you in mind as I continue my journey. Thank you for putting me in your prayers!

Re: Seeking Guidance - Please Help

Posted: Tue Sep 25, 2012 10:24 am
by bippy123
Now, I hope this is not just onset of a mid-life crisis or me spinning into depression. I've let my wife know how I'm feeling and she is encouraging me to seek guidance from those in the church. That is something I'm seriously considering. However, in my own personal research, I have stumbled accross this website and found it very interesting. And by this message, I'm asking for all of you who are gracious enough to read this lengthy post, can you offer me some encouragement why you believe God exists and why Christianity is the true path? I really need someone to provde a compelling argument as to why Christianity is the one true religion human beings should follow. The doubt that I feel comprises aspects of science (age of universe, dinosaurs, evolution, etc.), existence of other religions (Islam, denominations, etc.), and lack of physical evidence.

As Far as the age of the universe, this can be a stumbling block to anyone raised as a young earth creationist or someone that believes that the bible somehow says the age of the earth is young, but this also shows why reading Genesis in english only without the original hebrew and aramaic can cause some confusion.

For instance the word used for day in the genesis creation scripture can mean literal day or time period.
The link below will explain it alot better.

Hugh Ross is one of my favorites as far as understanding that science and faith actually coming together in harmony instead of being in conflict as some atheist scientists would have you believe.


Oh I almost forget that you said you are an engineer.
You should read KBCID's posts on Biology of life and 3D spatial positioning here: ... =6&t=37648

KBC is also an engineer so I think you 2 will have alot to talk about in this area

Another fascinating subject is the shroud of turin ... ?f=6&t=225

Re: Seeking Guidance - Please Help

Posted: Tue Sep 25, 2012 11:22 am
by Katabole
Hello Truthseeker

Reading through the Gospel accounts I believe you can come to a realization as to who Christ is from what others who are mentioned in the New Testament say about Him:

Who is Christ?

"King of the Jews" (wise men from the east, Matt 2:2).

"Son of God" (demons, Matt 8:29).

"A blasphemer (certain Scribes, Matt 9:3).

"Son of David" (two blind men, Matt 9:27) (a woman of Canaan, Matt 15:22).

"The carpenter's son" (His fellow countrymen, Matt. 13:55).

"John the Baptist" (Herod and others, Matt 14:2; 16:14).

"The Son of God" (they that were in the ship, Matt 14:33).

"Elijah" (some people, Matt 16:14).

"Jeremiah" (others, Matt 16:14).

"One of the prophets" (some men, Matt 16:14).

"The Christ, the Son of the living God" (Peter, Matt 16:16).

"The Christ, the Son of God" (Martha, John 11:27).

"Good Master" (a certain ruler, Matt 19:16).

"The prophet of Nazareth" (the multitude, Matt 21:11).

"The carpenter, son of Mary" (many hearing Him, Mark 6:3).

"Thy salvation ... a light ... the glory" (Simeon, Luke 2:30, 32).

"Joseph's son" (all in the Nazareth synagogue, Luke 4:22).

"A great prophet" (all witnessing the raising of the widow's son, Luke 7:16).

"A righteous man" (the Roman centurion, Luke 23:47).

"A prophet mighty in deed and word" (the two going to Emmaus, Luke 24:19).

"The Lamb of God" (John the Baptist, John 1:29).

"The Messiah" (Andrew, John 1:41).

"The Son of God ... the King of Israel" (Nathanael, John 1:49).

"A teacher come from God" (Nicodemus, John 3:2).

"A prophet" (a woman of Samaria, John 4:19).

"Jesus the son of Joseph" (some Jews, John 6:42).

"A Samaritan... and having a demon" (The Jews, John 8:48).

"A prophet" (the man who was born blind, John 9:17).

"The King of Israel" (much people, John 12:13).

"The Son of God" (John the Baptist, John 1:34)

"Truly this was the Son of God" (a centurion, Matt 27:54)

"Jesus Christ is the Son of God" (an Ethiopian eunuch, Acts 8:37)

"Lord" (Paul the apostle, Acts 9:5)

"That deceiver" (the chief priests and Pharisees, Matt 27:63)

"My beloved Son" (God the Father, Matt 17:5).

Bip already mentioned Hugh Ross who is a great Christian writer and apologist. My favorite is Professor John Lennox. I humbly suggest to read all his books. Another is Ravi Zacharias and I highly recommend his book, 'Can Man Live Without God?' As for more in-depth philosophy, read Alvin Plantinga esp.'Where the Conflict Really Lies: Science, Religion, and Naturalism', and any books by Dr.William Lane Craig. The writings of these Christians should help you immensely with science and philosophy in your search for truth.

Hope that helps.

Re: Seeking Guidance - Please Help

Posted: Tue Sep 25, 2012 3:52 pm
by bippy123
TruthSeeker919 wrote:Thank you for your response. I greatly appreciate it! I will keep you in mind as I continue my journey. Thank you for putting me in your prayers!
Your very welcome my friend. I truely believe that the holy spirit is knocking at your door and one day you will looking back at this as the beginning of your journey to Christ. You have an important asset that God has given you, and that is an open heart to seek him, and Christ promises that whoever seeks will find:)
God bless you my friend

Re: Seeking Guidance - Please Help

Posted: Fri Sep 28, 2012 12:56 pm
by 1over137
Hello truth seeker. I would gladly interact with you. But for the starter: I have PhD from theoretical physics. Now am C++ developer now in one company. Am passionate about science. There is a verse in the Bible saying that it is glory of God to conceal a matter and a glory of kings to search that out. It is amazing that I just recently prepared notes on why I believe, so here it is:
Why I believe:
- I always was amazed by laws in theoretical physics and started to question: “Where are the physics laws from? Were they always here? How probable is it?” It seems to me that they were established by one Great Mathematician/Physicist.
- When I observe real Christians and compare to nonbelieving people I see no cynism.
- When I read Bible I see lot of wisdom there.
- I think God healed me from depression. He also gave my feeling that I never again fall into depression. I also stopped to have fear whether I will be a good mother.
- I see that greatest Christians were/are very wise people.
- But most important is that I feel God’s presence. Those feelings are feelings I never felt before.

That was for starter my friend. Feel free to ask me anything. Looking forward to interaction with you. :)

Re: Seeking Guidance - Please Help

Posted: Fri Sep 28, 2012 1:11 pm
by jlay
To all of you out there, I seek your help. I want to believe. I want to sit back, weigh all of the evidence for and against God, and in particular, Christianity, and say "I believe - I believe Jesus is our savior and I accept him as such." And then I want to live my life in pursuit of goodness and the love of God. I want my children and wife to follow my path, so that one day I can stand beside them in Heaven.
Evidential claims may lead you to where you need to be. I hope they answer some questions. But they will never tell you why you need to believe on Christ as savior.
It seems that your soul already sees what is evident to so many. That life really does have meaning. That it isn't merely an accident of nature. "Only a fool says in his heart, there is no God."
Yes, you need to believe on Him as savior. But, this means you need saving from something. What are your thoughts on this?

Re: Seeking Guidance - Please Help

Posted: Fri Sep 28, 2012 10:46 pm
by bippy123
Hello again Truthseeker, Here is another website I have visited often. Its also by an engineer named Perry Marshall, so you 2 will have lots in common You can interact with him on his blog

He also went on one of the largest atheists forums online and none of them can put a dent in his theory of information

Re: Seeking Guidance - Please Help

Posted: Mon Oct 01, 2012 4:12 am
by bippy123
Hey my friend, here is a very good philosophical paper on why God has to exist as the first uncaused necessary being.
In my prayers :)

Re: Seeking Guidance - Please Help

Posted: Mon Oct 01, 2012 4:26 am
by 1over137
Hey bippy, you gave our friend too much material to study - he may not return so soon ... :ewink:

Re: Seeking Guidance - Please Help

Posted: Mon Oct 01, 2012 4:48 am
by 1over137

Re: Seeking Guidance - Please Help

Posted: Mon Oct 01, 2012 10:46 am
by bippy123
1over137 wrote:Hey bippy, you gave our friend too much material to study - he may not return so soon ... :ewink:
I sure hope he does return 1over137 :)
I remember having this kind of conversation with a good friend and he knew just wrapped a plastic bag over my mouth which lightened the mood hehe lol.
I just see all people as my brothers and sisters and want them to experience the Joy of Christ, sometimes (actually many times lol) I tend to go a bit overboard ;)
Hope truth seeker is still around

Re: Seeking Guidance - Please Help

Posted: Mon Oct 01, 2012 12:41 pm
by TruthSeeker919
I am not going anywhere. I am very grateful for all the information. I am trying to follow my heart through this process. I appreciate the attention you are giving my struggle. It has been a difficult couple of weeks for me, but I feel that I am traveling down a path that needs to be traversed! Thank you again. I will study all of the information you have given.

Re: Seeking Guidance - Please Help

Posted: Mon Oct 01, 2012 9:49 pm
by bippy123
TruthSeeker919 wrote:I am not going anywhere. I am very grateful for all the information. I am trying to follow my heart through this process. I appreciate the attention you are giving my struggle. It has been a difficult couple of weeks for me, but I feel that I am traveling down a path that needs to be traversed! Thank you again. I will study all of the information you have given.
Your very welcome my friend. We all have u in our prayers :) :amen: