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HELLoween... stupid!!!

Posted: Sun Oct 28, 2012 6:47 pm
by zacchaeus
Call me a hater, old-fashion if you want... But not Luke warm. Am I the only one that HATES Halloween??? occultism and Christianity don't mix, thoughts?

Re: HELLoween... stupid!!!

Posted: Sun Oct 28, 2012 6:54 pm
by Ivellious
So I suppose you also don't believe in having Christmas trees or the Easter bunny, right? Those are certainly more closely related to pagan traditions than Christian ones.

I mean, Halloween is a fun holiday for children's entertainment. You can choose to hate it if you want, I guess, but of all the types of things to hate, this seems about as harmless of a thing to hate as you can find.

Re: HELLoween... stupid!!!

Posted: Sun Oct 28, 2012 7:09 pm
by zacchaeus
Indeed most Christian do find it harmless, job well done Satan, Satan did his job then preying on our children!!!

My kids and I hate Satan Claus, hate the goddess of fertility, and we hate helloween, as for us and my house we serve the Lord- only!!!

Re: HELLoween... stupid!!!

Posted: Sun Oct 28, 2012 7:21 pm
by Ivellious
so you honestly believe that everything on Earth not directly related to Jesus is automatically satanic? I feel really bad for you, but that's your prerogative. From my perspective, all that you are doing is instilling a fear in your children that the world and practically everyone in it is just trying to harm them, which isn't true at all. It's really not that different than people who don't believe in doctors, medicine, or science in general. I find those people absurd.

Why is halloween evil? Santa Claus? I've never heard of anyone finding anything but a night of fun and candy on halloween. No one worships Santa Claus as a false idol.

Re: HELLoween... stupid!!!

Posted: Sun Oct 28, 2012 7:31 pm
by zacchaeus
You like putting words in peoples mouths huh? Let me ask you what Christian about these things, since unbelievers participate in every one?

A nice lady at dinner asked me tonight did I already have my kids costumes picked out, I said well we don't celebrate that... I know she was thinking why, my response would of been probably same reason you never go to church!!!

I thought about dressing up as a fornicator and a luster so one night a year I could go to the strip club for a little fun... Then I realized how dumb, much like I did helloween- how stupid. To each their own!!!

Re: HELLoween... stupid!!!

Posted: Sun Oct 28, 2012 7:39 pm
by Ivellious
Unbelievers go to church too, so should you stop going to church as well? Unbelievers go to the same jobs that Christians do, so should Christians stop working? Heck, unbelievers even get married and have families! Should Christians stop such things because non-Christians do so as well? The idea that "if a non-Christian does it, it must be un-Christian" is flawed at every level.

Re: HELLoween... stupid!!!

Posted: Sun Oct 28, 2012 7:46 pm
by zacchaeus
No argument cause I agree... God also called us to wisdom, let's not be dummys!!! I like your examples, so where you may go to a church ran by unbelievers where believers sometime visit, I go to church ran by believers where unbelievers visit lol... That's our difference.

Let me ask how you feel about me or any Christian working at a strip-club,hay naked girls need witnessing to too, less you believe some of the dancers are already saved, must be right?

Re: HELLoween... stupid!!!

Posted: Sun Oct 28, 2012 7:57 pm
by Ivellious
See, that's a very interesting example. You seem so quick to judge everyone's actions that aren't as "pure" as your own, yet in the process all you are doing is expressing views of conceit and intolerance. It's sad that you and your children are believers in the church of "everyone but us is a satanist that we should look down upon and laugh at their misfortune." It is so un-Christ-like to start putting down anyone who has ever been in a strip club, when Jesus himself was the one to spend time in that environment and chastised those who only mocked, ridiculed, and judged the women in those lines of work.

So I guess all I can say is that while you are entirely allowed to have such distasteful opinions of other people (without even knowing me or the churches I've been in, by the way), I think you should seriously re-evaluate your attitude toward other people. You aren't doing anyone any favors by spouting hate left and right.

Re: HELLoween... stupid!!!

Posted: Sun Oct 28, 2012 8:00 pm
by zacchaeus
God would be upset with our pagan worship, or idols, thing is its just a day, we should be witnessing everyday, since it falls on wed we should be in church same if it fell on sun i would expect us to be in church

Clearly halloween is nothing like resurrection sunday???

The today Christian stands for nothing, but tolerates everything... WE are weak, influenced, and luke warm!!!

We have differ convictions, Crazy adults dress up, cults throw parties, murder rates sky rocket, and everything happens at DARK... at some point as christians a red flag should go off or up or make us wonder and question the reason behind it... whats the sole purpose in doing it at all to begin with? cause its fun? i can get fun elsewhere... those that love the dark hate the light, those that love the world and things in it dont love the Father... its really more about Jesus, loving Him more, less of us, and ultimately sacrifice... offering ourselves as living sacrifices, part of that is giving up somethings we dont want to, and since its to hard for us to give up its so much easier to justify. I could dress my son as a muderer rapist, and he is so small and 4, we could and would say awe thats cute, he thinks he scary, yet we both know both murder and rape is scary and serious!!! At the end of the day we just have to be as Christ like as we can and know how to be...

Mixing Christianity with paganism is part of the doctrine of the nicolations Jesus condemned in revelation, What a deadly cocktail. It may taste and look purtie,, but it is still poison.

The nicolations heresy was basically the construction of a hierarchy of rulers over God's heritage people , That taught them to compromise the pure faith with paganism. Sound familiar???

Bottom line... i got better things to do then trick or treeting, dont waist time with things that waist your time when real people are dieing and going to hell, if you want to go on mission do it... ill preach the word on the street in my dirt suit!!!

Re: HELLoween... stupid!!!

Posted: Sun Oct 28, 2012 8:05 pm
by zacchaeus
No hate all love... You dont know me either!!! Never condemned anyone who ever been in or visited a strip-club, your a context jumper!!! Read my question... I speak from and on experience, I was a nightly attender... If judging by fruit I'd say nobody there was saved if they thought they were I would question it- you bet you!!

Re: HELLoween... stupid!!!

Posted: Sun Oct 28, 2012 8:05 pm
by Ivellious
Alright, I see now that it is pointless to argue further. You despise tolerance, apparently, which is frankly the only thing that I think can bring the world together. Jesus would be so proud of you for putting down tolerance so much. Tolerance is not a sign of weakness, it is a sign of strength. It's easy to do as you do, and just say everything you disagree with is evil. It's not easy at all to actually take a step back and accept other people for who they are, and to avoid looking down at others for their differences.

Re: HELLoween... stupid!!!

Posted: Sun Oct 28, 2012 8:16 pm
by zacchaeus
In your ignorance ill forgive you... Here me out pharisee, obe one- you think we should sin cause grace abounds? Was Jesus tolerant? Really, so He told the whore to go find another man to sleep with, its okay? Oh wait... He said something like go and SIN NO MORE!!!

Do I think your unsaved or going to hell because one worships helloween, on the contrary... One has no need nor reason or desire to do so unless he is about His Fathers business!!! People are dieing and going to hell but we want to play dress up cause its fun... Man up and get real... Kingdom business is no joke its the real deal and don't need to be taken light of simply cause we live in a disobedient world of a generation of Christians that rather justify than glorify!!! Sorry we don't agree... It's not my place nor position to maKe you agree with me... I can only tell you why I'm convicted and maybe HS will convict you...but if He don't its no fault of His what He convicts in one and not another.

I'm praying for ya...

Re: HELLoween... stupid!!!

Posted: Mon Oct 29, 2012 7:33 am
by PaulSacramento
Pretty much every tradition in Christianity has some sort of Pagan background.
If you don't care for Halloween, great, no one is forcing you to care.
I don't care much for halloween myself but the kids like the dressing up thing (like all kids do) and I like the costume party thing too.
It's fun.
I think that if a person has issues with ANY "special day" or "silly event" that they should indeed NOT participate at all.

Re: HELLoween... stupid!!!

Posted: Mon Oct 29, 2012 10:15 am
by cheezerrox
Gotta agree with Ivel and Paul on this one.
A lot of traditions in the church have some kind of pagan background. The icthus, Christmas, Easter, etc. You can either take them for what they are, and use them for something good, or reject them. But it's ridiculous to think that because these things have pagan backgrounds means that the people who have the Jesus fish on their cars, or celebrate Halloween and Easter, are somehow "worship[ing] helloween" or anything like that. Instead of condemning people who involve themselves in these kinds of things, if you're really so convinced it's harmful and satanic, how about you try to show people that in a loving way? I don't doubt you're sincere or that you love G-d, but this kind of attitude doesn't help the Gospel.

Isaiah 65:2, 5

"I have spread out My hands all day long to a rebellious people,
Who walk in the way which is not good, following their own thoughts,
...Who say, 'Keep to yourself, do not come near me,
For I am holier than you!'
These are smoke in My nostrils,
A fire that burns all the day."

Re: HELLoween... stupid!!!

Posted: Mon Oct 29, 2012 11:19 am
by PaulSacramento
One could argue that, in taking a pagan tradition and "christianizing" it is a good thing.
Taking the "demonic" aspect out of Halloween and making it about dressing up, candy, kids having fun and all around silliness is basically removing any pagan and/or satanic influence from it.
And there is NOTHING "satanic" about good Old "kris Kringle" and " christmas trees".