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Need your prayer!

Posted: Sun Dec 02, 2012 7:37 am
by Sam1995
Hi friends!

Being at school still, I'm studuying A levels at the moment, so a lot of my time during the week has been taken up by working towards them and making notes and things like that. Because of this, I grow tired very easily, and making time for God and then also actually having a desire to study His word sometimes feels like more of a burden than a window of opportunity for God to reveal Himself to me.

Although it may seem trivial compared to many of the other prayer requests which are brought here, if you could please pray that God would still infuse a desire to study His word and spend time with Him, even after a long and difficult enough day, that would be absolutely great!

Thanks guys, keep shining for His glory!


Re: Need your prayer!

Posted: Sun Dec 02, 2012 8:06 am
Hi my Friend,
God is with you at all times, we both know this. There will never be more in a day you cannot handle as God comforts us with this saying.
Stay in faith in all you do and all will be fine. Your request for a prayer is meant well. Stay with God and you will stay strong.
TGGIL-The Greatest Gift Is Love.

Re: Need your prayer!

Posted: Mon Dec 03, 2012 6:18 am
by GreyDeSilvisanctis
Friend, I pray for you.
Indeed, we must note as the Masters of old have said that it is in the subtle that the greatest suffering ever comes. This is no trivial matter to pray for, Sam. We have similar problems. I'm sure every other Christian I know has this problem too and it is very dangerous if not the most. Raising this concern is a good sign.
You are not alone. Stand firm in God and I am sure that you will overcome the obstacles you are facing. You are blessed, friend. :esmile:

~Grey :sleep:

Re: Need your prayer!

Posted: Mon Dec 03, 2012 6:49 am
by PaulSacramento
Time is finite and so is our ability to learn, we just get tired and we sometimes just don't want to do anything.
This is normal.
Don't feel bad about it, just realize that Christ IS our rest.
There are times when we read and study the word and other times when we find comfort in the word.
You need to find that happy balance.
Ask the Lord and He will guide you :)

Re: Need your prayer!

Posted: Mon Dec 03, 2012 9:55 am
by Byblos
Also keep in mind that having a close relationship with God doesn't necessarily entail studying his Word every chance you get. I'm not suggesting that you stop, far from it. What I am suggesting is that you try different approaches to communicating with Him, including frequent prayers, an act of random kindness, an appreciation for what we have (rather than the usual: God please I need [whatever]). For me personally I find that quiet reflections in nature bring me much closer to God than I do in church (and I'm Catholic, you know what I'm sayin' :wink: ).