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Stupid/embarrassing things you've done

Posted: Mon Dec 03, 2012 11:29 am
by RickD
Ok, I have a story to share with you all. The names have been deleted to protect the idiot who wrote the story. :oops:

We recently bought a new vehicle that my wife uses. Brand spanking new 2012 model. We've had it for 2 months, and I've only driven it a couple of times. It comes with a push button starter on the dash which works as long as the remote is in the vehicle. There is no key to turn that turns the engine on and off. Just put a foot on the brake pedal, and push the start/stop button. Pretty simple right?
So, on to the story...
We decided to take a day trip to Magic Kingdom, and I was in the drivers seat. We arrived in the parking lot at around 9:20 AM. The lot was getting busy, as the park just opened at 9 AM. So anyways, we got out of the car, and had all of our stuff for the day. I took out the remote and pressed the lock button, and we rushed off to catch a trolley ride.

Fast forward to around 8 PM when we were leaving...
We were walking towards the car, and I pushed the unlock button on the car. My son was the first one there, and then my wife. When I got to the car, my wife and son looked at me funny, and that"s when I noticed the car was running.(And no, there is no remote start on the vehicle).

After standing there dumfounded with my wife fuming :crazymad:, I realized I never pushed the button to turn the car off. y#-o y#-o It was running for 11 hours while we were in Magic Kingdom. :bag:

So,that was the stupidest thing I've done in a while. Does anyone have any stupid/embarrassing stories to tell?

Re: Stupid/embarrassing things you've done

Posted: Mon Dec 03, 2012 12:39 pm
by Byblos
My wife did the exact same thing not too long ago Rick, except she left the car running, UNLOCKED, in the middle of a busy main avenue in Brooklyn. Amazingly, after several hours of shopping, the car was still there. No wonder NYC is the safest big city in the country. :D

As for me, in the days of not-so-precise GPS systems, on a trip to NJ GPS tells me to make a right NOW and I did. Except it was a one way street, I'm going the wrong way, and just my luck who do you think is staring at me through his Raybans? Why of course a police officer in his cruiser. He was nice enough to let me off with a warning (after shaking his head several times :shakehead: ).

Re: Stupid/embarrassing things you've done

Posted: Mon Dec 03, 2012 1:32 pm
by jlay
What is really bad is that the manufacturer didn't build in an auto shut off. Having 17+ years in the auto industry, I can tell you that the car detects whether the key is in the car or not. It should have a set time limit that the car will idle without the remote key in the car.

Re: Stupid/embarrassing things you've done

Posted: Mon Dec 03, 2012 2:19 pm
by RickD
Byblos wrote:
My wife did the exact same thing not too long ago Rick, except she left the car running, UNLOCKED, in the middle of a busy main avenue in Brooklyn. Amazingly, after several hours of shopping, the car was still there. No wonder NYC is the safest big city in the country.
I bet, since New Yorkers are so nice, that while your wife was shopping, someone took her car, washed it, had the oil changed, and returned it to where she left it. :lol:
jlay wrote:
What is really bad is that the manufacturer didn't build in an auto shut off. Having 17+ years in the auto industry, I can tell you that the car detects whether the key is in the car or not. It should have a set time limit that the car will idle without the remote key in the car.
So it's a manufacturer defect! That's it! My wife will have to forgive me now. y#-o

Re: Stupid/embarrassing things you've done

Posted: Mon Dec 03, 2012 6:00 pm
by Furstentum Liechtenstein
Here is something really stupid:

I flew a rented Cessna to a small airport in order to impress a pretty girl I had a fancy for. I met het, we took off and I showed her the family farm where she lived from the air. Then we landed, said our goodbyes, and on the way to my plane, I picked up a newspaper. I put the newspaper down on top of the plane's wing to open the door, got in, put my Ran Bans on, waved at the pretty girl looking admiringly at me...and I cranked the engine. Immediately, the newspaper I had forgotten on the wing blew all over the airport, with pages and pages hitting people walking on the tarmac, hitting the terminal building...

I wanted to die right then and there...

FL :oops:

Re: Stupid/embarrassing things you've done

Posted: Mon Dec 03, 2012 7:40 pm
by RickD

I can picture you now...turning beet red and yelling "MAIR-duuuhhhh!" :pound:

Re: Stupid/embarrassing things you've done

Posted: Mon Dec 03, 2012 9:10 pm
by Kenzel
I backed up into another car literally right after I got my driver's license from the post office :pound:

Re: Stupid/embarrassing things you've done

Posted: Mon Dec 03, 2012 9:50 pm
by Danieltwotwenty
Growing up in a small town, everyone knew my motorbike which sometimes can be an unfortunate thing.

I didn't get my car licence until I was 22, so I rode everywhere and went through a lot of tyres in that process.

The first time I had to buy a new tyre was about 6 months after getting my probationary plates, I went to the service shop and Got them to fit a new tyre for me on the front wheel.

The next day I picked up my bike and since it was sunny decided to go for a ride, I came up to the first roundabout in the main street of where I lived and because there was people everywhere that I knew I decided to take the roundabout at speed ( which would have been about 15km/h fully leant over as it was a tight right hand turn.), I leaned the bike into the corner and out came my front tyre from underneath me, as my bike hit the deck I sort of just stood up and did a little jog until I steadied myself. Everyone in the main street was watching, some of them my closest friends. :bag: Boy did I hear about it for the next few years.

What they failed to tell me when I picked up my bike was that when the tyre is made it will have a residue of silicon on the tyre from the mould, and that you should wear it in slowly getting a bit further down in the corners each day until the layer has worn off, then you can go for it.

Every other tyre I have bought since I have been reminded by the shop assistant about this, just a pity they didn't tell me the first time.


Re: Stupid/embarrassing things you've done

Posted: Mon Dec 03, 2012 10:11 pm
by neo-x
Well, I'm sort of a thinking person and at times this can get you to do pretty stupid things.

So I get this bicycle of mine and I went off to get something from the general store. I parked the bike outside, went in to get the things I was told to buy. Came out eating a Mars bar, and walked home, thinking about big questions of life. Eight hours later I figured the bike was missing, by the time I realized and went back, well you can guess, someone else had taken it for a ride and is still to return...that was 8 years ago.

My family still gets a good laugh over it. And they proudly tell it to my in-laws as well, they think its cute. :shakehead:

Re: Stupid/embarrassing things you've done

Posted: Mon Dec 03, 2012 11:04 pm
by B. W.
Never eat a plate of baked beans before you preach... :nono:

Re: Stupid/embarrassing things you've done

Posted: Tue Dec 04, 2012 5:32 am
by Sam1995
Last year in school, badly needed to use the throne.
So I ran around the place and the three main toilets were all locked.
I eventually found a restroom, so I sprinted in and quickly did what I had to do.
Little did I realize, it was the femal staff toilets and the head of the school drama department walked in.
Needless to say, she got a slight shock as I left the bathroom. I've never been able to look her in the eye since! :oops:

SB :oops: y3:-O

Re: Stupid/embarrassing things you've done

Posted: Tue Dec 04, 2012 6:04 am
by Byblos
B. W. wrote:Never eat a plate of baked beans before you preach... :nono:
Are you tooting your own horn Bryan? :swoot: :swoot:

Re: Stupid/embarrassing things you've done

Posted: Tue Dec 04, 2012 6:29 am
by RickD
B. W. wrote:Never eat a plate of baked beans before you preach... :nono:
B. W., would that be what you call "A Journey to Hell and Back"? :esurprised:

Re: Stupid/embarrassing things you've done

Posted: Tue Dec 04, 2012 8:55 am
by B. W.
Byblos wrote:
B. W. wrote:Never eat a plate of baked beans before you preach... :nono:
Are you tooting your own horn Bryan? :swoot: :swoot:
RickD wrote:B. W., would that be what you call "A Journey to Hell and Back"? :esurprised:
Err uhh Probably the most legitimate case of Holy Laughter ensued after the little girl cried out while pointing, "Mommy! he tooted!!... y:D

Re: Stupid/embarrassing things you've done

Posted: Sat Dec 08, 2012 9:33 pm
by Gman
I never changed the oil in my car... Just kept feeding it oil... Til one day... The engine seized up. :doh: