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Is this what it's like to experience God?

Posted: Sat Dec 08, 2012 11:47 pm
by agnosticfornow
In my early teens I discovered the ability to access what I call my "place of inner peace". It's difficult to describe in words how it feels. I don't meditate, I'm not in any high or low emotional state, I'm not smoking anything funny ;), I just sit quietly for a few moments and I'm "there". I feel the presence of the universe, and that I am intimately connected to everything around me. I feel filled with an overwhelming sense of love for everything around me. I feel a singular sense of contentment, that I could die at that moment and be at completely peace with it. I feel everything just is and everything is how it's supposed to be. The feeling is similar to being "present" but like being "present" on steroids :D

What do you feel when you experience God? I'm curious as to whether there are any similarities and/or differences to what I feel.

Re: Is this what it's like to experience God?

Posted: Sun Dec 09, 2012 12:11 am
by Danieltwotwenty
agnosticfornow wrote:In my early teens I discovered the ability to access what I call my "place of inner peace". It's difficult to describe in words how it feels. I don't meditate, I'm not in any high or low emotional state, I'm not smoking anything funny ;), I just sit quietly for a few moments and I'm "there". I feel the presence of the universe, and that I am intimately connected to everything around me. I feel filled with an overwhelming sense of love for everything around me. I feel a singular sense of contentment, that I could die at that moment and be at completely peace with it. I feel everything just is and everything is how it's supposed to be. The feeling is similar to being "present" but like being "present" on steroids :D

What do you feel when you experience God? I'm curious as to whether there are any similarities and/or differences to what I feel.

You have described what I feel, I also get this feeling of being loved, a love so strong, powerful and unconditional, like radient light, it makes me feel warm and safe and everything becomes ok no matter how bad things may seem.

Other times when I may have done something which wasn't quite right, I will get a sterner feeling, like a teacher, kind but stern, and a thought might pop into my head about how to rectify the situation, sometimes I listen and respond, other times my pride gets in the way.

I have learnt with age to listen closely to this voice, sometimes I still get it wrong and continue to disobey, but I am getting better.

The more we communicate with God the easier it seems to get, sounds to me like you are already starting to develope a personal relationship with God.

Think about this verse, although it seems you are already doing it. Psalm 46:10 This version is a little different but I like "Be still and know that I am God".

I tell you what, I am glad you are here, you are a genuine seeker after truth, you are one of a handful of people (non believers) on this board with an open heart, it is a refreshing change from a lot of the hateful, ignorant posts we get here.

Your journey is only beginning and with what I have seen of you so far it is very encouraging, you are helping me keep my faith in humanity. :ebiggrin:


Re: Is this what it's like to experience God?

Posted: Sun Dec 09, 2012 1:28 am
by 1over137
What I feel?

Some months ago I felt what I had never before felt. It was like being flooded with great love. Also I felt what to do. (I believe God wanted me to go on some conference and I went.)

There is also another thing I feel when thinking about something deep, about God. I regularly have goose bumps.

Re: Is this what it's like to experience God?

Posted: Sun Dec 09, 2012 3:17 am
by Sam1995
A supernatural experience with God is a funny one to describe, because it feels similar to being extremely happy, peaceful, loved, accepted, compassionate and every other positive human emotion rolled into one big experience but it feels so unique and perfect. Experiencing God is an absolutely beautiful experience, and I'd love every person on this planet to experience His love in one way or another, because He is longing to show it to you.


Re: Is this what it's like to experience God?

Posted: Mon Dec 10, 2012 7:57 am
by jlay
The apostle John experienced God, and even as a beleiver, he fell down as if dead.
You guys are telling someone who is an agnostic, that these mystic feelings are the same thing you are experiencing. Does anyone else see a problem here?

The experience of God's peace is through faith. "Be anxious for nothing, but in everything, through prayer and petition, present your request to God and the peace of God, which surpasses all understanding will guard your heart and mind in Chirst Jesus."
This is a peace which guards and protects us, and that doesn't necessarily denote feelings.
Our feelings can and often do come out of something real we are experiencing. Whether that experience is God or not is a good question to examine.
But, I assure you that "experiencing" God can happen even when our feelings aren't sharing in it. And things we "feel" do not necessarily mean that it is God. We are to TEST the spirits.

Re: Is this what it's like to experience God?

Posted: Tue Dec 11, 2012 1:45 pm
by bippy123
jlay wrote:The apostle John experienced God, and even as a beleiver, he fell down as if dead.
You guys are telling someone who is an agnostic, that these mystic feelings are the same thing you are experiencing. Does anyone else see a problem here?

The experience of God's peace is through faith. "Be anxious for nothing, but in everything, through prayer and petition, present your request to God and the peace of God, which surpasses all understanding will guard your heart and mind in Chirst Jesus."
This is a peace which guards and protects us, and that doesn't necessarily denote feelings.
Our feelings can and often do come out of something real we are experiencing. Whether that experience is God or not is a good question to examine.
But, I assure you that "experiencing" God can happen even when our feelings aren't sharing in it. And things we "feel" do not necessarily mean that it is God. We are to TEST the spirits.

Great Post Jlay, I agree totally. By testing these spirits I assume you mean test them according to the tenents of Christianity right?

Re: Is this what it's like to experience God?

Posted: Tue Dec 11, 2012 1:52 pm
by PaulSacramento
There is experiencing God's Love and then there is being in the presence of God.
Lets not confuse the two.
It is certainly not for anyone to evaluate a "charismatic" experience, that is between the believer and God.
We are however, warned to TEST the spirits like jlay wrote and even more so when we feel compelled to do something that may seem a bit "off".
Voices should not be heard since there is only ONE voice and that voice is Christ.

Re: Is this what it's like to experience God?

Posted: Wed Dec 12, 2012 4:36 pm
by agnosticfornow
Thank you Dan, 1over137 and SB for sharing your experiences. And thank you Dan for your encouragement.

PaulSacramento - how do you distinguish between experiencing God's Love and experiencing the presence of God? What different feelings if any have you felt between these experiences?

Re: Is this what it's like to experience God?

Posted: Thu Dec 13, 2012 6:53 am
by PaulSacramento
agnosticfornow wrote:Thank you Dan, 1over137 and SB for sharing your experiences. And thank you Dan for your encouragement.

PaulSacramento - how do you distinguish between experiencing God's Love and experiencing the presence of God? What different feelings if any have you felt between these experiences?
Experiencing God's love is a feeling.
Being in God's presence is a vision, one that will MARK you forever.