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Shame on Al Gore

Posted: Fri Jan 04, 2013 5:43 pm
by Furstentum Liechtenstein
Ah....Americans kicking themselves in the teeth:

Al Gore has just sold CurrentTV to Al-jazeera thereby affording the Qatar (and Islamist) broadcaster a foothold in the US market. (CurrentTV has 40 million viewers.) Al-jazeera is anti-American, anti-west and anti-Israel. Al-jazeera speaks with forked tongue, saying nice things in English and speaking hate in Arabic.

Hey...can somebody re-arrange the US flag with a crescent moon & star instead of those pesky 50 stars?

FL :crying:

Re: Shame on Al Gore

Posted: Sat Jan 05, 2013 9:11 am
by Stygian
How is ant-American, anti-west, and anti-Israel any worse than being blindy pro-American, pro-west, and pro-Israel? I've viewed Al-Jazeera as a more reliable source, but its often hated by most Westerners, which I attribute to its perspective being so contradictory to what views they usually hold. Say what you want about their 'Opinion Pieces,' but their reporting is more matter-of-fact, and not to mention, not nearly as bogged down by schlock as American media is. According to Western media, these are all totally headline-worthy: ... 57515.html , ... creek.html , ... er-2012125 , ... ggage.html

Re: Shame on Al Gore

Posted: Sat Jan 05, 2013 12:12 pm
by Furstentum Liechtenstein
Stygian wrote:How is anti-American, anti-west, and anti-Israel any worse than being blindy pro-American, pro-west, and pro-Israel?
A bizarre question. Did you think it through before posting? Your word ''blindly'', above, seems to be there only to disparage the pro-American/West/Israel viewpoint. Do you really think most people who are pro-American/West/Israel are unthinking?
Stygian wrote:I've viewed Al-jazeera as a more reliable source, but its often hated by most Westerners, which I attribute to its perspective being so contradictory to what views they usually hold.
In its English broadcasting, Al-jazeera seems fair & balanced. You have to consider this:
Furstentum Liechtenstein wrote:Al-jazeera speaks with forked tongue, saying nice things in English and speaking hate in Arabic.
Here is a website which exposes the double-speak of the Palestinian & Arab media:

Western media has its own problems and I wasn't comparing them to Al-jazeera, so I don't understand your tit-for-tat response.

Do you understand the implications of the sale of CurrentTV to an Islamist broadcaster?

FL y~o)

Re: Shame on Al Gore

Posted: Sat Jan 05, 2013 2:45 pm
by Canuckster1127
More xenophobia.

Re: Shame on Al Gore

Posted: Sat Jan 05, 2013 9:44 pm
by Stygian
Furstentum Liechtenstein wrote:A bizarre question. Did you think it through before posting? Your word ''blindly'', above, seems to be there only to disparage the pro-American/West/Israel viewpoint. Do you really think most people who are pro-American/West/Israel are unthinking?
A lot of the media is pro-America, as in, agreeing with governmental decisions... blindly. By blindly, I mean taking pro-American news as it is, without thinking there's more to it. It's safe to say a great many Americans do exactly that.

Al-Jazeera isn't some satanic think-tank and I find it hard to believe anybody could seriously disregard all that they say SIMPLY because they're anti-Israel, anti-West, and anti-America. And this 'speaking hate' is not only unfounded, but simply ridiculous! You have provided no basis. All shows is "messed up things happen here too!" I already knew that. In fact, it happens in America all the time, but you know... people like to maintain the illusion of "good-guy Christian America would never do as much bad as those silly Muslims!"

You seem like the type of person who holds their own beliefs, and shoot down anything that contradicts those as "hate speech." Let's face it; people have darn good reasons to be anti-West these days. It's all a matter of perspective, and Al-Jazeera offers a new perspective. One you're not used to, and therefore, one you don't seem to be able to objectively examine. Give me an example of this "speaking hate in Arabic." It could be just 'one side of the story' syndrome, but that's just it! I go there for the other side of the story. However, I don't think you like hearing the other side of the story based on your unfounded slander.

I used that 'tit-for-tat' response to illustrate why I look elsewhere for news, and Al-Jazeera is one of the places I've considered. Heck, this particular Middle-Eastern broadcaster (:lol: at your use of 'Islamist') might actually improve CurrentTV!

But really... prove your position if you REALLY think AL-Jazeera is the organized incarnated body of freakin' Osama bin Laden. I can't find it in any stretch of common sense to think that the sale of CurrentTV is a significant enough development to lead to "a crescent moon & star" on the flag. You seem to be a strong proponent of what many call 'nationalism.' I hope you know that's an even more twisted idea than an arabic news group buying Al Gore'shonestly mediocre program.

Re: Shame on Al Gore

Posted: Sun Jan 06, 2013 11:27 am
by Furstentum Liechtenstein
Canuckster1127 wrote:More xenophobia.
My wife and I are white and we adopted a Peruvian boy (when he was 5 years old) who is of Inca descent: short & stocky, almond-shapped eyes and dark-skinned. He married a Laotian girl. Our whole family is multi-ethnic, so your accusation of xenophobia is based on ignorance and prejudice...but I forgive you!
Stygian wrote: You seem like the type of person who holds their own beliefs, and shoot down anything that contradicts those as "hate speech."
Same as above for you.

Now... if anybody has anything intelligent to say about an Islamist network geting a foothold in US media, go for it. Otherwise, forever hold your peace.

FL y~o)

Re: Shame on Al Gore

Posted: Sun Jan 06, 2013 12:26 pm
by Stygian
Furstentum Liechtenstein wrote: Now... if anybody has anything intelligent to say about an Islamist network geting a foothold in US media, go for it. Otherwise, forever hold your peace.
I don't see what you're saying as hate speech. Only unfounded, which is it... very. You provided absolutely no basis for your alarmist nonsense, which I asked for. Your only rebuttal is "YOU DO THE SAME THING!" (paraphrasing). I love how you ignore absolutely everything I say, in favor of saying nobody has said anything intelligent. To which I say, "You first!"

Face it. Nothing you've said helps anybody believe you're not just on some xenophobic rant. You sound like one of those fools who kept saying "If the Germans win, we'll all be speaking German!" Stop pretending you're 'the smart one' in this conversation. I've said my piece, and you've ignored it, passing it off as ignorant and giving no reason as to why it was so. You are EXACTLY one of those people who hold their beliefs and accept absolutely no information from other perspectives. The least you could do is stop proving me right in that suspicion.

And what you're doing isn't exactly xenophobia, but bigotry. I'd like it if you not only cut that out, but also your unwarranted condescending attitude. They're not getting you anywhere. I eagerly await your reply: "Well, whatever! You're stupid. Can someone else say something smart before I reply to them seriously, and by smart, I mean something I agree with?"

Re: Shame on Al Gore

Posted: Sun Jan 06, 2013 12:26 pm
by Canuckster1127
Some of my best friends are ......

Re: Shame on Al Gore

Posted: Sun Jan 06, 2013 2:49 pm
by Gman
Furstentum Liechtenstein wrote:Ah....Americans kicking themselves in the teeth:

Al Gore has just sold CurrentTV to Al-jazeera thereby affording the Qatar (and Islamist) broadcaster a foothold in the US market. (CurrentTV has 40 million viewers.) Al-jazeera is anti-American, anti-west and anti-Israel. Al-jazeera speaks with forked tongue, saying nice things in English and speaking hate in Arabic.

Hey...can somebody re-arrange the US flag with a crescent moon & star instead of those pesky 50 stars?

FL :crying:
Exactly... As we can clearly see Al Gore is NOT a true liberal... He would rather support this OIL LOVING station... He has failed on numerous occasions... His "so called" intellectual properties and status must be revoked. Also noticed that he did this before the end of the tax year.

Re: Shame on Al Gore

Posted: Sun Jan 06, 2013 4:00 pm
by Furstentum Liechtenstein
Thank you, Gman.

Here is an article about Al Gore's sale of CurrentTV to an Islamist network:

FL y~o)

Re: Shame on Al Gore

Posted: Sun Jan 06, 2013 6:19 pm
by Stygian
For those that don't want to read the article, a summary:

Al-Jazeera is biased, and being "Anti-West" means you're a terrorist. And not a source was cited that day.

Doesn't surprise me the Gatestone Institute is a self-proclaimed pro-militarism think-tank, either. Al-Jazeera may be biased... but so is every news organization ever.

Re: Shame on Al Gore

Posted: Sun Jan 06, 2013 6:42 pm
by Furstentum Liechtenstein
Stygian wrote:
For those that don't want to read the article, a summary:

Al-Jazeera is biased, and being "Anti-West" means you're a terrorist. And not a source was cited that day.

Doesn't surprise me the Gatestone Institute is a self-proclaimed pro-militarism think-tank, either. Al-Jazeera may be biased... but so is every news organization ever.
What is it about this subject that angers you so much?

FL y~o)

Re: Shame on Al Gore

Posted: Sun Jan 06, 2013 6:46 pm
by Gman
Stygian wrote:
For those that don't want to read the article, a summary:

Al-Jazeera is biased, and being "Anti-West" means you're a terrorist. And not a source was cited that day.

Doesn't surprise me the Gatestone Institute is a self-proclaimed pro-militarism think-tank, either. Al-Jazeera may be biased... but so is every news organization ever.
Al-Jazeera is nothing more than a feeble attempt to get people to try think that the teachings of the Koran are peaceful.. Anyone with a little knowledge knows that sharia law is highly oppressive to woman, takes away peoples voting rights, anti-democratic, and seeks to setup a theocracy under Muslim rule.. We haven't forgot 911.. We aren't going to just sit blindly and hug everyone that seeks to destroy the United States or Canada or Israel for that matter.

Re: Shame on Al Gore

Posted: Sun Jan 06, 2013 7:41 pm
by Stygian
Furstentum Liechtenstein wrote:What is it about this subject that angers you so much?
I'm just peeved. What PEEVES me right now is your blatant one-sidedness. I guess you think I'm angry because I don't agree with you, again. Good perception skills.
Gman wrote:Al-Jazeera is nothing more than a feeble attempt to get people to try think that the teachings of the Koran are peaceful.. Anyone with a little knowledge knows that sharia law is highly oppressive to woman, takes away peoples voting rights, anti-democratic, and seeks to setup a theocracy under Muslim rule.. We haven't forgot 911.. We aren't going to just sit blindly and hug everyone that seeks to destroy the United States or Canada or Israel for that matter.
Sounds like groundless alarmism to me.

Re: Shame on Al Gore

Posted: Sun Jan 06, 2013 8:04 pm
by Furstentum Liechtenstein
Stygian wrote:I'm just peeved. What PEEVES me right now is your blatant one-sidedness. I guess you think I'm angry because I don't agree with you, again. Good perception skills.
No...there must be something else. Your reaction is way overboard, far in excess of what would be a reasonable rebuttal to my OP. You seem very emotional. Posting when angry is never a good idea.

How about telling us why you think it is good for Al-jazeera to be the new owner of CurrentTV?

FL y~o)