Has anybody some information that might correct some of the claims made here?
I don't think the person who made this thought bats were birds; they thought the Bible calls them birds mistakenly. Even so, this is a major blunder on their part. Ancient Hebrew didn't possess, for obvious reasons, words representative of modern taxonomy. The Hebrew word translated "bird" is not equivalent to the English word "bird" and includes essentially anything that flies, including insects. It's a very silly mistake that just goes to show how poorly thought out this chart is.domokunrox wrote:I'll let you guys go for it.
I do however want to point out that the person who authored it is quite an imbecile. Bats are not birds. They are in fact the only mammals who have the ability to fly. *shakes head* and they say we don't pay attention in science class...
The Bible doesn't promote evil or contradict itself. If a hasty reading of any verse makes it appear as if the Bible is promoting evil or contradicting itself, you can be sure that the problem comes from an incomplete understanding.MAGSolo wrote:Proverbs 20:30
Blows and wounds scrub away evil, and beatings purge the inmost being.
What does this verse mean?
There is no need to go through each verse the atheist author posted on his table. You - you - would learn far more if you attempted to resolve these apparent discrepancies yourself. For me or for others to solve them for you would be a waste of our time and yours. If you do it yourself, you will learn. If we do it for you, you will remain dependent and refractory.MAGSolo wrote:
Well for the sake of the OP, lets go through each one of these and get to the heart of the matter and determine what was said and what was actually meant.
Stygian can use the same principles I outlined for you in figuring out what the verses in the chart mean. This is pretty basic stuff...it isn't rocket surgery!MAGSolo wrote:My concern was for the original poster stygian who asked if anyone had any information that would correct the claims that were made. So far it doesnt look like you guys have been very helpful to him so i figured by discussing them each individually it would help clear up the issues he is having.
I'm talking about any manner of discipline God may choose to use: it could be illness, injury, bankrupcy, mugging...and whatever else may come a believer's way. (There is a popular secular saying that parallels this idea: Whatever doesn't kill you makes you strong.) A beating is something that hurts you and can appear unfair and illegitimate to the person receiving the beating. Any correction by a father will be seen as hurtful to his child, and the child will probably resent it.MAGSolo wrote:You say that it means that discipline and affliction are some of the tools that God uses to make us fit for service. When you say discipline and affliction, what specifically do you mean as it relates specifically to that verse where it says that beatings purge the inmost person? What manner of discipline are you talking about?
They would understand based on their cultural context.MAGSolo wrote:idk. What would they understand?
I've already explained that. That is the message God is getting accross. Scroll up and read my 2 previous posts on Pr 20:30. Why are you having so much trouble understanding? Is English your mother tongue or is it an alternate language for you? You do not have to agree with everything the Bible says; as an atheist, that is impossible for you. The point here is to understand difficult passages.MAGSolo wrote:Why does the verse say that beating purge the inmost being? Why use the words blows, wounds, and beatings if thats not the message God was actually trying to get across?