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Creation vs. evolution

Posted: Sat Feb 09, 2013 8:12 am
by Celt
Hello lads. Have a loved one who is pretty open minded, but leans toward the evolution side. So i'm looking for a good book that Ko's hard on the creation side vs. evolution. Somethin in laymans terms.
Someone had mentioned 'The Signature of God' - Grant Jeffrey, but i have not read it myself. Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated. Thanks ahead of time friends.

Re: Creation vs. evolution

Posted: Mon Feb 11, 2013 1:41 am
by neo-x
By open minded you mean, he is an open minded atheist, agnostic? or is he a christian who accepts evolution with faith?

If he is the former, I don't think you would change his mind with just a book which favors creationism; if he is the latter, I don't see why would you want to shift him from one view to another, specially when evolution is a fact?

Anyway, I know this does not precisely answer your question but nonetheless, you may clarify a bit and I think you will find members here who can advise books. I happen to accept evolution myself so I am afraid I don't have a book to suggest.

Re: Creation vs. evolution

Posted: Mon Feb 11, 2013 5:26 am
by Celt
Thanks neo. Guess i should have been a bit more clear. I was starting to think i was being shunned. 'She' believes in evolution without God, atheist. Interesting, the evolution and God approach, which is still a new concept to this greenhorn. She, however asks biblical questions often and not in a argumentative way.

Re: Creation vs. evolution

Posted: Mon Feb 11, 2013 5:51 am
by neo-x
Jilay, here is YEC that I know of who disregards evolution as in macro evolution and he may recommend some pro-creationism vs. evolution books. If he missed your post, good chance is to privately message him.

My personal recommendation would be to show her faith as it is, by that I mean, it is not a matter of specific science views such as evolution or non-scientific views such as creationism that ultimately holds the truth of Christianity. The thing is there is ample margin to go with either creationism or evolution, without sacrificing faith. So rather than trying to have her question established science, and introduce her to YEC, which in my personal opinion is more prone to cause people to leave Christian faith rather than embrace it, I would put more emphasis on Christ, christian love and apologetics.

I haven't read "The Signature of God" but from what I have heard it may be "too" much for someone who is unaware of theology. If I were you I'd give here "Mere Christianity" by C.S Lewis for starters.

Re: Creation vs. evolution

Posted: Mon Feb 11, 2013 4:00 pm
by Kurieuo
Celt wrote:Thanks neo. Guess i should have been a bit more clear. I was starting to think i was being shunned. 'She' believes in evolution without God, atheist. Interesting, the evolution and God approach, which is still a new concept to this greenhorn. She, however asks biblical questions often and not in a argumentative way.
Celt, if she is really open -- and not just open to one side -- and wants a good introduction then highly recommend Unlocking the Mystery of Life.

You're in luck as it looks like it can even be found online: -- so you can even give it a going over to see if you feel it'd be relevant.

Re: Creation vs. evolution

Posted: Tue Feb 12, 2013 5:21 am
by Celt
Thanks guys. This is much appreciated.

Re: Creation vs. evolution

Posted: Thu Feb 14, 2013 5:08 pm
by Kurieuo
If she watches it, I'd be interested to know her feedback or reaction if you don't mind sharing.

Re: Creation vs. evolution

Posted: Sat Feb 16, 2013 6:56 am
by Celt
Kurieuo wrote:If she watches it, I'd be interested to know her feedback or reaction if you don't mind sharing.
Dont mind at all. As soon as she lets me know, i will post her reaction, comment(s). Thanks again.

Re: Creation vs. evolution

Posted: Thu Apr 04, 2013 7:13 am
by coronado
Post deleted by moderator. Off topic.

Re: Creation vs. evolution

Posted: Thu Apr 04, 2013 7:25 am
by coronado
Post deleted by moderator. Off topic.

Re: Creation vs. evolution

Posted: Thu Apr 04, 2013 11:45 am
by 1over137

Welcome to the forum.
I hope you had a look at the Board puporse and discussion guidelines here
If you haven't yet, please do so.

Further, this thread is about literature recomendation on creation vs evolution.
You posted your opinions, but more appropriate place for that would be new thread created by you. So, according to your questions, find appropriate forum (like Questions for Christians or this one) and state them.

Function of a moderator is to watch threads and protect them from being derailed.

To all posters: If hot debate starts in this thread I will immediately lock it.

Re: Creation vs. evolution

Posted: Thu Apr 04, 2013 12:13 pm
by RickD
Hana, you were right. I deleted the last 2 posts.

Re: Creation vs. evolution

Posted: Thu Apr 04, 2013 1:06 pm
by coronado
coronado wrote:Post deleted by moderator. Off topic.
i cant understand why my posts were deleted, they were perfectly valid points of view!

Re: Creation vs. evolution

Posted: Thu Apr 04, 2013 1:24 pm
by jlay
neo-x wrote:Jilay, here is YEC that I know of who disregards evolution as in macro evolution and he may recommend some pro-creationism vs. evolution books. If he missed your post, good chance is to privately message him.

My personal recommendation would be to show her faith as it is, by that I mean, it is not a matter of specific science views such as evolution or non-scientific views such as creationism that ultimately holds the truth of Christianity. The thing is there is ample margin to go with either creationism or evolution, without sacrificing faith. So rather than trying to have her question established science, and introduce her to YEC, which in my personal opinion is more prone to cause people to leave Christian faith rather than embrace it, I would put more emphasis on Christ, christian love and apologetics.

I haven't read "The Signature of God" but from what I have heard it may be "too" much for someone who is unaware of theology. If I were you I'd give here "Mere Christianity" by C.S Lewis for starters.
Thanks Neo.
My arguments against Darwinism and macro evolution are less to do with the pro this v. that. In fact, I think both YEC and OEC are actually approaching the text wrong minded. As one who did this for the majority of my Christian life, I am still having to correct my thinking. It presumes that the Genesis creation account should, or must line up with scientific evidence. Or that science must line up with the Genesis account. Perhaps it does, but is that the central focus of the text?

When it comes to the issue you (Celt) are addressing here, I don't really see the point in attacking evolution, especially if they are open minded. I would be more inclined to ask why they think evolution (Darwinism) is the best explanation.
The real thing is to find out their worldview and why they hold it. We all believe in evolution to some degree. And as Neo can tell you, you can hold to macro evolution and still be a believer. If you can convince someone who is a Darwinists that God exists, without picking apart their entire worldview then why bother. If they genuinely place their trust in Christ, then they are just as saved as someone who rejects Darwinism.

Re: Creation vs. evolution

Posted: Thu Apr 04, 2013 1:37 pm
by RickD
coronado wrote:
coronado wrote:Post deleted by moderator. Off topic.
i cant understand why my posts were deleted, they were perfectly valid points of view!
Coronado, if you have a question, or something to discuss, then you can start another thread.