a question about a page on this website
Posted: Tue Feb 26, 2013 10:33 pm
http://www.godandscience.org/apologetic ... .html#fn16
Now there are a lot of things i could say about this page, but there is one comment that i really have to point out
"History records that Nebuchadnezzar took the city but the people escaped out to an island. Later Alexander the Great took the Island off the coast by taking the old cities rubble and throwing it into the sea making a land-bridge (this caused the old city to look flat like a rock due to the scraping of the material). The old city is now a place for fisherman but no city has been planted there even though there is an excellent water supply to support a major city."
Rich Deem
Now that's not true the people did not escape to the island, the island was always the main city, the city on the mainland was essentially a support settlement for the island city and was called Ushu in ancient times
so again could you guys either fix this mistake or tell me how this prophecy was really fulfilled
Now there are a lot of things i could say about this page, but there is one comment that i really have to point out
"History records that Nebuchadnezzar took the city but the people escaped out to an island. Later Alexander the Great took the Island off the coast by taking the old cities rubble and throwing it into the sea making a land-bridge (this caused the old city to look flat like a rock due to the scraping of the material). The old city is now a place for fisherman but no city has been planted there even though there is an excellent water supply to support a major city."
Rich Deem
Now that's not true the people did not escape to the island, the island was always the main city, the city on the mainland was essentially a support settlement for the island city and was called Ushu in ancient times
so again could you guys either fix this mistake or tell me how this prophecy was really fulfilled