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She might be vice-president if she plays dirty enough

Posted: Sun Jun 09, 2013 10:40 pm
by ultimate777
This is from a movie I DVR'd. I am not waiting to see how everything plays out before I write this.

The Vice-President has died. The POTUS has appointed this lady to replace him. She has to be confirmed by Congress which means committee hearings. The chairman of the main committee honestly thinks she is an awful choice.

The lady is pro-choice, the chairman is pro-life. It is expected he will use very intemperate language to try to destroy her chances on that issue. Her staff has found out that the chairman's wife without his knowledge had an abortion 20 years ago. Her staff advises her to hit the chairman with the info if he does what's expected.

Also the chairman objects to her because of this and that she was very likely sexually promiscuous in a big way in college, which she refuses to talk about even though its publicly thought. Her husband seems to be neither suprised or upset except about it being ued against his wife.

The chairman reams her out on these issues on national tv but the lady does not tell about his wife.

Who was most Christian here, why, and does it matter?