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Prayers for my friend's travel and temporary life abroad

Posted: Mon Jul 29, 2013 4:16 am
by domokunrox
Hey everyone, I want to ask you all to pray for my friend Kimberland who is going to be living in Japan for a year under a teaching program. She is going to be in Nagano in a small village of that prefecture. She leaves this Sat.

She is very important and she is one of my youth group kids from several years ago. Unlike many kids who don't stick with God, Kimberland stuck with it despite how hostile the field of psychology is in academics to Christianity. She has often came to me for philosophical and other apologetic advice and help, so this is very much personal for me.

Please pray for her safety and God's continuing guidance. Also, anything else you can think of. Its a tiny town of no more then 3000 people, so I imagine it'll be hard especially since she will be alone.

I appreciate it everyone. Please keep her in prayer all year. I might visit her if i can get a deal on a plane ticket, God willing.

Thanks again!

Re: Prayers for my friend's travel and temporary life abroad

Posted: Tue Jul 30, 2013 8:33 am
by tawny
Prayers sent for Kimberland, that she would be a light in Nagano and that God would touch people's lives through her and draw them to Him through her.

Re: Prayers for my friend's travel and temporary life abroad

Posted: Tue Jul 30, 2013 5:50 pm
by Danieltwotwenty
Hi Dom

I also have a friend Kerry that teaches in Japan (she went near Fukushima after the meltdown at the plant) and as I pray for her I will pray for your friend also.

Peace be with you brother.


Re: Prayers for my friend's travel and temporary life abroad

Posted: Fri Aug 02, 2013 1:05 am
by 1over137
She will be alone there? Was it her choice to go to that small village? Why there?
Prayers for her.

Re: Prayers for my friend's travel and temporary life abroad

Posted: Mon Aug 05, 2013 9:38 am
by domokunrox
Thanks all for the prayers. She arrived safely yesterday late night at local time. Please continue praying for her.
1over137 wrote:She will be alone there? Was it her choice to go to that small village? Why there?
Prayers for her.
Well, alone in the sense that she doesn't have any friends or family there. As far as the small village goes. I'm guessing that it was simply assigned to her. Not much you can do about that, I suppose. The village is mostly elderly people. They don't have a high school equivalent, and usually kids get sent off for that kind of education elsewhere.

Re: Prayers for my friend's travel and temporary life abroad

Posted: Mon Aug 05, 2013 10:14 am
by 1over137
Aha,I see. Assigned under a teaching program.

Re: Prayers for my friend's travel and temporary life abroad

Posted: Thu Dec 19, 2013 2:50 pm
by domokunrox
I just wanted to update you guys on this to thank you all for your prayers and that they have been answered so abundantly.

My friend has adjusted to life there, and has found many local Christian friends both foreigners and natives. She attends church service and the fellowship has been good. She is already considering a 2nd year there.

Please continue prayer for her safety. The winter is pretty harsh where she is. Thanks everyone!