DowTingTom wrote:This is the question that caused me to leave church.
I've never understood why Jesus had to die.
I've been told it was to pay the price for our sin, but I've never understood to whom the price had to be paid.
I've been told it was because God loves us, but I don't see how killing yourself because you've decided you won't forgive people until you do shows love.
If God is God, then he could forgive without doing anything. That would fit better with the description of love in Corinthians. If love doesn't keep a record of wrongs, why are we all damned by what Adam and Eve did?
If God is God, he wouldn't need to pay a price to anyone before he could do something, so why did he decide he'd have to die?
If God died, why was there not carnage on earth as presumably the devil would take over in the absence of God?
Let’s deal with your first question:
I've never understood why Jesus had to die and take it from there first.
What your questions suggest is that you do not understand the Western Churches substitutionary atonement model. This is the dominate model used in the Western Churches used to explain Christ death and resurrection. It is true. It is this view that seems to be causing you confusion. This model is summed up very well in the following article far better than I can go into in a short amount of space. ... o-Die.aspx
Then there is the Eastern Churches concept that expresses what the article mentions as well as points out something often missed in the Western Church regarding why Jesus died often alluded too as the The Christus Victor (CV) model. This model expresses aspects of substitutionary atonement (SA) but with greater emphasis on Christ’s atoning death as God’s victory over sin and death. The Christus Victor model is true.
The Western Church (SA) model resides heavily upon the legal aspects of justice as a lawyer does, whereas, the Eastern Church seeks to look at the whole picture. Both views are correct and provide balance to each other. If not, then one can stay into error concerning the atonement work of Christ such as Universalism (for CV) on one extreme and the other extreme (SA) – a mistaken picture of wrathful Father having his anger appeased by the death of his Son separating the work of the Father from the Son, as if they were in complete competition with each other over competing concerns of justice verses love.
So let us take a moment and look at the crux of the matter that the Eastern Church model stresses and the Western Church knows a little about.
What is that? It is this…
It is we who put Jesus to death, we mocked, beat, scorned, we put him on trial, we sold him for thirty pieces of silver, we bore false witness against him. It is we who walked away from him when he challenges us to follow him alone and not to follow him for what we can get out of him. We shout for the bad to released and admired and the good be put to death. We brought him to authorities to justify and approve these doings and carry them out. We made him carry a heavy cross. We drove the nails into his hands and feet. We spat upon him. We divided his garments looking for goodies and loot.
How so you ask?
Jesus sets forth an answer to this in Matthew 25 by revealing a strong principle –
when you done it to the least these, you done it to me…
So both figuratively and literally what relationships have we wrongly put to death, who have we mocked, scorned, betrayed?
How have we put folks on trial as well as God – demand him to perform or else?
Who have we sold for thirty pieces of silver, a night out, drugs, booze, pride, success at all cost, step on others to climb to the top? Is it our families, friends, loved ones sold and all for what –how has the family suffered from absent parents who sold their relationships for what? Temporal worldly things – prestige, power trips? What have we sold– at what cost?
Whom have we betrayed and who has betrayed us so we can continue spreading betrayal?
How have we bore false witness and lied to get out of a jam? Who have we walked away from because we can no longer get from them what we desire – in other words use people for one’s own gain.
How have we shouted for the bad to be released? Abortion? Redistribution’s theft i.e. fair share? What movies and TV shows do we enjoy to watch that glorify badness as a virtue (lust, greed, vice, etc – what does it teach us, how is it robbing our progeny? So how have we shouted for the badness to be released and demand good to pay?
What heavy crosses do we place others to bear, guilt trips, manipulation, demands, dominance games? Have you ever been bitter, envious, sought revenge, desired to take something away from someone else while justifying your acts in the process?
How have we drove the nails that crucify folks we simply don’t like cause they ain’t like us? Who have we spat upon and shown contempt and justify ourselves for doing so? What have we sought to divide loyalties, seek to gain advantage over – garments taken - looking for goodies and loot? How do we look to the experts to exonerate and approve legally such doings as these?
Jesus said in Matthew 25–
when you done it to the least these, you done it to me…
You see, both SA and CV models exposes why Jesus had to die in the manner he did – to expose what sin in the human heart really is. Jesus became the true sin offering for this purpose. Now that takes a great love to do – to allow yourself to be mocked, beaten, scorned, put wrongly on trial, sold for out for thirty pieces of silver, betrayed, bore false witness against, scourged, a crown of thrones crammed on one’s head, lied about, nailed to a cross, clothes divided…
To show you and I what we are really like towards God, ourselves, and each other, as well as expose how we justify or actions to be this way. To show that he is willing to die so as to avert God’s just wrath takes a greater love, way more than I can fully comprehend.
I don’t think you or I would die such a terrible death as Jesus went through to reveal what sin really is and what it makes us - would we? Please read Matthew chapters 26 and 27 and Luke chapters 22 thru 23 and you’ll get a better picture of how he died and why.
Sin had to be defeated within our lives and Jesus came for that purpose all clearly expressed in Luke 4:18-20 and Isaiah 61:1-11
Good news is this – Jesus lives, he conquered sin and death. He breaks the repeating cycles we feel trapped in. Jesus rose from the dead so we can now rise too. This rising begins by placing simple faith in his deed upon that cross and resurrection, his victory over sin; so that we can now, in this life arise out of the behaviors that trap us to death.
How could you or I become aware of what real sin is without a powerful objective demonstration that transcends time and era? A simple nod and wink could not do this - would it?
Jesus conquered sin and death. He is alive, not dead. Risen and not in a tomb. He seals and delivers on his promises to change us out of darkness into His marvelous light of life and by this living process we daily learn about him increasing in personal knowledge about him from himself.
As a former atheist, I used use a form of the same questions you posed here -
I've never understood why Jesus had to die – to entrap Christians. I would make a case that God was sure a pretty mean umbrae to kill a son to just appease his wrath. Many stumbled at this. Then, later it was revealed to me that the nature of God’s wrath brings to the surface the real person’s sin nature in full fruition exposing what really is on the inside of a person.
What we miss is how sinless Jesus bore God’s wrath in our place so that it exposes who and what we are really like deep inside. And yes, Jesus also took the proverbial bullet for us too. He did appease the anger of God on our behalf and he took our blows too as our substituiontary atonement. Combine that with what I just expounded on and you’ll gain insight into why Jesus died and rose from the dead. And what he desires for you now: John 3:16, 36