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What about vestigiality?How can this be explained?

Posted: Sun Aug 11, 2013 2:34 pm
by Car
I probably have a wisdom tooth growing ,so while I was reading information about I read that it is a vestigial thing ,this is a proof of human evolution,but if God created us then why he gave these traits that they are no longer useful for us?I am just asking here,because there are many questions to ask about God

Re: What about vestigiality?How can this be explained?

Posted: Sun Aug 11, 2013 4:27 pm
by Ivellious
Depends on your perspective. If you believe everything was created as-is just thousands of years ago, then vestigial organs and features in organisms make zero sense. Especially with how numerous examples of vestigial features are, especially in animals.

Of course, if you believe in evolution (which vestigial organs are remnants of, at least using a scientific explanation), then there is no real conflict. In fact, vestigial features are logical within evolutionary theory, even theistic evolution.

Re: What about vestigiality?How can this be explained?

Posted: Sun Aug 11, 2013 5:31 pm
by PeteSinCA
Most/all "vestigial" structures really are not vestigial. They have important functions. Back when the concept of vestigiality was concocted, the structures deemed vestigial simply had functions that were either unknown or considered unimportant. And it was, to some degree, self-perpetuating - what kind of career would one have if the focus of one's work is considered "vestigial" (can you day, "Dead-end job"?)? I think the concept of vestigiality really amounts to a mix of incomplete human knowledge and failure to fully recognize how finely tuned the human body in fact is (as David said in Psalm 139, "fearfully and wonderfully made").