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Erroneous scientific studies: Religious people are less inte

Posted: Wed Aug 14, 2013 8:47 am
by PetriFB
In America Rochester's university has been made scientific studies and analysis led by Professor Miron Zuckerman, which claims that religious people are less intelligent than non-believers. Journal of Personality and Social Psychology Review published a summary for this scientific study. When I researched this study, so on my mind arose many thoughts that prove this scientific study as the provocation of atheism in which they show their contempt to the certain group of the people. On my writing, I also bring out some thoughts about the article of Knoxnews.

The whole article is in my site: ... eists.html

Re: Erroneous scientific studies: Religious people are less

Posted: Wed Aug 14, 2013 10:49 pm
by 1over137
Mmm, believers like Isaac Newton, Blaise Pascal, Marie Curie, Galielo Galieli.... anyway, is the original article somewhere available? I wish to analyze it as well.

Re: Erroneous scientific studies: Religious people are less

Posted: Thu Aug 15, 2013 12:18 am
by Thadeyus
*Pops a post into thread*

Well....I honestly admit that other than mild interest, I don't have a comment to add.

Much cheers to every one.

Re: Erroneous scientific studies: Religious people are less

Posted: Thu Aug 15, 2013 5:14 am
by PetriFB
American Knoxnews media has published an article reporting that the godless people commit less crime, have longer marriages and are more highly educated than almost any other group in America.

Knoxnews media reported that according to Federal Bureau of Prisons' data, the number of responding persons in prison acknowledging they were Catholic was 39 percent; Protestant, 35 percent; Muslim, 7 percent; Jewish, 2 percent; and godless, 0.2 percent (20 percent did not respond).

Knoxnews media reported that since the number of godless is estimated to be 10 percent of the general population, all things being equal, you would expect their prison population to be 10 percent. Knoxnews media continues reporting that fundamentalist Christians have the highest divorce rate, followed by Jews and Baptists.

Konxnews media reports that a review of worldwide studies found that criminality and religion go hand in hand, because countries with the most religious people have the highest crime rates, highest sexually transmitted diseases and the highest teen pregnancy rates.

The article of Knoxnews media is misleading and distorted the things very badly. I bring out by few matters that how the article was erroneous and misleading. I'm a Finnish and live in Finland. Here in Finland the majority of the populations are Lutherans. Majority of Finnish Lutherans doesn't believe on God of the Bible. According to Finnish prison and criminal data, the majority of prisoners are Lutherans. Majority from the Finnish Lutherans don't believe on God or the Bible. It means that large majority Lutherans that are recorded in prison, and criminal data are godless people. In the light of this fact and study here in Finland godless people are doing superior numbers' crimes in Finland.

According to Finnish Lutheran Church's research center about 14-24 years Finnish people only 15 percent believed God of Christianity (number is from year 2011). In the year, 2011 from all Finnish young people and adults 27 percent said that they believed in God of Christianity. According to revised demographics, 77,2 people in Finland belonged to Lutheran Church (31.12.2011).

Based on preceding numbers the biggest part from the members of Finnish Lutheran Church doesn't believe God of the Bible. This means that they are godless people and members of religious institution. Almost 80 percent from Finnish citizens belongs to Lutheran Church, and about 60 percent of them don't believe God of the Bible. Lutheran Church's members about 10 percent is religious people who believe in God, but they don't live according to the teaching of God ( they are not the disciples of the Lord Jesus). From the Finnish Lutheran Church's members, about 10 percent are on living faith to the Lord Jesus.

Because almost 80 percent from Finnish citizens are members of the Lutheran Church, and about 10 percent of them have the living faith on the Lord Jesus, so it means that the biggest part of Finnish people who are recorded in prison, and criminal data are members of Lutheran Church. They are godless people and members of religious institution. This means that they are negative towards God and believing on the Lord Jesus. Actually, they are godless people who are in prison and criminal statistics as members of religious institution. After all the truth is that godless people make the most crimes in Finland.

It is into question the same matter in America, in which the majority of Roman Catholic Church and Protestant churches' members don't believe in the Bible, but are living in sins against the will of God. In this light, the majority of America's criminal data church members are godless people. According to this fact, the article of Knoxnews distorted the truth and the real fact is that also in America godless people commit the most crimes.

In America is plenty of unhealthy and non-biblical Christian sects and cults, in which happens a lot of sexual sins, for example, Catholicism and certain groups, which live against the teaching of the Bible, although they claim that believe in the Bible. For example, about non-biblical sect and cult in America is Branch Davidians religious sect in which the leader David Koreshi abused sexually women of the sect. According to the teaching of the Bible Branch Davidians sect lived in sexual sins and other sins, and this sect has nothing to do with health and genuine Biblical faith.

Atheists always bring out sexual sins and crimes of non-biblical organizations and groups, in which people don't believe in God. These atheists on purpose or without knowledge from the right and wrong faith want to defame and slander people who believe in a right way Biblically on God and the Lord Jesus. In this way, they falsely distort the things as the article of Knoxnews did. According to the testimony of the Bible religiousness is godless. Atheists and religious people are in the same train traveling on their lives in the condition of godless people, because they don't believe the only Almight God, God of the Bible. Religious belief and Biblical faith on the Lord Jesus are totally two different things.

People who are in the right and Biblical faith on the Lord Jesus make least crimes, because the right and Biblical faith is a such in which he tries to live according to the will of God and avoiding sins. The article of Knoxnews was an indication either purposely provocation or ignorance, in which writer of article and researchers don't know the difference between religiousness and the real Biblical faith, because they are totally two different things. According to the teaching of the Bible, religious people are godless who are living in the lies without connection with the God of the Bible, who is the Almighty God. In addition, in this light, it is very clear that religious person in the condition of godless as the slave of sins is making many kinds of crimes and sins.

Re: Erroneous scientific studies: Religious people are less

Posted: Fri Aug 16, 2013 11:36 am
by PetriFB
Research that based on results of ISSP (International Social Survey Programme) ja GESIS:n (Institute for the Social Sciences) have brought out, that Sweden is one the most atheistic country in the world. According to the research also Czech Republic is a very atheistic country. On the research was asked among other things followed questions; I don't believe in God, I don't believe in God and I never have, believing in a Personal God. Results are from the year 2008.

Sweden was at the front in different countries' divorce statistics. In addition, Czech Republic was at the front in that statistics. According to statistics (2000) in Sweden, the divorces' rates compared the world rates was the second most and in Czech Republic the third most when was calculated how many divorces happen per 100 marriages. The rate of Sweden was 53,9 per divorces per 100 marriages, and czech Republic rate was 53,7 divorces per 100 marriages. Finland's rate was 53,2 divorces per 100 marriages.

In the light of preceding statistics' people who have the atheistic world view (don't believe on God) have the most divorce cases. Knoxnews's previously mentioned article of was provocation and purposely distorted, which intention was promoting of atheism.'s rape statistics reported that in the year 2009, rape case in Sweden was the fourth most in the world. In France was done the most rape cases and in Germany, the second most in the world. According to IPPS statistics, France and Germany were at the top from the countries, in which people didn't believe in God. In the light of this results people who have the atheistic world view make the most rape cases.

From these statistics brings out that large amount of godless people lives immorality. Immorality is not an indication about the intelligent, but indications from negative and harmful lifestyle.

In the year 2012, members of Swedish Lutheran Church were 67 percent from the population. About 2 percent from Lutherans in Sweden regularly attended to Sunday meetings. According to research Sweden was one of the most atheistic countries in the world despite it that almost 70 percent of them were members of Lutheran Church. This means that the biggest part from members of Swedish Lutheran Church doesn't believe in God. In the light of all the preceding information majority of Swedish Lutheran Church's members are godless people. Swedish divorce and rape statistics tell the fact that godless people are the most immoral people. We can see also that being a member in religious institution don't mean that they believe in God or the Bible, but the most of them are godless people. My intention is not slander godless people, but bring out the facts that stand behind the statistics.

It is truly clear that people who believe in God of the Bible (believe in the Lord Jesus) live according to very high moral. It is very important to bring out one important thing, which distorts the facts. Pedophilia is disgusting, and evil sin of fornication (sexual sin) and crusades are against God's will. Pedophilia scandals of Roman Catholic Church (RCC) and bloody crusades done by Catholics don't represent the Biblical faith, but devilish behavior of sin and evil deeds. Roman Catholic Church is not the Church of God, but the false imitation from the Church of God.

Many people say that the Christiany has killed millions of people. This claim is incorrect, because Roman catholic Church has killed millions of people. In reality, godless people on disguise of a believer did those horrific killings. Things done by religion don't mean the same thing as the Biblical faith. From this very clear example and indication is evil deeds of Roman Catholic Church. The real Christianity and Roman Catholic Church are totally two different things.

Religious and theological teachings of Roman Catholic Church are against the word of God (Status of Mary and pope, sacrifice of the mass, purgatory, doctrine of indulgences, salvation through water baptism and so on). Wrong teachings, sexual crimes and killings of Roman Catholic Church show that religiousness of Roman Catholic Church is ungodliness, because RCC teaches and lives against the teaching of the Bible.

In the matter of fact religion and religiousness represent ungodliness, because according to the teaching of the Bible believing in God by the Lord Jesus question the faith, not from the religion or religiousness. Because the Bible says that all the gods of the people are idols (religion). This means that religiousness, and religion is a sin against God. In the light of this Biblical fact, all godless people (religious people, atheists and all who don't believe to God of the Bible) commit the most crimes and live most of all immoral life.

Criticism against Christianity that has been given for teachings and evil deeds of Roman Catholic Church has gone to the wrong address, because RCC doesn't represent the real and genuine Biblical faith, but it is false imitation from the genuine Christianity. When the target of criticism is wrong, so that kind of criticism has no value of the truth. If you have criticized from Christianity based on Roman Catholic Church's doctrine and evil deeds, so you have criticized wrong target.

Re: Erroneous scientific studies: Religious people are less

Posted: Fri Aug 16, 2013 11:57 am
by PaulSacramento
The RCC has NOT killed "millions of people".

Re: Erroneous scientific studies: Religious people are less

Posted: Fri Aug 16, 2013 12:00 pm
by PaulSacramento
Since there are more religious people than non-religious,numerically speaking it makes sense that there are more "less intelligent" religious people than there are less intelligent non-religious people.
Here is the view of one out-spoken believer:
Mailvox: superior atheist intelligence
A psychologist writes from Finland:
I enjoyed greatly your book Irrational Atheist and used it in my two books about atheism published here in Finland. Have you noticed the new study the summary of which is below? I have not read the full article, yet, but will do it. This must be great news for those "bright" atheists.
The Finnish PhD is referring to this metastudy, which noted: "A new review of 63 scientific studies stretching back over decades has concluded that religious people are less intelligent than non-believers."
Setting aside my intrinsic skepticism concerning the reliability of metastudies, this finding is nothing new and I have readily conceded that religious individuals are less intelligent than non-believers in general and atheists in particular on average for years. However, what the midwits who get very excited about this statistical fact never seem to keep in mind is that because there are so many more religious people, there are considerably more highly intelligent religious people than there are highly intelligent non-believers.

In fact, the ratio of theists to atheists with Mensa+ level IQs is more than 10 to one. ... ormal.html

Logic dictates that because the vast majority of people are religious, the average religious IQ is right around 100. This is, in fact, what most of the religion and IQ studies have determined. The average atheist IQ advantage appears on the order of about 5 points. That is less than one-third the 16 point difference in average IQs observed between blacks and whites.

So, a substantial portion of the observed difference between average religious and irreligious IQs can be attributed to the fact that atheists tend to be a) male, and, b) European or Jewish. Now isn't that awkward....

More importantly, the fact that people who believe X happen to be modestly more intelligent than people who believe Y does not indicate that the first group is correct. I suspect that the average IQ of the economists who believed massive quantitative easing would produce economic growth in Japan is considerably higher than that of the average atheist, and yet the recent GDP report shows it would have been hard for them to have been more wrong.