Is Cameron Macauley's story true?

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Is Cameron Macauley's story true?

Post by Baltazorg »

I watched this documentary called The Boy Who Lived Before in which it claimed a boy named Cameron Macauley claims to have memories of his past life. I am a Christian, so I don't believe it but I don't have an explanation for it either it is kind of disturbing if this is true however, any thoughts?
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Re: Is Cameron Macauley's story true?

Post by Ivellious »

I tend to view stories like this (and there have been plenty) as I do with near-death experiences and other claims of supernatural occurrences. That is, I'm generally skeptical about them, especially with how vague and contradictory most of them seem to be. Cases of reincarnation are especially tough today, given how easily kids have access to the internet and information that might make them able to put together a fantasy of a past life.

I don't know much about this case in particular, but I do remember reading that the primary investigator who studied this kid's story was already a believer in reincarnation, which to me says that his view of the situation was rather biased from the outset. Of course, we'll never know if this kid is lying or was fed lies by his family or if it really is true. Though I'm pretty sure if you wanted a theological answer that Christianity would completely oppose the notion that he was reincarnated.
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Re: Is Cameron Macauley's story true?

Post by Baltazorg »

Yes that is how I view these types of experiences as well, I believe that this was probably a case of seeing something on TV that gave him this information. I hope you come to Christ by the way.
Last edited by Baltazorg on Sat Aug 17, 2013 2:31 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Is Cameron Macauley's story true?

Post by theophilus »

Baltazorg wrote:I believe that this was probably a case of seeing something on TV that gave him this information.
It is also possible that the information came from evil spirits as part of their attempt to keep people away from the truth.
God wants full custody of his children, not just visits on Sunday.
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Re: Is Cameron Macauley's story true?

Post by Baltazorg »

Yes that is possible as well, this has deceived many.
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