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How to end a discussion with agnostic/atheist?

Posted: Mon Aug 19, 2013 5:01 pm
by Mercy
Hello there I am new to this forum; the website has proved invaluable for me as references.

Lately I have been having a long online discussion with an agnositc. My question is, how can I end a discussion when an agnostic/atheist kept saying that I am contradicting myself:

"do you realize all this, and i don't want to undermine the work you did, but in itself has several really glaring contradictions, doesn't actually answer the ones i already pointed out, and at best works out to making lame excuses? i guess you don't, but i cant see how you dont. you keep saying the same things, and creating the same contradictions."

Problem is, I explained myself quite thoroughly through examples and stories. It seems like the agnostic just brushes it off with just short sentences.

I think I should ignore the person, but is that the best way? Should I make the person list out my contradictions and just chase after it? Thanks.

Re: How to end a discussion with agnostic/atheist?

Posted: Mon Aug 19, 2013 8:42 pm
by B. W.
Mercy wrote:Hello there I am new to this forum; the website has proved invaluable for me as references.

Lately I have been having a long online discussion with an agnositc. My question is, how can I end a discussion when an agnostic/atheist kept saying that I am contradicting myself:

"do you realize all this, and i don't want to undermine the work you did, but in itself has several really glaring contradictions, doesn't actually answer the ones i already pointed out, and at best works out to making lame excuses? i guess you don't, but i cant see how you dont. you keep saying the same things, and creating the same contradictions."

Problem is, I explained myself quite thoroughly through examples and stories. It seems like the agnostic just brushes it off with just short sentences.

I think I should ignore the person, but is that the best way? Should I make the person list out my contradictions and just chase after it? Thanks.
Greeting Mercy, please note that your first five or so post must be approved before being seen and answered too. We do this to stop spam. Other will answer soon and enjoy!

Re: How to end a discussion with agnostic/atheist?

Posted: Mon Aug 19, 2013 10:06 pm
by neo-x
Just agree to disagree, sometimes its better to concede even if you are right. I used to fret about these things, but now I don't. Seriously, at the end of the day you are not responsible for why someone is wrong on the internet.

Re: How to end a discussion with agnostic/atheist?

Posted: Tue Aug 20, 2013 2:52 am
by DowTingTom
Mercy wrote:Hello there I am new to this forum; the website has proved invaluable for me as references.

Lately I have been having a long online discussion with an agnositc. My question is, how can I end a discussion when an agnostic/atheist kept saying that I am contradicting myself:

"do you realize all this, and i don't want to undermine the work you did, but in itself has several really glaring contradictions, doesn't actually answer the ones i already pointed out, and at best works out to making lame excuses? i guess you don't, but i cant see how you dont. you keep saying the same things, and creating the same contradictions."

Problem is, I explained myself quite thoroughly through examples and stories. It seems like the agnostic just brushes it off with just short sentences.

I think I should ignore the person, but is that the best way? Should I make the person list out my contradictions and just chase after it? Thanks.
Examples and stories aren't always very convincing. I could tell a story about someone who jumped off the Empire State building but got blown by the wind onto a ledge a few floors down and survived, and claim that this story proved that jumping off was safe, for example.

The problem in such debates is that it's true for both sides that there is none so blind as those that won't see. I expect I'd agree with your correspondent that your answers are vague if they address the questions at all, and often contradictory. I expect a lot of Christians would agree with you that your correspondent is just argumentative.

Re: How to end a discussion with agnostic/atheist?

Posted: Tue Aug 20, 2013 12:27 pm
by 1over137
Yup,various people see (or do not see) various things.

I would tell the person that you already said and tried to explain things and that it is up to the person what he/she will take from it. (Or even that if the person is really interested in answers he/she would do good to research more himself/herself and try to find what best Christian teachers have to offer).

Re: How to end a discussion with agnostic/atheist?

Posted: Tue Aug 20, 2013 1:36 pm
by Mercy
Thanks for the replies, guys.

It reminds me about when it's time to shake the dust off my feet.
