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Why did God use the Bible?

Posted: Sat Aug 24, 2013 7:14 pm
by Kenzel
Hi everyone! I've recently been wondering about salvation and have thought of a question that I can't seem to brush off: Why did God use the Bible to convey His message of salvation?

It is extremely important that mankind receive God's message of salvation so that they may be able to avoid spending an eternity in hell. We're all put in a life or death situation in which we must choose wether or not to accept God's gift of salvation. Since this is such an extremely important message, why did God decide to convey it through the Bible? We are asked to choose either life or death based on a highly debated, confusing, thousand year old book that was written by men. Wouldn't it have been better if God had just given everyone an inherent knowledge of His gift of salvation? It seems unfair to me that God would ask us to either accept or reject Him based on a book with so much confusion and controversy surrounding it.

Your answers are appreciated!

Re: Why did God use the Bible?

Posted: Sat Aug 24, 2013 7:55 pm
by B. W.
Kenzel wrote:Hi everyone! I've recently been wondering about salvation and have thought of a question that I can't seem to brush off: Why did God use the Bible to convey His message of salvation?

It is extremely important that mankind receive God's message of salvation so that they may be able to avoid spending an eternity in hell. We're all put in a life or death situation in which we must choose wether or not to accept God's gift of salvation. Since this is such an extremely important message, why did God decide to convey it through the Bible? We are asked to choose either life or death based on a highly debated, confusing, thousand year old book that was written by men. Wouldn't it have been better if God had just given everyone an inherent knowledge of His gift of salvation? It seems unfair to me that God would ask us to either accept or reject Him based on a book with so much confusion and controversy surrounding it.

Your answers are appreciated!
Why wouldn't an intelligent being like God place all that is need to know about himself. his historical dealings with humanity, and the way to fond all in one book?

It helps the search to find him a bit more easier... You think?


Re: Why did God use the Bible?

Posted: Sat Aug 24, 2013 7:55 pm
by B. W.
Kenzel wrote:Hi everyone! I've recently been wondering about salvation and have thought of a question that I can't seem to brush off: Why did God use the Bible to convey His message of salvation?

It is extremely important that mankind receive God's message of salvation so that they may be able to avoid spending an eternity in hell. We're all put in a life or death situation in which we must choose wether or not to accept God's gift of salvation. Since this is such an extremely important message, why did God decide to convey it through the Bible? We are asked to choose either life or death based on a highly debated, confusing, thousand year old book that was written by men. Wouldn't it have been better if God had just given everyone an inherent knowledge of His gift of salvation? It seems unfair to me that God would ask us to either accept or reject Him based on a book with so much confusion and controversy surrounding it.

Your answers are appreciated!
Why wouldn't an intelligent being like God place all that is needed to know about himself, his historical dealings with humanity, and what got in the way of him and us ... all in one book?

It helps the search to find him a bit more easier... You think?


Re: Why did God use the Bible?

Posted: Thu Aug 29, 2013 10:42 pm
by Kenzel
B. W. wrote:
Kenzel wrote:Hi everyone! I've recently been wondering about salvation and have thought of a question that I can't seem to brush off: Why did God use the Bible to convey His message of salvation?

It is extremely important that mankind receive God's message of salvation so that they may be able to avoid spending an eternity in hell. We're all put in a life or death situation in which we must choose wether or not to accept God's gift of salvation. Since this is such an extremely important message, why did God decide to convey it through the Bible? We are asked to choose either life or death based on a highly debated, confusing, thousand year old book that was written by men. Wouldn't it have been better if God had just given everyone an inherent knowledge of His gift of salvation? It seems unfair to me that God would ask us to either accept or reject Him based on a book with so much confusion and controversy surrounding it.

Your answers are appreciated!
Why wouldn't an intelligent being like God place all that is needed to know about himself, his historical dealings with humanity, and what got in the way of him and us ... all in one book?

It helps the search to find him a bit more easier... You think?

You have a point, BW, but I still don't completely understand why God would use the Bible. Yes, it would be easier to learn about God and have an understanding of God if all we needed to know about Him and his message was condensed into one book, but the Bible is very highly-debated and confusing. There are approximately 40,000 different denominations of Christianity, most of which hold to many drastically different interpretations of the Bible. Why would God write a book that would end up being so highly debated/confusing and end up leading to so many different interpretations to convey his all-important message of salvation?

Again, wouldn't it have been easier if he had just given all mankind an inherent knowledge of the truth? Wouldn't that lead to far less strife and divisions among the church? I'm so confused :econfused:

Re: Why did God use the Bible?

Posted: Thu Aug 29, 2013 11:14 pm
by neo-x
Kenzel wrote:
B. W. wrote:
Kenzel wrote:Hi everyone! I've recently been wondering about salvation and have thought of a question that I can't seem to brush off: Why did God use the Bible to convey His message of salvation?

It is extremely important that mankind receive God's message of salvation so that they may be able to avoid spending an eternity in hell. We're all put in a life or death situation in which we must choose wether or not to accept God's gift of salvation. Since this is such an extremely important message, why did God decide to convey it through the Bible? We are asked to choose either life or death based on a highly debated, confusing, thousand year old book that was written by men. Wouldn't it have been better if God had just given everyone an inherent knowledge of His gift of salvation? It seems unfair to me that God would ask us to either accept or reject Him based on a book with so much confusion and controversy surrounding it.

Your answers are appreciated!
Why wouldn't an intelligent being like God place all that is needed to know about himself, his historical dealings with humanity, and what got in the way of him and us ... all in one book?

It helps the search to find him a bit more easier... You think?

You have a point, BW, but I still don't completely understand why God would use the Bible. Yes, it would be easier to learn about God and have an understanding of God if all we needed to know about Him and his message was condensed into one book, but the Bible is very highly-debated and confusing. There are approximately 40,000 different denominations of Christianity, most of which hold to many drastically different interpretations of the Bible. Why would God write a book that would end up being so highly debated/confusing and end up leading to so many different interpretations to convey his all-important message of salvation?

Again, wouldn't it have been easier if he had just given all mankind an inherent knowledge of the truth? Wouldn't that lead to far less strife and divisions among the church? I'm so confused :econfused:
its an unreal expectation.If god made certain facts known to man in a divine dictated way 4500 years ago, they would not understand it. And they would have the same complain you have now. The bible is not a whole. Different books were written in different times. Now you complain, but if the book was updated to the contemporary level of our understanding then the future generations would complain. There is no way around it and to ask for this is unfair.

Re: Why did God use the Bible?

Posted: Fri Aug 30, 2013 5:44 am
by PaulSacramento
God didn't use the bible, doesn't use the bible, to convey His Message.
God uses ( if that is the word) People and people preach in their way ( typicality by word of mouth and deed) and writing is only PART of that.
The bible is a written account of God's message to Man as delivered by His messengers and I think it may be more correct to say that MAN uses the bible to share God's message to Us.

Re: Why did God use the Bible?

Posted: Fri Aug 30, 2013 9:15 am
by jlay
God should have used a pod cast, instead. y/:)

Re: Why did God use the Bible?

Posted: Fri Aug 30, 2013 10:06 am
by PaulSacramento
jlay wrote:God should have used a pod cast, instead. y/:)
Who says He doesn't?

Re: Why did God use the Bible?

Posted: Sat Aug 31, 2013 7:48 am
by B. W.
Kenzel wrote:
B. W. wrote:
Kenzel wrote:Hi everyone! I've recently been wondering about salvation and have thought of a question that I can't seem to brush off: Why did God use the Bible to convey His message of salvation?

It is extremely important that mankind receive God's message of salvation so that they may be able to avoid spending an eternity in hell. We're all put in a life or death situation in which we must choose wether or not to accept God's gift of salvation. Since this is such an extremely important message, why did God decide to convey it through the Bible? We are asked to choose either life or death based on a highly debated, confusing, thousand year old book that was written by men. Wouldn't it have been better if God had just given everyone an inherent knowledge of His gift of salvation? It seems unfair to me that God would ask us to either accept or reject Him based on a book with so much confusion and controversy surrounding it.

Your answers are appreciated!
Why wouldn't an intelligent being like God place all that is needed to know about himself, his historical dealings with humanity, and what got in the way of him and us ... all in one book?

It helps the search to find him a bit more easier... You think?

You have a point, BW, but I still don't completely understand why God would use the Bible. Yes, it would be easier to learn about God and have an understanding of God if all we needed to know about Him and his message was condensed into one book, but the Bible is very highly-debated and confusing. There are approximately 40,000 different denominations of Christianity, most of which hold to many drastically different interpretations of the Bible. Why would God write a book that would end up being so highly debated/confusing and end up leading to so many different interpretations to convey his all-important message of salvation?

Again, wouldn't it have been easier if he had just given all mankind an inherent knowledge of the truth? Wouldn't that lead to far less strife and divisions among the church? I'm so confused :econfused:
In regards to your statement, Kenzel, this actually shows why there is need of one book. How? - Humanity fell away from God. This is called human sin nature. The bible is about reconciliation - how God fixed the breach all according to his own nature and character. No matter what and whom tries to subvert his good nature and character for their own gain, God is more than all powerful enough to work thru all contingencies. (look at the Bible accounts recorded and you will see this principle) The bible is an interesting book. It is the only one that actually, lack for a better word, makes you think as well as speaks to a person. How so? by posing a question that reveals the absolute just standards God has. That Question - return to him His way - by his grace alone. Surrender our personal illusions of of our own sovereignty to his grace shown forth by who and what Jesus Christ is and did upon that cross.

The problem you illustrated by so many denominations shows forth that folk are challenged by the bible to surrender their personal illusions of their own sovereignty. Eventually the Lord has a way to self-correct this given time with each new generation because he begins to move those that hear him into a maturity in Christ. Also, biblical Christianity has an unseen hand of correction about it. A supernatural correcting and exposing error. Even when Christianity has been historically hijacked for political and geopolitical ends, or subverted for cultist purposes - these are corrected - supernaturally. We learn not to add to His Word, least we be found a lair... is a living statement with teeth to correct. People may use the bible wrongly, for awhile, like the WestBurrow Group does, but they'll end, in due time. After all, God is slow to anger, offering to many, a choice to surrender their personal illusions of their own sovereignty, in many diverse omni-personal ways with each member in such groups.
So why would God write a book that would end up being so highly debated/confusing and end up leading to so many different interpretations to convey his all-important message of salvation?

He did not, it is humanity who has fallen away from God and screwed things up and misunderstand his words, works, and ways. If you think on it a bit, his word exposes sin - how humanbeings, twist and warp things to their own ego, own advantages, own lordship. Maybe, that is what you are seeing...

It cuts both ways...

Hebrews 4:12, 13,"The word of God is living and active. It is sharper than any sword that has two edges. It cuts deep enough to separate soul from spirit. It can separate joints from bones. It judges the thoughts and purposes of the heart. 13 Nothing God created is hidden from him. His eyes see everything. He will hold us accountable for everything we do." NIrV

Hebrews 4:14-15, 16"We have a great high priest. He has gone up into the heavens. He is Jesus the Son of God. So let us hold firmly to what we say we believe. 15 We have a high priest who can feel it when we are weak and hurting. We have a high priest who has been tempted in every way, just as we are. But he did not sin. 16 So let us boldly approach the throne of grace. Then we will receive mercy. We will find grace to help us when we need it." NIrV

Kenzel, What does this speak to your heart?

Re: Why did God use the Bible?

Posted: Tue Sep 17, 2013 8:16 am
by Psalm51
B. W. wrote:
Kenzel wrote:
B. W. wrote:
Kenzel wrote:Hi everyone! I've recently been wondering about salvation and have thought of a question that I can't seem to brush off: Why did God use the Bible to convey His message of salvation?

It is extremely important that mankind receive God's message of salvation so that they may be able to avoid spending an eternity in hell. We're all put in a life or death situation in which we must choose wether or not to accept God's gift of salvation. Since this is such an extremely important message, why did God decide to convey it through the Bible? We are asked to choose either life or death based on a highly debated, confusing, thousand year old book that was written by men. Wouldn't it have been better if God had just given everyone an inherent knowledge of His gift of salvation? It seems unfair to me that God would ask us to either accept or reject Him based on a book with so much confusion and controversy surrounding it.

Your answers are appreciated!
Why wouldn't an intelligent being like God place all that is needed to know about himself, his historical dealings with humanity, and what got in the way of him and us ... all in one book?

It helps the search to find him a bit more easier... You think?

You have a point, BW, but I still don't completely understand why God would use the Bible. Yes, it would be easier to learn about God and have an understanding of God if all we needed to know about Him and his message was condensed into one book, but the Bible is very highly-debated and confusing. There are approximately 40,000 different denominations of Christianity, most of which hold to many drastically different interpretations of the Bible. Why would God write a book that would end up being so highly debated/confusing and end up leading to so many different interpretations to convey his all-important message of salvation?

Again, wouldn't it have been easier if he had just given all mankind an inherent knowledge of the truth? Wouldn't that lead to far less strife and divisions among the church? I'm so confused :econfused:
In regards to your statement, Kenzel, this actually shows why there is need of one book. How? - Humanity fell away from God. This is called human sin nature. The bible is about reconciliation - how God fixed the breach all according to his own nature and character. No matter what and whom tries to subvert his good nature and character for their own gain, God is more than all powerful enough to work thru all contingencies. (look at the Bible accounts recorded and you will see this principle) The bible is an interesting book. It is the only one that actually, lack for a better word, makes you think as well as speaks to a person. How so? by posing a question that reveals the absolute just standards God has. That Question - return to him His way - by his grace alone. Surrender our personal illusions of of our own sovereignty to his grace shown forth by who and what Jesus Christ is and did upon that cross.

The problem you illustrated by so many denominations shows forth that folk are challenged by the bible to surrender their personal illusions of their own sovereignty. Eventually the Lord has a way to self-correct this given time with each new generation because he begins to move those that hear him into a maturity in Christ. Also, biblical Christianity has an unseen hand of correction about it. A supernatural correcting and exposing error. Even when Christianity has been historically hijacked for political and geopolitical ends, or subverted for cultist purposes - these are corrected - supernaturally. We learn not to add to His Word, least we be found a lair... is a living statement with teeth to correct. People may use the bible wrongly, for awhile, like the WestBurrow Group does, but they'll end, in due time. After all, God is slow to anger, offering to many, a choice to surrender their personal illusions of their own sovereignty, in many diverse omni-personal ways with each member in such groups.
So why would God write a book that would end up being so highly debated/confusing and end up leading to so many different interpretations to convey his all-important message of salvation?

He did not, it is humanity who has fallen away from God and screwed things up and misunderstand his words, works, and ways. If you think on it a bit, his word exposes sin - how humanbeings, twist and warp things to their own ego, own advantages, own lordship. Maybe, that is what you are seeing...

It cuts both ways...

Hebrews 4:12, 13,"The word of God is living and active. It is sharper than any sword that has two edges. It cuts deep enough to separate soul from spirit. It can separate joints from bones. It judges the thoughts and purposes of the heart. 13 Nothing God created is hidden from him. His eyes see everything. He will hold us accountable for everything we do." NIrV

Hebrews 4:14-15, 16"We have a great high priest. He has gone up into the heavens. He is Jesus the Son of God. So let us hold firmly to what we say we believe. 15 We have a high priest who can feel it when we are weak and hurting. We have a high priest who has been tempted in every way, just as we are. But he did not sin. 16 So let us boldly approach the throne of grace. Then we will receive mercy. We will find grace to help us when we need it." NIrV

Kenzel, What does this speak to your heart?
Well stated. The way I see it, the Bible was written for me. I can have a relationship with God one on one. The Bible was passed through the ages to end up in my hands, my roadmap for life. Being a part of a church/religion is also a part (fellowship) but I think it is far more important to let God's word speak to me individually.

Re: Why did God use the Bible?

Posted: Mon Sep 23, 2013 5:08 pm
by PeteSinCA
I'm not clear what the issue is.

Is the question why the Creator would communicate with intelligent beings He created?

Is the question why God would choose an enduring form so that His communication could be transmitted across numerous generations?

Is the question why God chose to communicate so much more than what is minimally necessary for salvation?

Those questions, at least, as I phrased them are all but self-answering. And intentionally so.

Or is the issue an underlying assumption that the Bible could not be what it claims to be, inspired by God in what it contains and in accuracy/correctness.

Re: Why did God use the Bible?

Posted: Mon Nov 03, 2014 11:39 pm
by Kurieuo
Kenzel wrote:Hi everyone! I've recently been wondering about salvation and have thought of a question that I can't seem to brush off: Why did God use the Bible to convey His message of salvation?

It is extremely important that mankind receive God's message of salvation so that they may be able to avoid spending an eternity in hell. We're all put in a life or death situation in which we must choose wether or not to accept God's gift of salvation. Since this is such an extremely important message, why did God decide to convey it through the Bible? We are asked to choose either life or death based on a highly debated, confusing, thousand year old book that was written by men. Wouldn't it have been better if God had just given everyone an inherent knowledge of His gift of salvation? It seems unfair to me that God would ask us to either accept or reject Him based on a book with so much confusion and controversy surrounding it.

Your answers are appreciated!
Hi Kenzel,

To your questions I'd ask why not? But, to leave my response there might perhaps seem unkind.

What we call the Bible is really just a collection of books written throughout history.
Canonical significance is attached to them based upon the credibility of those who wrote them, their widespread acceptance early on by Christians and apostolic authority.
The books in the Bible can be treated as historical books in their own right if you prefer to be more neutral.
I'm certain the end result on who Jesus was and what he taught will still be the same.

Take a look over Gary Habermaus' site. He is a historical scholar and apologist.
There are many articles, audios and videos on his website. I really like his minimal facts approach to Jesus.
If we ought to approach the books of the Bible and Christ on historical-critical terms, then we can still find out remarkably much.

How we respond when confronted with Jesus is then a decision left up to each of us.
Say what you will about such a person, our response is one that will affect many areas of our lives.
It will affect the way we make decisions, actions that we take, how we raise your family and even who we probably end up with.
Further more, if we trust Christ's words, then it will most definitely affects what happens after we die physically and pass into the world beyond.

All the best! K

Re: Why did God use the Bible?

Posted: Thu Nov 06, 2014 7:47 pm
by crochet1949
You've asked why God used the Bible -- for one thing look at John 1:1 "In the beginning was the Word and the Word was with God, and the Word Was God. vs2 He was in the beginning with God. vs 3 All things ere made through Him, and without Him nothing was made that was made. vs 4 In Him was life, and the life was the light of men."
Genesis is the book of beginnings -- 1:1 "In the beginning God created......"
And we have 2 Timothy 3:16 "All Scripture is given by inspiration of God, and is profitable for doctrine, for reproof, for correction, for instruction in righteousness, that the man of God may be complete, thoroughly equipped for every good work."

The Bible is God's Word to mankind so that we Can know Him -- it's a collection of books that were written by Godly men who God chose Himself. The men were inspired by the Holy Spirit to right down what they were supposed to write. 2 Peter 1:16 - 21 vs 16 and 21 "for prophesy never came by the will of man, but holy men of God spoke as they were moved by the Holy Spirit."
That whole passage should be read.

Re: Why did God use the Bible?

Posted: Fri Nov 07, 2014 5:52 pm
by Starhunter
Abraham had no Bible.
One major difference between Abraham and us, Abraham had a good memory. Many generations before his time had no books, they did not need them, because they could well remember a whole day's conversation and a whole book if so.
You might know that a few years ago someone came out with a claim that they had found Noah's wife's diary?
We knew straight away that it was a hoax, because people did not need written material back then.

The Jews and their leaders in the time of Christ had much of the Bible, and they had two major factions in their synagogue, as well as numerous off shoots and religions like we have today - except not as many I suppose, 40,000? I did not realize.

I like the previous posts which show that the majority missed relating and connecting to Christ by faith.
While the scholars were busy studying when the messiah would appear, they missed Him, because they did not allow their eyesight to be forged by faith and love.

But God in His wisdom, knowing that further down the track we would be diminished in intelligence, preserved samples for us of His dealings with earth.
(He also knew that as brain powers diminished they would claim that they are the most advanced race ever, and that people in the past were barbarian and primitive by contrast, but they cannot turn up on time or in the right place without a mobile phone. They have even lost their basic abilities to navigate).

If people were in the right relation to God, then their views on the Bible would be far more harmonious.
But the majority have a scant knowledge of scripture, even though its writings are designed to "furnish the man of God" for eternal life. They are happy to sit and listen to whatever is pumped out from the pulpit or publications without digging for themselves. And so the many factions remain more or less active.

The confusion today has been predicted, and is a sign of the times we are living in, when every distraction is in place to prevent the seeker from finding the truth.
While Christ has guaranteed that whoever has faith in Him will be safe from false doctrines and delusions,
the acceptance of truth is also progressive, so we should expect ourselves to be faced with challenges, and have the same patience towards those who think otherwise.

Re: Why did God use the Bible?

Posted: Sat Nov 08, 2014 2:15 pm
by crochet1949
You mentioned Abraham -- Genesis 17 "When Abram was ninety-nine years old, the Lord appeared to Abram and said to him, "I am Almighty God: walk before Me and be blameless vs 2 And I will make My covenant between Me and you , and will multiply you exceedingly." vs 3 Then Abram fell on his face, and God talked with him, saying......."
God chose Abraham and Sarah -- told him to relocate with his family to another region -- the 'pre-Jewish' race -- because Jacob came along 3 generations later and through him the 12 tribes of Israel / God's chosen people. Abraham believed God.
God gave this information -- Genesis through Deuteronomy -- Pentetuch -- to Moses -- to record so that future generations and to Us eventually -- so we'd know what took place.

You comment about "But God in His wisdom -- knowing that further down the track we would be diminished in intelligence, preserved samples for us of His dealings with earth"
Why the part of our being diminished in intelligence? We're no more 'diminished in intelligence' than they were back Then. What Has happened is that people look at the 'barbaric' practices of the Old Testament and find reasons to Not accept the God of the Bible Because He 'allowed' people to act That way. Or they don't accept the punishments for actions taken back then for activity that 'we' tolerate / allow in This culture.
Looking at our technoledgy -- we're certainly Not diminished in intelligence. Modern medicine / the space program -- as it Used to be anyway.
Society Does tend to become more and more reliant On technowledgy -- the convenience Of a car's navigational system. My husbands and sons navigational abilities have done just as good a job as the latest gadgets. But -- those learning to Use the latest technology Can do Wonders as can those who development in the 1st place.

Yes, one thing we Do need to be 'doing' is taking time to read, study God's Word so we'll be prepared to recognize false doctrines when it comes our way. Which it has done in the past ever since ----- and will continue to.
Evolutionary thought has been trying to take over and say that 'we' need to evolve Past / or that we Have 'evolved' past the 'archaic' moral code of the Old Testaments.

"We" now have the entire Bible -- both Old and New Testament.
Eventually the copies of various books of the Bible were discovered in 1948? The Dead Sea Scrolls.