Why won't God heal amputees?

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Why won't God heal amputees?

Post by Baltazorg »

I have yet to hear one single satisfying answer from any Christian whatsoever. It is a simple question, If God is all powerful he should be able to heal amputees when someone prays. I need something that makes sense, this is a very serious question that needs a response. What is stopping God from doing this? Why does he supposedly heal people with other diseases but not amputated limbs, why? Please Help
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Re: Why won't God heal amputees?

Post by RickD »

Baltazorg wrote:I have yet to hear one single satisfying answer from any Christian whatsoever. It is a simple question, If God is all powerful he should be able to heal amputees when someone prays. I need something that makes sense, this is a very serious question that needs a response. What is stopping God from doing this? Why does he supposedly heal people with other diseases but not amputated limbs, why? Please Help
Why didn't God heal my Father of his cancer when many people were praying for him? It simply wasn't His will. God is not a genie who is at our every beck and call.

http://www.godandscience.org/apologetic ... utees.html
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Re: Why won't God heal amputees?

Post by ryanbouma »

This is related to the problem of evil, or it's not a simple answer. To expand on your question, why doesn't God stop bullets from leaving the barrel of a gun, why doesn't he make a rapist's penis go limp, why doesn't he stop electricity from leaving dangerous wires and killing an electrician, why doesn't he quench a house fire with rain from heaven when an innocent child burns inside.

If God did this everytime something bad happens, or even often enough that people recognized it, then the world we live in would not be a normal world. Also, people would not feel a need to rely on God. Life would be utopia, so why need God. We actually kind of have that in North America, where fewer and fewer people rely on God. They can do it on their own with the money they have on their own deeds. But when someone loses their leg, maybe they want God more than ever. Maybe they hate God for their condition. Either way, it's their choice to make.

If God stopped me from shooting someone everytime I tried. And then one day it happened and I successfully killed someone. Who's fault would the murder be? Mine? But every other time the gun didn't work. God allowed it to work that time. I think I'd blame God for the murder. Is this right?

If God constantly healed amputees, would people doubt his existance? Or would it be an obvious sign that God does exist, so the debate is over. I'd say it would be bad for God to reveal himself so obviously, because then the ultimate choice would not be so ultimate. Which takes away from God's plan for Christians.
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Re: Why won't God heal amputees?

Post by B. W. »

Baltazorg wrote:I have yet to hear one single satisfying answer from any Christian whatsoever. It is a simple question, If God is all powerful he should be able to heal amputees when someone prays. I need something that makes sense, this is a very serious question that needs a response. What is stopping God from doing this? Why does he supposedly heal people with other diseases but not amputated limbs, why? Please Help
Well, upon the Cheyenne River Reservation there was a woman, diabetic, who had a toe amputated. One of the team members at the meeting we held there, prayed for her after most folk were leaving to go home.The Team member (a godly woman) shrieked out loud and the lady shouted, "Oh my God!"

There was a toe where once there was none. All the team member did was to pray about the pain in the woman's feet. Nothing else. It all happened quietly and quickly. No fan fare. No one honored but Jesus Christ. People turned and saw it. Some said wow, and then turned back to talk to whom they have been talking and others left like nothing happened. You would expect with something like that occurring multitudes would coming running to be saved and healed. Next night meeting, was quiet, and fewer people showed up than the night before. The woman who regained a new toe, had some of her family members there and they were ministered too. All quiet, respectful. Few more healings too but not like that toe the night before.

Then again, you had to be there to have seen it. My telling want do any good that God does heal amputees. He heals as he has always healed. Often, one person in a crowd, other times a few here and there, other times everyone. The gospel accounts testify that is how Christ healed. It is the same today. Why this pattern, I do not know. This was the most interesting healing I have seen - a new toe actually pop out of a foot. If I hadn't seen it, I would not believe it either.

And no - I am not a healing Evangelist. I do not like healing troupes that are all showy and more hype than results and you know the type. I don't like white suites either. I simply present the gospel and let the Lord be Lord of the meeting, not me.

Yes, whenever and for whatever reason, God does heal whom he heals and others like myself, not so much. I don't mind - He is in charge and knows best.
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Re: Why won't God heal amputees?

Post by 1over137 »

That is interesting story BW. So, you were there, that's amazing. I know you for some time and believe you.

There are people like Nick Vujicic. He wondered as a child why is he different. Check guys his story and you may have a glimpse into God's plan.
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Re: Why won't God heal amputees?

Post by B. W. »

1over137 wrote:That is interesting story BW. So, you were there, that's amazing. I know you for some time and believe you.

There are people like Nick Vujicic. He wondered as a child why is he different. Check guys his story and you may have a glimpse into God's plan.

Yes Hana, it did happen. What I discovered at the time was, despite the miracle healing, so few people showed up the next night. However, those that knew the woman did show up who were not there before.You would think that by such signs as this, huge mass of people would come, but they did not. I noticed in the gospel accounts, similar results were often encountered. The healings usually brought the ire of the religious establishment, created a controversy, the person healed testified of Christ and often brought those who had known the healee to Christ while the crowds vanished. Other times, the crowds were amazed and thru word of mouth more people got the word and later came in droves to Christ later.

The pattern seems that Jesus often healed one person from a crowd, other times only a few, then at others times everyone was healed. Despite this he was still betrayed and crucified anyway. Think on this a bit.

I pondered why so few great miracle healings. I have seen a few astounding healings and known many Rich Deems who have been healed. What I have seen in my walk with Christ and prayed as to why there are more people healed individually, as Richard Deem mentions about himself in His article Rick linked too, than in many all at once in big crowds. And why we don't see more. Only thing I get on this is this verse as well as the events mentioned in John chapter six as to why Jesus doesn't heal at everyone's beck and call...

John 6:26, Jesus answered them and said, "Truly, truly, I say to you, you seek Me, not because you saw signs, but because you ate of the loaves and were filled.

After seeing what I did and the response to it - I think I maybe finally just barely beginning to grasp why He does not heal as we think he should.

Yet, the individuals healed alone, without the crowds still are in outstanding numbers. You don't hear much about these unless you know them - then the impact is greater and faith in Christ grows. Rich Deem is but one example of what I mean.

My father passed away from Alzheimer's. He was a Christian too. Yes, we prayed for him and the answer was no. Through this I learned more about love than you could ever learn elsewhere as well as the fact that the wages of sin is death. Though many people will not understand what I mean by what I just said, my dad's faith helped him and now he is in heaven - whole now - having a far better time than I am now. So, yes, in a sense, he was healed but not in a way we would think of.
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Re: Why won't God heal amputees?

Post by Baltazorg »

B.W, what a fantastic testimony, very powerful.
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Re: Why won't God heal amputees?

Post by RickD »

PerciFlage wrote:
ryanbouma wrote:This is related to the problem of evil, or it's not a simple answer. To expand on your question, why doesn't God stop bullets from leaving the barrel of a gun, why doesn't he make a rapist's penis go limp, why doesn't he stop electricity from leaving dangerous wires and killing an electrician, why doesn't he quench a house fire with rain from heaven when an innocent child burns inside.
You're answering the wrong question here. The OP didn't ask why god doesn't heal all amputees, they asked why, when god supposedly heals people with other maladies, he never heals amputees. You answered "why doesn't god heal all amputees" which, as you note is related to the problem of evil. The actual question was "why doesn't god heal any amputees".
If you're correct, then B. W. said that God does heal at least some amputees. How could anyone claim to assert that God doesn't heal any amputees?
John 5:24
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Re: Why won't God heal amputees?

Post by Silvertusk »

Maybe I have missed something but I can't remember any instance in the Bible where God healed an amputee. Maybe there is something in that.......
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Re: Why won't God heal amputees?

Post by ryanbouma »

PerciFlage wrote:
ryanbouma wrote:This is related to the problem of evil, or it's not a simple answer. To expand on your question, why doesn't God stop bullets from leaving the barrel of a gun, why doesn't he make a rapist's penis go limp, why doesn't he stop electricity from leaving dangerous wires and killing an electrician, why doesn't he quench a house fire with rain from heaven when an innocent child burns inside.
You're answering the wrong question here. The OP didn't ask why god doesn't heal all amputees, they asked why, when god supposedly heals people with other maladies, he never heals amputees. You answered "why doesn't god heal all amputees" which, as you note is related to the problem of evil. The actual question was "why doesn't god heal any amputees".

Ah, I see what you mean.
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Re: Why won't God heal amputees?

Post by DRDS »

Silvertusk wrote:Maybe I have missed something but I can't remember any instance in the Bible where God healed an amputee. Maybe there is something in that.......

Um... Didn't Christ heal a amputee when He was in the garden and Judas and the Roman soldiers came to arrest Him and then Peter took out a sword and cut off the ear of one of the soldiers? Didn't Christ take the man's ear and place it back on the guy's head where it instantly reattached and started working again? I think that one case does technically count in my book at least. Check the end of Luke, it's in there.
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Re: Why won't God heal amputees?

Post by 1over137 »

DRDS wrote:
Silvertusk wrote:Maybe I have missed something but I can't remember any instance in the Bible where God healed an amputee. Maybe there is something in that.......

Um... Didn't Christ heal a amputee when He was in the garden and Judas and the Roman soldiers came to arrest Him and then Peter took out a sword and cut off the ear of one of the soldiers? Didn't Christ take the man's ear and place it back on the guy's head where it instantly reattached and started working again? I think that one case does technically count in my book at least. Check the end of Luke, it's in there.
I just last night read the end of luke. Yes, it's there.
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Re: Why won't God heal amputees?

Post by Silvertusk »

A ear does not count in my book.. :ewink:
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Re: Why won't God heal amputees?

Post by Swimmy »

PerciFlage wrote:
ryanbouma wrote:This is related to the problem of evil, or it's not a simple answer. To expand on your question, why doesn't God stop bullets from leaving the barrel of a gun, why doesn't he make a rapist's penis go limp, why doesn't he stop electricity from leaving dangerous wires and killing an electrician, why doesn't he quench a house fire with rain from heaven when an innocent child burns inside.
You're answering the wrong question here. The OP didn't ask why god doesn't heal all amputees, they asked why, when god supposedly heals people with other maladies, he never heals amputees. You answered "why doesn't god heal all amputees" which, as you note is related to the problem of evil. The actual question was "why doesn't god heal any amputees".

Redundant. Why heal the amputation when god can cure the reason for the amputation..Problem solved.
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Re: Why won't God heal amputees?

Post by RickD »

Silvertusk wrote:A ear does not count in my book.. :ewink:
I bet it counted in that particular Roman soldier's book. :mrgreen:
John 5:24
24 “Truly, truly, I say to you, he who hears My word, and believes Him who sent Me, has eternal life, and does not come into judgment, but has passed out of death into life.

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