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"Biblical" rains trigger flooding - 9/2013

Posted: Fri Sep 13, 2013 8:56 am
by B. W.
Eastern/Front Range Colorado is Flooding 9/12-13/2013.

I live in Fort Collins and on high ground. Most of Fort Collins is okay except along the rivers. The Front Range mountain towns are isolated. Lyons / Jamestown are devastated. Denver is hit hard. Boulder hit hard. Estes Park is isolated. The once strong conservative Colorado Springs area has been hit as well too. Roads washed out in Larimer and Boulder County, etc. I-25 closed from Fort Collins to Longmont area about 47 miles on 9/13/2013.

Interestingly - many of the areas hit hardest appear to have voted for Obama and are larger population areas where Democrats use large population areas to win elections. These are the same areas that vote support gay rights and legalized pot and a host of other progressive programs that are hurting our state.

I think - sow to the wind - reap the whirlwind - is true.

We in Colorado have a Democrat Governor - and Democrat control State House and Sate Senate. Eastern Colorado is taking a vote, symbolic, to secede from Colorado and set up the 51'st State in the Union due to voting disenfranchisement. Two Democrat's were recalled just days ago - and two new State Reps (Republicans) elected to take their place. These two losers are condescending and arrogant - mocking the voters who unseated them.

Please take time to google and look up the 2012 Colorado election map per county and note that the counties hit hardest match the Progressive's who are ruining the state with their PC attitudes and stupid laws, etc... See Link Map Below:

Colorado 2012 Election Map

It is interesting to note that a strange storm just sat over Boulder County dumping 12 to 15 plus inches of rain. Boulder is Progressive Central in Colorado. Please do not get me wrong, there are a good many Coloradans affected by this odd storm - and we should pray for them and donate to good solid organizations to help them in the upcoming days.

However, I think someone is very displeased with the way Colorado has turned away from God in the areas controlled by the Democratic Party Machine... The death toll may rise in the next few days in Colorado as this odd storm moves out - slowly in the next 48 hours.

Links: ... s/2802833/ ... lorado/#33

Re: "Biblical" rains trigger flooding - 9/2013

Posted: Fri Sep 13, 2013 12:21 pm
by RickD
I can see the new Westboro picket sign now:

"God Hates Colorado"


Re: "Biblical" rains trigger flooding - 9/2013

Posted: Fri Sep 13, 2013 4:17 pm
by B. W.
RickD wrote:I can see the new Westboro picket sign now:

"God Hates Colorado"

Maybe... Rick but until the bridges get repaired not likely any time soon...

Back on topic...

I still find it odd that the counties that supported legalizing Pot and supported Obama during the 2012 election are the hardest hit areas. This in my opinion more than coincidence... ... dent/2012/

God hates being mocked and several counties have certainly done their fair share of mocking - Boulder and Denver County / Aurora are certainly hot beds of progressivism for many years now and their laws are ruining the fine State of Colorado.

We can laugh at all this but it was USA Today that labeled the floods as of Biblical Proportion. Maybe some truth to that. In Fort Collins, the small area hit hardest - you guessed it - supported Obama in droves...

This was an odd stalled storm that from two weather fronts that packed and wrung moisture against certain areas that are heavily liberal - support Gay Extra Rights over all other citizens, Pot legalization, general debauchery life styles, wacky PC laws, high taxes, and vote democrat. Now the Eastern part of the State was hit too but not as bad, except along the rivers due to the flood waters moving east. You go figure. Parts of Colorado Springs area was hit too - and supported pot Legalization - it seems the once Christian Mecca of the West (Colorado Springs) has lost its influence it once had for the nation. Also add in the fires in Colorado of the past two years and now this...

This is certainly odd.

Re: "Biblical" rains trigger flooding - 9/2013

Posted: Sat Sep 14, 2013 4:28 am
by GreyDeSilvisanctis
B. W. wrote: I still find it odd that the counties that supported legalizing Pot and supported Obama during the 2012 election are the hardest hit areas. This in my opinion more than coincidence... ... dent/2012/

God hates being mocked and several counties have certainly done their fair share of mocking - Boulder and Denver County / Aurora are certainly hot beds of progressivism for many years now and their laws are ruining the fine State of Colorado.

We can laugh at all this but it was USA Today that labeled the floods as of Biblical Proportion. Maybe some truth to that. In Fort Collins, the small area hit hardest - you guessed it - supported Obama in droves...

This was an odd stalled storm that from two weather fronts that packed and wrung moisture against certain areas that are heavily liberal - support Gay Extra Rights over all other citizens, Pot legalization, general debauchery life styles, wacky PC laws, high taxes, and vote democrat. Now the Eastern part of the State was hit too but not as bad, except along the rivers due to the flood waters moving east. You go figure. Parts of Colorado Springs area was hit too - and supported pot Legalization - it seems the once Christian Mecca of the West (Colorado Springs) has lost its influence it once had for the nation. Also add in the fires in Colorado of the past two years and now this...

This is certainly odd.
Hi B.W.

I see that it's come to this.
Detecting a lot of correlation... does this imply causation?
It's true that there's certainly a large probability that it is.

What saddens me though is the moral and ethical situation in the U.S. that you pointed out.

I shall pray for those affected.
