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"Logical" reason that homosexual sex is a sin?

Posted: Mon Sep 16, 2013 9:20 pm
by Eureka
Hello everyone,

I was visiting a debate discussion forum, and a poster (who identified herself as a lesbian) asked what "logical" reason God would have to make homosexual sex a sin. She argued that "everything else that is described as sinful has pretty obvious harmful consequences; did God just condone loving, monogamous, consensual homosexual relationships for fun?"

I responded that "if you accept the scripture as the word of God and recognize Him as having a greater understanding of good and evil than you do, you have to accept that his commands are valid even if they don't immediately make sense to you." Nonetheless, her question made me curious...

Can you answer her question? Is there something harmful about a loving homosexual relationship aside from just knowledge of its sinful nature? Are there any other sinful behaviors that you have difficulty understanding how they could possibly be harmful?

When you reply, please let me know if you mind me potentially re-posting your response on the babycenter debate team forum :)



Re: "Logical" reason that homosexual sex is a sin?

Posted: Mon Sep 16, 2013 9:25 pm
by Eureka
Sorry- just saw the VERY SIMILAR post from a few days ago. Thanks everyone!