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Posted: Wed Sep 18, 2013 5:29 pm
by Seeker
I was wondering if anyone could help me through my current period or doubt. I have recently stumbled upon a youtube channel called darkmatter25 and although his videos show crude humor and alot of cursing he does point out good points in almost all of his videos. Seeing these have really shook my faith. If someone could please view some of his videos and give me some feedback it would be great

Re: darkmatter25

Posted: Thu Sep 19, 2013 12:15 am
by neo-x
i dont have youtube but you can just tell me what he thinks and we'll see.

Re: darkmatter25

Posted: Thu Sep 19, 2013 12:51 am
by Ivellious
Darkmatter25 is interesting (and somewhat crude, yes). He basically spins logical and moral arguments based around the Christian God and pokes holes in them. Some of the videos are less than convincing, while others are much more thought-provoking.

For example, he posits that we take superheroes from comic books and movies (like Batman and Superman) to be good guys, out to serve the people of Earth and stop evil. Darkmatter argues that we really don't have to be told that these guys are good people; their actions speak for themselves as ultimately good. Now, what if some of God's actions are superimposed onto these superheroes? Say Batman is fighting a villain and threatens to kill the entire city of Gotham if the villain doesn't surrender. You might have reason to question Batman's good intentions. Or if superman chose to eliminate crime in Metropolis by simply creating a tsunami to drown everyone? Again, suddenly, the actions of these heroes are no longer "inherently good" to us. Darkmatter argues that this is because actions like that aren't good. Now, in the Bible, when God does choose to mass-murder people to solve his problems, the Bible explicitly backs up God by telling the reader that such actions are good. The reader has to be reassured that God is acting in the right because, under pretty much any circumstances, we naturally think mass-murder is wrong.

Another video questions God's omniscience by saying that God simply cannot be both purely good and omniscient at the same time. That is, God cannot know what it feels like to want to sin (it would make God imperfect). But, on the flip side, if God does not understand what it means to be tempted by sin, then God doesn't know everything, so he can't be omniscient. Which would appear to be a paradoxical situation.

The videos are interesting, and some are actually thought provoking in the sense that I've never heard anyone answer the specific issues Darkmatter brings up.

Re: darkmatter25

Posted: Thu Sep 19, 2013 1:30 am
by neo-x
its an interesting but misplaced take on the whole thing. We can easily create paradoxes for ourselves if we are bent on it.

God chose to eliminate some people, because of very specific reasons and very rarely. It was not a hero thing, God is not a hero, he is not here to please people. That is a wrong expectation. The scriptures declare that God himself was saddened by the fact, numerous times, Ezekiel even states that God specifically declared that he was not happy about how evil men perished. But divine justice, needs to be done when needs to be done, its not pleasing to everyone but that does not change its nature at all.

Punishing someone is not considered inherently good by the one who is being punished. Justice and goodness are often met at the crossroads of tragedy. By that rule, no one should be punished at all for anything they do, because it is not inherently good? That is the strawman which darkmatter is riding upon and it may impress people. But its really absurd at the same time.

Take a look at the history of the nations God told israel to destroy...the canaanitee nations all practiced human sacrifices, childsacrificess, immoral acts. Some of these nations, like the amalekites actually attacked Israel first, war had to happen. It was simply an eye for an eye.

In the context of the flood, if darkmatter is targeting a global flood for his batman-God, then let him, I would not worry as that is a false position in my opinion.
Another video questions God's omniscience by saying that God simply cannot be both purely good and omniscient at the same time. That is, God cannot know what it feels like to want to sin (it would make God imperfect). But, on the flip side, if God does not understand what it means to be tempted by sin, then God doesn't know everything, so he can't be omniscient. Which would appear to be a paradoxical situation.
It takes a human to "feel" things as touch, taste by virtue of organs or neurons, motor-sensory experiences and chemical reactions in the brain. God does not "feel" things like we do. God can and do know things though.

And I would ask why can't God know that? sin is a natural consequence of being irrational infront of divine reason.

The problem is darkmatter is treating God as a human, for example, what is an example of sin to human? rape? Gossip, stealing, well God can't rape (the same way he can't steal), he is not human, has no gender. Darkmatter assumes that sin is an act, but really sin is simply a motivation. The sinful act is the result of the sin, not sin itself. God does not have to molest someone to know what that is, the same way you don't have to rape someone to know how horrible that is. So God can know the opposite of his divine reason, that is sin completely without getting his hands dirty, and ultimately he has all knowledge of us and by virtue of extension of creation, all that entails is known to him.

I was thinking it would be something substantial, turns out they are false spins.

Re: darkmatter25

Posted: Sat Sep 21, 2013 6:09 pm
by Seeker
One of the problems I have been having is dealing with eternity. When I think of eternity I get scared. I wonder what it would be like in heaven for an eternity. Even if it is the greatest place ever after say maybe a million years I feel I would be really bored and depressed from doing everything there is to do and then spend an eternity bored and depressed.

Re: darkmatter25

Posted: Thu Oct 10, 2013 6:00 am
by WannaLearn
Seeker wrote:One of the problems I have been having is dealing with eternity. When I think of eternity I get scared. I wonder what it would be like in heaven for an eternity. Even if it is the greatest place ever after say maybe a million years I feel I would be really bored and depressed from doing everything there is to do and then spend an eternity bored and depressed.
Do You think you could spend that long on earth and not get bored. I think I could.Heaven supposed to be the best things you can imagine on earth wouldn't even compare to the smallest things in heaven. The bible doesn't tell us everything about heaven because most of us would want to check out now but we all still got a mission.
And Heaven would still be a whole lot better than Hell forever don't you think?

Re: darkmatter25

Posted: Thu Oct 10, 2013 6:02 am
by WannaLearn
That was an accident y:O2

Re: darkmatter25

Posted: Thu Oct 10, 2013 6:16 am
by Byblos
You can say that again :lol:

Re: darkmatter25

Posted: Thu Oct 10, 2013 7:08 am
by WannaLearn

Re: darkmatter25

Posted: Thu Oct 10, 2013 11:43 am
by RickD
Fixed. Next time, if you're going to have a muscle spasm, have it somewhere other than the "Enter" button. I've seen a lot of double posts, and maybe even a triple post. But I can't recall ever seeing a quadruple post! :lol:

Re: darkmatter25

Posted: Sun Oct 20, 2013 7:11 pm
by Kurieuo
Ivellious wrote:Darkmatter25 is interesting (and somewhat crude, yes). He basically spins logical and moral arguments based around the Christian God and pokes holes in them. Some of the videos are less than convincing, while others are much more thought-provoking.

For example, he posits that we take superheroes from comic books and movies (like Batman and Superman) to be good guys, out to serve the people of Earth and stop evil. Darkmatter argues that we really don't have to be told that these guys are good people; their actions speak for themselves as ultimately good. Now, what if some of God's actions are superimposed onto these superheroes? Say Batman is fighting a villain and threatens to kill the entire city of Gotham if the villain doesn't surrender. You might have reason to question Batman's good intentions. Or if superman chose to eliminate crime in Metropolis by simply creating a tsunami to drown everyone? Again, suddenly, the actions of these heroes are no longer "inherently good" to us. Darkmatter argues that this is because actions like that aren't good. Now, in the Bible, when God does choose to mass-murder people to solve his problems, the Bible explicitly backs up God by telling the reader that such actions are good. The reader has to be reassured that God is acting in the right because, under pretty much any circumstances, we naturally think mass-murder is wrong.

Another video questions God's omniscience by saying that God simply cannot be both purely good and omniscient at the same time. That is, God cannot know what it feels like to want to sin (it would make God imperfect). But, on the flip side, if God does not understand what it means to be tempted by sin, then God doesn't know everything, so he can't be omniscient. Which would appear to be a paradoxical situation.

The videos are interesting, and some are actually thought provoking in the sense that I've never heard anyone answer the specific issues Darkmatter brings up.
What I find harder to come to terms with, is not why God punishes some, or many in the instance of Noah's flood. But rather, why he saves any of us.

Humanity always continues to show it's wickedness and greed. All of us do to varying degrees. So that for me, is a more complicated issue for a God who is perfectly righteous.

Re: darkmatter25

Posted: Thu Oct 24, 2013 6:12 pm
by Gman
Seeker wrote:I was wondering if anyone could help me through my current period or doubt. I have recently stumbled upon a youtube channel called darkmatter25 and although his videos show crude humor and alot of cursing he does point out good points in almost all of his videos. Seeing these have really shook my faith. If someone could please view some of his videos and give me some feedback it would be great
Dark matter is very.. Well it's very DARK matter.. Anyone want to challenge me on this?

:duel: :nunchaku:

Re: darkmatter25

Posted: Sat Oct 26, 2013 11:16 pm
by 1over137
Gman wrote:
Seeker wrote:I was wondering if anyone could help me through my current period or doubt. I have recently stumbled upon a youtube channel called darkmatter25 and although his videos show crude humor and alot of cursing he does point out good points in almost all of his videos. Seeing these have really shook my faith. If someone could please view some of his videos and give me some feedback it would be great
Dark matter is very.. Well it's very DARK matter.. Anyone want to challenge me on this?

:duel: :nunchaku:
Cursing and crude humor is indication of living in the dark.

Attaching verses on darkness
and verses on cursing and joking
and verses on bearing bad fruit


Re: darkmatter25

Posted: Wed Nov 27, 2013 12:32 am
by moshiya
[note from moderator: there was link posted. I view it as offtopic publicity. Please, you you have comments to this topic post it]