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Interesting question about God's love for us believers...

Posted: Sun Dec 08, 2013 12:39 am
This is one of questions that sometimes keeps me awake at night I thought I would share it with you and see what your perspectives are. It's about God's love for believers specifically.

Does God have special and specific reasons why He loves each of us I.E. the reasons why He loves "Bill" is different than the reasons why He loves "Mary". Or does God love all believers uni-formally for the same exact reason or reasons? If He does have different reasons for why He loves each of us how do we find out His specific reasons for loving us?

Also another part of this question has to do with the amount of love that God has for each individual believer. Does God love all believers equally or does He love some more and others less?

If He loves some more and others less can we as believers once we are with Him in eternity do things to help Him love us more or is the amount that God loves us in eternity determined by how good, sinless, or how many people we help win to Him? Anyway, these are some interesting questions to ponder and I wonder what you all think. Thank you all for your time. GB.

Re: Interesting question about God's love for us believers..

Posted: Mon Dec 09, 2013 7:03 am
by Byblos
Oh no, not the 'P' word again. :nooo:

Re: Interesting question about God's love for us believers..

Posted: Mon Dec 09, 2013 7:54 am
by PaulSacramento
There is the love of The Father, our creator God and that love is equal for all of His creation ( can a parent love one child m ore than another?), then there is the love that God has for WHAT we do.
Sort of like saying that "God doesn't hate us, but hates what we do ( when we do bad).
God doesn't love one more than an other, but He may be more FOND of when a person is closer to Him than another is.
Know what I mean?