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Proclaiming his love do u ?

Posted: Fri Feb 18, 2005 4:25 pm
by Anonymous
We consist of selfishness, Without words people think we dont exist!
Like a flower fading away, When will we proclaim Christ faith?
We only see what we want to see, We only try to people please.
Yet did God turn his back on you, When lost, hurt, and broken too?
Filled with hatred words ready to explode, God took off that very heavy load. He eased our mind so we could find peace inside. So that when death arrives we have life! People go around wondering why, we have our educated talk and why we think the thoughts we tought. But i know why, Its because without any question there would be no answers and without answers there would be questions unanswered. So you can dance around the fact our world is hatred filled, Or you can do something that makes a heavenly drill, Fill young minds with wisdom and peace show some the ways to eternity. Give love and joy unto all, So that they know God is shelter when they fall. Don't be so wrapped up you have'nt got time for the lord , Because he never shuts his door. So again i say. We consist of selfishness, Without words people think we dont exist. So spread the news we are alive and God dwells in us and is by our side. Don't give up when people turn away just know there will always be more days to procalim his love don't give up and message from above!
