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Prophecy in the bible

Posted: Tue Jan 07, 2014 8:46 am
by WannaLearn
How do you know that prophecy's in the bible really came true if it was written a long time ago? like cant you just right a prophecy and then the next page say that it came true?

Re: Prophecy in the bible

Posted: Tue Jan 07, 2014 10:31 am
by B. W.
WannaLearn wrote:How do you know that prophecy's in the bible really came true if it was written a long time ago? like cant you just (write) right a prophecy and then the next page say that it came true?
Not in all cases, the words fulfilled about Jesus Christ to current date really can't be said not to have happened or opened to conjecture. and next, in Isaiah 11:11, within its own context cannot be mistaken either - the Jewish people after two different dispersions have returned to their own land and are their own nation again, just as its says.

We are intellectually lazy people who desire to have everything spelled out in a nice concise manner and order. God desires to push that laziness out of us and have us seek after him and how he is at work in the lives of people and nations, so he uses dark sayings - prophecy and parables - to shake folks out of complacency. He used prophetic warnings with the ancient Jewish people that were direct and some cloudy to build hope in himself later on. So, yes, people can twist the prophecy to fit intellectual laziness. That style will be found in error as it is not relying on the Lord to stretch your intellect to grow into him.

To understand bible prophecy, learn of the passages that point to Jesus Christ, his birth, what he came to earth to do, and accomplish, first. From there you'll leave intellectual laziness behind and begin to understand what godly wisdom consist of.