The Devil and insanity

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The Devil and insanity

Post by ultimate777 »

What is insanity? Are insane people responsible for their actions? Is the devil insane?

I think if killing an insane person is the only way to stop him from killing innocent people he should be killed.
But it should be clearly understood it is prevention, not punishment, or revenge.

The end of the old Peter Lorre movie "M" is a very good example of that.
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Re: The Devil and insanity

Post by PaulSacramento »

Satan KNOWS what He is doing and WHY and that it is WRONG, that is what makes him evil.
Insane people do NOT.
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Re: The Devil and insanity

Post by ultimate777 »

PaulSacramento wrote:Satan KNOWS what He is doing and WHY and that it is WRONG, that is what makes him evil.
Insane people do NOT.
It seems he would have to be incredably stupid. Anybody sane with any intellegence should know he cannot win and should not rebel.
Why is he doing what he's doing? Is the reason he does not surrender and plead for mercy because he thinks God would not accept?
Is it physically impossible for Satan to surrender? If so, who made it so? Did God have a choice whether or not to make him?

Are you familiar with "Paradise Lost?" How much if any does it contradict the Bible?
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Re: The Devil and insanity

Post by ryanbouma »

I would think satan does not have the option to repent anymore. He rebelled towards God. It's like asking if the rich man that was in hell (Lazarus ate with the dogs at his table) could repent. He wanted out of hell but could not leave. He had his chance to make his choice. He was far from insane, he regretted his decision. But no choice to repent.

I also think satan now has such intense hatred towards God, that he may know he's doomed, but wants to do everything he can to fight God.

The devil is a tricky topic. Did God create him intentionally to be our adversary? Did God offer him a choice like us? Why was he able to approach and debate God in the book of Job? Etc.
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Re: The Devil and insanity

Post by jlay »

ultimate777 wrote:What is insanity? Are insane people responsible for their actions? Is the devil insane?

I think if killing an insane person is the only way to stop him from killing innocent people he should be killed.
But it should be clearly understood it is prevention, not punishment, or revenge.

The end of the old Peter Lorre movie "M" is a very good example of that.
Insanity in its simplest definition is lacking a grasp on reality. Reality is truth. So, insanity is not having a grip on the truth.
Clinical insanity could describe a number of conditions that are the result of mental illness, such as schizophrenia.
My aunt sufferes some mental illness. She understands that she is not able, at times, to think rationally because of depression, etc. Often her grip on reality is challenges because of the mental anquish of her condition. When it was at its worst, she was institutionalized for treatment.

A person who is criminally insane is pathological and might even see evil as good, such as Son of Sam.
These are all terms to describe humans, so no, I would not say the devil is not insane. Further, I would say the devil has a grip on reality, and understands his choices and actions. Let us not forget that sin relats to people who KNOW the good they ought to do, and fail to do it. Insanity means they can not discern right from wrong, or good from evil.
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Re: The Devil and insanity

Post by PaulSacramento »

ultimate777 wrote:
PaulSacramento wrote:Satan KNOWS what He is doing and WHY and that it is WRONG, that is what makes him evil.
Insane people do NOT.
It seems he would have to be incredably stupid. Anybody sane with any intellegence should know he cannot win and should not rebel.
Why is he doing what he's doing? Is the reason he does not surrender and plead for mercy because he thinks God would not accept?
Is it physically impossible for Satan to surrender? If so, who made it so? Did God have a choice whether or not to make him?

Are you familiar with "Paradise Lost?" How much if any does it contradict the Bible?
No, he is not stupid because he is NOT opposing God ot thinking He can beat God, he is OUR adversary and OUR accuser.
He can and does win, everytime we fall from God' love and deny God.
He doesn't plead for God to forgive because he believes himself the "hero" in this story, he will show God how we are undeserving of His Love and Grace.
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Re: The Devil and insanity

Post by PaulSacramento »

As for Paradise Lost, it is just a story and while it, at times, makes interesting view points, one is best to remember it is a story.
Milton had some very profound insight into certain things but he got so much wrong at times...especially in reference to Christ.
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