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Some questions on prayer I really need some help on

Posted: Wed Feb 05, 2014 1:25 pm
by SeekingSanctuary
Hi, I've been floating around the forum for a while looking for some help answering a few questions. These are the kind of things I don't think most Christians really talk about or even think much about, just sort of take it for granite. I used too, but lately things have changed.

I'm just going to post them as a list. Only answer the ones you want too as deeply as you want too. I'll be more than happy to get anything.

1. When you pray, have you ‘felt’ an answer from God? How often? What kind of answers do you feel? (note, I am not asking if your prayers ever get answered. I’m looking for emotions)
2. Have you ever prayed for guidance? How did you receive that guidance?
3. Do you experience any other emotions when you pray?
4. How often do you pray (estimate)? Around what times are normal?
5. Have you ever prayed for the same thing repeatedly? Does the experience change when you do this?
6. Ever been a member of any other religion? How was prayer similar/different?
7. Any other information on how you pray and your experience you would like to volunteer?

Also, I have noticed when I pray my breathing changes, like it’ll get slower and I always exhale when I finish. Anyone else notice themselves doing anything like this?

Re: Some questions on prayer I really need some help on

Posted: Fri Feb 07, 2014 1:48 pm
by 1over137
Maybe folks could reply to you via private message. You know, it is a kind of private.

Re: Some questions on prayer I really need some help on

Posted: Fri Feb 07, 2014 8:22 pm
by SeekingSanctuary
1over137 wrote:Maybe folks could reply to you via private message. You know, it is a kind of private.
Sure. I want everyone to be comfortable.