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Favoritism And Sports...As Sons Of God

Posted: Sun Feb 09, 2014 3:28 pm
by jcgood
...I have recently been attending High School Varsity basketball games. My friend's son is the Athletic director for the high school.

We only attend the Home games. At the first game I was very partisan....only cheering for "our side"...and thankfully..."our side" won the game....Yeah!!!! the next game....last Friday night ...I was in a very joyful spirit...and a different frame of mind.

I actually began to think...not as a we are programmed by our culture...but....more like respecter of persons...

So, ...I started clapping.....not just for "our side"....but for the other side as well....

And as I thought about it dawned on me......this is simply ...basic practical Christianity

If I make a basket....It is good and worth matter what side I am on.....

If I trained and practiced and prayed and attended...(sowed)...unto God....I would expect the reward of applause from all of God's people

..not just ...."our side"

This is the same principle that I use for political partisanship and zealous nationalism; also.....I think it is childish, divisive, and doesn't bode well for unity.

What do you think?