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What way half of young men of Merari family have gone?

Posted: Tue Feb 11, 2014 4:07 pm
by vasnas
What way half of young men of Merari family have gone?

Merari family has two times less children & young people then the Kohath and Gershon families have, after ~ 1 year past Exodus. (Nimbers 3)
				< 30	30-50  Summary  Ratio 
sons of Kohath	 		5850	2750	8600	2,13
sons of Gershon 		4870	2630	7500	1,85
sons of Merari			3000	3200	6200	0,94

Summary:			13720	8580	22300	1,6
This is two times less than the natural ratio of typical societies with the traditional type of reproduction.
Who knowns what happened in Merari family ?

Re: What way half of young men of Merari family have gone?

Posted: Wed Feb 12, 2014 5:39 pm
by Jac3510
I don't understand your question. The only place the Merarites are numbered that I could find is Num. 3:34. In fact, the same goes with the Kohathites and the Gershonites (both numbered in Num. 3). I couldn't find the numbers 5850/2750, 4870/2630/, or 3000/3200. I'm not saying they aren't there, but I'm not seeing them in my quick searches. Can you point me to where you are getting your numbers? (Also, what are the 2,13; 1,85; and 0,94?)

Beyond that, you'll just need to clarify what you are trying to figure out beyond where you are getting your data from. I don't see anything odd about the Merarites having 6200 people vs. the Kohathites having 8600. What problem are you seeing?