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US Gov't builds fake city with Christian church to train in

Posted: Sun Feb 16, 2014 6:43 pm
I saw this earlier today, this is a fairly new story. This thing was literally just completed. It's in Fort A.P. Hill Virgina. According to the reports it was made to be a military training facility used for unspecified combat scenarios. The various places of this fake town include a slab of railroad tracks, a school, a bank, a sports stadium, a underground subway (which actually works and features the same subway logos as the ones in Washington DC) and a small building that clearly resembles a small protestant Christian church.

Besides the links that I'm going to provide you can also see it on programs such as google earth. Again, it was just built in the last two years and the coordinates for this area are 38 07' 54.20 N 77 18' 10.52" W

And when you take articles like this into account ... t-bullets/

And when you factor in the bad economy, the corrupt government and the signs of the end times, this all seems to be coming together. And in closing, here are some articles and videos on this domestic "fake town" training facility. God bless. ... n_02142014

Re: US Gov't builds fake city with Christian church to train

Posted: Mon Feb 17, 2014 6:44 am
These links still work. I don't know why other websites are removing this information, unless they are being TOLD to remove it. And this site is still on google earth if you want to see it there. ... ccupation/ ... ation.html

Re: US Gov't builds fake city with Christian church to train

Posted: Tue Feb 18, 2014 10:45 am
by B. W.
Yes, it is in the news...

Saw the clip on local station, which said - training for Islamist terrorism in a Urban area.

Re: US Gov't builds fake city with Christian church to train

Posted: Tue Feb 18, 2014 1:02 pm
The government has also labeled conservative Christians as "domestic terrorists", so it really makes you wonder if it's us they are really after.

Re: US Gov't builds fake city with Christian church to train

Posted: Tue Feb 18, 2014 5:56 pm
by Seraph
I don't think the training ground containing a church is any more of a sign that the government hates Christians than the fact that it contains a school and railroad tracks indicates that the government hates education and trains.

There are no present signs of the end times, it's pure baloney. For all we know, the end times might not start until the year 100,000. And that's assuming people like Puritan Lad aren't correct in their assessment that a good chunk of the events in Revelations actually alluded to the fall of the roman empire. It's been 2000 years since the death and resurrection of Jesus, why would someone be dead certain that His return would be in the 2010s? Obviously it's not impossible that it could happen 5 minutes from now, but there's no real reason to expect it right now.

Re: US Gov't builds fake city with Christian church to train

Posted: Tue Feb 18, 2014 10:01 pm
by neo-x
DRDS wrote:I saw this earlier today, this is a fairly new story. This thing was literally just completed. It's in Fort A.P. Hill Virgina. According to the reports it was made to be a military training facility used for unspecified combat scenarios. The various places of this fake town include a slab of railroad tracks, a school, a bank, a sports stadium, a underground subway (which actually works and features the same subway logos as the ones in Washington DC) and a small building that clearly resembles a small protestant Christian church.

Besides the links that I'm going to provide you can also see it on programs such as google earth. Again, it was just built in the last two years and the coordinates for this area are 38 07' 54.20 N 77 18' 10.52" W

And when you take articles like this into account ... t-bullets/

And when you factor in the bad economy, the corrupt government and the signs of the end times, this all seems to be coming together. And in closing, here are some articles and videos on this domestic "fake town" training facility. God bless. ... n_02142014
Drds, I don't think you should be actively searching those signs, we clearly know that no would know the day when it will come. Sure you can monitor news and all, but presently I don't see anything worth the trouble.

Re: US Gov't builds fake city with Christian church to train

Posted: Wed Feb 19, 2014 8:41 pm
I just don't get it. You guys are like a bunch of atheists ganging up on me. The last time I felt this way was when I was in a atheist forum! I guess you all are quite proud to be asleep and you seem to think that morons like Obama, George W. Bush and so on are really "good men" who "just do the best they can" and who "really really mean well".
It's so insane that you would ignore obvious evidence to the contrary. Look at Bohemian Grove for instance. Have any of you even researched it yet? Here is some stuff on this:

They do mock human sacrifices to a pagan idol shaped like an owl, who goes by the name Molech, and if you have the slightest knowledge of the Old Testament, Molech was the pagan Babylonian god in the shape of a bull who's followers would make a bronze statue of, take their infant children, place them into the heated hands of this Molech statue and burn them to death.

It's the same type of god that folks like George W and HW Bush, Jimmy Carter, Bill Clinton, Ronald Regan, Richard Nixon and countless other big names go to worship. They are all closet homosexuals too, since another big thing about Bohemian Grove is the male prostitution that goes on.

Not to mention, our government isn't doing crap about the economy, unemployment at the very least is stagnant and if anything it's increasing. This year alone there will be lots of job closures in retail. Oh and another thing, our national debt. Seventeen TRILLION DOLLARS!

Just how in the heck is that ever going to get paid off. And how about the cause of it, the federal reserve, you need to look them up, this was all deliberate, they are in the same secret society as the world bankers and the world's elite working together with lucifer to bring about this climax of the end times and just because your real heroes such as Richard Dawkins and Stephen Hawking don't agree doesn't mean that something isn't going on!

The burden of proof is on you all who think the government is full of good, honest, and well meaning people who just so happen to have a bad case of the oopsies, I've given my evidence with things like Bohemian Grove, the dwindling economy and the national debt, now show me how worshiping a owl statue with a bunch of gay wads is a GOOD THING?

But since all this is like talking to a brick wall, I guess I'm not needed here. I guess I should take a long absence from this place. Since I guess many of you all here prefer believing in a empty shell of so called Christianity by believing things such as theistic evolution, preterism, for all I know you all just believe heaven is merely a state of mind and not a actual place!

I go back to what I said earlier, you people think atheists and secular scientists are the measure of all things, if they don't agree with you than you try and change your views to align better with them, because you thik they are the gatekeepers of truth don't you? But who cares, I'm gone!

Re: US Gov't builds fake city with Christian church to train

Posted: Wed Feb 19, 2014 9:00 pm
by Seraph
Well that escalated quickly.

Just because there are complex issues in the world doesn't mean its the end times or that everything is literally going to hell in a massive conspiracy as we speak. Just chill, there's no need for such a sense of impending doom. :P

Re: US Gov't builds fake city with Christian church to train

Posted: Wed Feb 19, 2014 9:58 pm
by neo-x
DRDS...You are thinking in a very small tight box, the world is much larger than america. Come to do not need satanaists, you get stoned for preaching the gospel by avergae people. There is so much happening that its impossible to just concentrate on america. The doom of the world is not going to start in american alone.

Let that settle in.

Re: US Gov't builds fake city with Christian church to train

Posted: Thu Feb 20, 2014 7:36 am
by Stu
Seraph wrote:I don't think the training ground containing a church is any more of a sign that the government hates Christians than the fact that it contains a school and railroad tracks indicates that the government hates education and trains.

There are no present signs of the end times, it's pure baloney. For all we know, the end times might not start until the year 100,000. And that's assuming people like Puritan Lad aren't correct in their assessment that a good chunk of the events in Revelations actually alluded to the fall of the roman empire. It's been 2000 years since the death and resurrection of Jesus, why would someone be dead certain that His return would be in the 2010s? Obviously it's not impossible that it could happen 5 minutes from now, but there's no real reason to expect it right now.
There are plenty signs of the end times right now, what rock are you living under :ewink:

The NDAA for goodness sake.
The Patriot Act
Militarisation of the US
Manipulation of gold and silver
Japan's economy
China/Japan relations
Middle East is a powder keg
Global economics; the USA is on the verge of financial collapse, all the (non-mainstream) experts are calling it as such.

The list goes on and on.

Even the perpetrators are letting us know something big is on the horizon Soros doubles a bearish bet on the S&P 500, to the tune of $1.3 billion: Headed For a Fall

Recent article by Doug Hagmann Exposing what lies beneath the bodies of dead bankers and what lies ahead for us

Give this interview with Jim Garrow, a recently retired US Intelligence Operative, a listen Jim Garrow on The Hagmann & Hagmann Report

These more than ever before truly are dangerous times we live in, and if you're not prepared with food, water, gold and silver (if you can afford) for a disaster in the near future you will regret it.

Re: US Gov't builds fake city with Christian church to train

Posted: Thu Feb 20, 2014 8:40 am
by RickD
The zombie apocalypse is imminent... y@-)

Re: US Gov't builds fake city with Christian church to train

Posted: Thu Feb 20, 2014 8:41 am
by Seraph
Again, those are just issues present in the world today. There have ALWAYS been issues present in the world equally as serious as all of those, in the middle ages it was "oh crud, empire x is sweeping through and killing everyone". Those are not signs of the impending apocalypse, they're just problems in the world today.

Signs of the end times would be much more obviously signs, as in supernatural events.

Re: US Gov't builds fake city with Christian church to train

Posted: Thu Feb 20, 2014 8:49 am
by Stu
They're signs of the beginning of the end (times).

Re: US Gov't builds fake city with Christian church to train

Posted: Thu Feb 20, 2014 8:52 am
by Stu
RickD wrote:The zombie apocalypse is imminent... y@-)
You really think that nothing is all that different about the world today, that the 2008 collapse is behind us, and wasn't just a precursor to something much bigger, you really think the world is just going to limp on as per usual.

Re: US Gov't builds fake city with Christian church to train

Posted: Thu Feb 20, 2014 8:58 am
by RickD
Stu wrote:
RickD wrote:The zombie apocalypse is imminent... y@-)
You really think that nothing is all that different about the world today, that the 2008 collapse is behind us, and wasn't just a precursor to something much bigger, you really think the world is just going to limp on as per usual.
No, I really think the zombie apocalypse is imminent. Don't you watch The Walking Dead?