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Do u think end of days is here

Posted: Fri Feb 21, 2014 4:15 pm
by UsagiTsukino
To be honest I don't think we are. Many things have to happen before hand.

Re: Do u think end of days is here

Posted: Fri Feb 21, 2014 4:20 pm
by Seraph
No not really. I imagine the real thing would be obvious as a nuclear bomb, not little subtle clues here and there that only people who put the pieces together can figure out.

Plus, it's been 2000 years since the new testament was written. The end times coming "soon" could mean 100,000 years for all we know.

Re: Do u think end of days is here

Posted: Fri Feb 21, 2014 4:31 pm
by rebekahy2k
I keep thinking it will happen for years now - since 2000. Been thing it for 13 years now.

Re: Do u think end of days is here

Posted: Sat Feb 22, 2014 10:40 am
by Stu
There has been a slow build-up toward the end times. Many events unfolding at the moment are the chess pieces being set in place.

Think of it like a building that is about to be demolished. You have to strategically place dynamite at various points on the building to bring it down correctly. You cannot have only 3 of 8 support pillars rigged to blow as it won't come down properly. That is what we are seeing play out right now (9/11, Iraq, Syria, etc.).

When it goes it's going to go big and we'll see the planned domino effect unfold fast and furious.
We are in the (latter) planning stages of the end times. Events that will lead us into the end times.

Re: Do u think end of days is here

Posted: Sat Feb 22, 2014 11:42 pm
by neo-x
I think its a futile exercise thinking about something we are told we can't figure out in the first place. Sure the sigbs are a big tell but honestly these signs are not quite clear, and picking them up from revelations is quite interpretative and not really concise or clear at all. Its any body's guess at the end. And history has shown us that anyone who guessed it in the last 2000 years, was wrong.

Re: Do u think end of days is here

Posted: Sun Feb 23, 2014 12:52 am
by Stu
We are told that we won't know the time of His return, not that we won't know when the end times are approaching or upon us.

Otherwise why was Revelations given to us by God? Just to be some obscure book that no one understands, no of course not.
Why would God give Daniel visions to let us know of future events, if we are just to remain ignorant.

Re: Do u think end of days is here

Posted: Sun Feb 23, 2014 3:43 am
by neo-x
And there is quite a vast array of interpretations on revelations. You think you know it but every chap has thought the same in the last two millenniums. Look I am not saying end times won't come, I think you're sure confidence is misplaced on the wrong reasons. You have virtually no proof that what's going on in the world is exactly what's written in revelations because at various times in history the same text has been referred to with what was going on the world at that period of time. I think there is even a way to read revelations in the context of its day, roman empire and all. So no, the text mey be definitive but our understanding of it is not and precisely because its a prophetic book, without exactly knowing what is being talked about, which we don't know with crystal clarity, its near impossible to get a fixed period or date. Sooner or later the text becomes ambiguous and you have to figure out what it must stand for today, and there its your guess, intelligent or not is irrelevant, it can't be authentic, it may be right but just by accidental intuition. But there is nothing solid in tbe text which can give a reading that we are talking about today and not any other period or time.

Re: Do u think end of days is here

Posted: Sun Feb 23, 2014 4:21 am
by Stu
Well I guess we'll find out soon enough.

The Bible also says that the prophecies of Daniel are close up until the time of the end.
Seems some people are unlocking those prophecies. Now of course whether you think they are right or wrong is crucial, but it certainly seems like portions of prophecy is being deciphered these days.


Re: Do u think end of days is here

Posted: Sun Feb 23, 2014 6:43 am
by RickD
Veith is a 7th day Adventist.

From CARM:
The Seventh-day Adventist church is a controversial organization. With its founding prophetess, Ellen G White, they teach that the proper day of worship is Saturday, that Jesus is Michael the Archangel, that ultimately Satan will bear all of our sins, that when a person dies he does not exist anymore, that hell is not eternal, and more. They emphasize dietary laws and what many consider to be a legalism, especially since they teach you can lose your salvation. Some consider it a cult and others do not. Nevertheless, it is an organization that needs to be examined.
I think it's a good idea to be wary of prophecies from anyone who belongs to a religion that believes Jesus is Michael the Archangel.

Unless one wants to believe an Adventist's beliefs have no bearing on his interpretation of biblical prophecy.

Re: Do u think end of days is here

Posted: Sun Feb 23, 2014 7:13 am
by Stu
RickD wrote:Veith is a 7th day Adventist.

From CARM:
The Seventh-day Adventist church is a controversial organization. With its founding prophetess, Ellen G White, they teach that the proper day of worship is Saturday, that Jesus is Michael the Archangel, that ultimately Satan will bear all of our sins, that when a person dies he does not exist anymore, that hell is not eternal, and more. They emphasize dietary laws and what many consider to be a legalism, especially since they teach you can lose your salvation. Some consider it a cult and others do not. Nevertheless, it is an organization that needs to be examined.
I think it's a good idea to be wary of prophecies from anyone who belongs to a religion that believes Jesus is Michael the Archangel.

Unless one wants to believe an Adventist's beliefs have no bearing on his interpretation of biblical prophecy.
Hmm, most of those ideas I don't agree with. Though the Saturday one is true as the Catholics even admit to changing the day.
Are you sure all Seventh-day Adventists believe all of that?

His interpretation of Nebuchadnezzar's dream goes as follows:
Head of gold was Babylon.
Chest and arms of silver was Medo-Persia.
Belly and thighs of bronze were the Greeks.
Legs of iron was Rome.
Feet of clay and iron is the rise and fall of European countries (ten toes).
And the little horn power is modern day Rome.

Be interested to know what you think, give the vid a watch.

The video below deals with Nebuchadnezzar's dream in detail, the other vid I posted above references it and builds thereon by fleshing out the prophecy.


Re: Do u think end of days is here

Posted: Sun Feb 23, 2014 8:22 am
by PeteSinCA
I would answer UT's original question with an emphatic, "Maybe, and maybe not."

Scripture informs Christian believers: about the natures of God and man; man's need for salvation; what is right and wrong; what we should be as believers, individually and as a church; Jesus will return. Beyond knowing that things will sometimes be very unpleasant and Satan uses deception to ensnare or neutralize believers, Christian believers really should be focused on getting to know God in the Scriptures and what He said about right & wrong and what we should be doing in serving Him (in our relationship with Him and in our communities). I think those foci are a sufficient challenge and sufficient to navigating persecution and deception.

Re: Do u think end of days is here

Posted: Sun Feb 23, 2014 10:18 pm
by UsagiTsukino
Excuse me but Christians already met on Sundays, before catholics said they changed it.

Re: Do u think end of days is here

Posted: Thu Feb 27, 2014 2:20 am
by Stu
For those in doubt or interested in the end times, the White Stone Remnant Conference will be taking place on May 30,31 and June 1.
The speakers will be Steve Quayle, Russ Dizdar, Dr Greg Evensen, Pastor David Lankford and Pastor John Kyle.

What are we facing in these end days.
How to prepare spiritually.
Where to join the good fight of faith.

Website and list of speakers found here.

Re: Do u think end of days is here

Posted: Mon Mar 03, 2014 9:49 pm
by UsagiTsukino
What does many will heard but few will answer mean to you? In the last days many will heard God but will understand but not accepted it and many who know are savedis that what the verse are saying?

Re: Do u think end of days is here

Posted: Tue Mar 04, 2014 9:33 am
by theophilus
We now have the necessary technology to make the fulfillment of end time prophecies possible. For example, Revelation 11 says that when the two witnesses are killed and left in the street the whole world will look at them. The existence of television and communication satellites makes it possible for this to happen. Here is an article that gives more examples of this: