Having trouble with the flood, evolution or dinosaurs?

Discussion about scientific issues as they relate to God and Christianity including archaeology, origins of life, the universe, intelligent design, evolution, etc.
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Having trouble with the flood, evolution or dinosaurs?

Post by Stu »

I found this series of videos by Professor Walter Veith. Very intelligently presented, kept me glued from beginning to end. Keep in mind he was both an evolutionist and atheist before he became a Christian.

There are 8 videos in total, but the seventh is more related to scripture, so keep that in mind.

Here's the first:

The Earth in Time and Space
In this video, the big bang theory of origins and its plausibility are discussed. The catastrophic origin of the geological column is presented in full multimedia format. Evidence for rapid water deposition of the layers of the geological column, canyon formation, erosional features, and paraconformites (missing time zones) are discussed together with their age implications. The standard geological view is contrasted with the Biblical view, enabling the viewer to make a choice between the two...


and here's the third:

Bones in Stones
The fossil record is discussed and a catastrophic origin is contrasted with the standard paradigm of evolution over long time periods. Alternative models for the apparent order in the fossil record are presented together with evidence for the sudden appearance of all life forms during the so-called "Cambrian explosion." The origins of dinosaurs and their demise are also discussed, and evidence for the simultaneous appearance of numerous life forms are presented in support of the Biblical model.


You can find all of the video's here. I would highly recommend these videos if you have someone in your family or a friend who has trouble with the biblical account of creation and events, history of the earth and evolution vs creation and so on.

I actually keep these on a DVD and give it to people that I think might find it of interest.
Feel free to leave any comments here if you do end up watching any of the videos.
Only when the blood runs and the shackles restrain, will the sheep then awake. When all is lost.
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