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More venting...

Posted: Tue Feb 25, 2014 8:10 am
by Silvertusk
Ok here is my rant.

I work in a job that is stressful and frankly making me very depressed at times. And my wife is in a similar position. If you are wondering what we do – we are both teachers. This has made us both think the following. Imagine a scenario where God does not exist. You are born, you grow up and if you are lucky you are in a country that is developed and provides you a free education. You learn a skill and if you are exceptionally lucky you end up in a job that you enjoy. However this is not the case with the majority of people. Most people get a job just to survive. Most people get jobs that are dealing with things that we as a people or species have made up and have attached some illusionary importance to then when in fact they have no real value or purpose whatsoever. In Jobs that do have meaning a lot of time is wasted again dealing with elements that feeds a bureaucratic monster that once again serves no purpose or meaning made up by people who are doing jobs that serve no purpose or meaning. Now baring health you will usually be stuck at this job for a good 40 years of your life, or something similar, or generally just moving from place to place just to survive. If by fortune one of those jobs is something you enjoy then it is good news. However with shifting financial climates this can change in a heartbeat.

So day in day out many people will be stuck doing something just to get by and living out there lives. At the end of it if you reach retirement the government will suck dry any savings you have managed to accumulate and in a lot of cases this money will be used to pay for care homes or care agencies that can charge up to a £1000 a week. In the twilight years of your life as you get older the quality of life will get more and more unbearable and the only relief will eventually be death. All through life before you even get that old you still have to avoid the pitfalls of getting killed in an accident, dying of some horrible disease, losing loved ones and going through heart breaking relationships. In the end you are put into the ground or burnt to a crisp and the people you leave behind will eventually forget about you as they go through their own cycle.
Is this really all what life is about?

I am sure there are moments of happiness in that cycle, marriage, children, holidays, (if you can afford it) friends etc. But they seem to be pitted against a much larger weight on the opposing side of the scale.

I know people at the end of this cycle as I am sure all of us do and these are people without faith. I can’t see how they can cope with the meaningless of it all. What was the point of their lives?

How can anybody not want there to be something more? How can anyone be an atheist and not spend large swathes of your life in utter despair. Are atheists just ignoring this fact and are trying not to look into the bleakness of oblivion? An atheist response would surely be to make your life mean something and some people get that opportunity (although it still carries no ultimate meaning) but 99% of the population of the world do not get that chance. What about all the people in developing countries who starve and die in abject poverty or are killed in brutal wars? Is it just bad luck? Is this all life really is?

I hate my job but I tell you what, If I did not have God I wouldn’t know what I would do. I love my Father in Heaven. I love my Lord that sits by his right hand side and I love the spirit that dwells within me. I love my God. All three parts of him!!!

Jesus is our only hope in this world period. There is no other which we can be saved and people need to realise that. After my years of study I can come to no other conclusion.

Just needed to get that off my chest. Thank you for reading.


Re: More venting...

Posted: Tue Feb 25, 2014 8:37 am
by Seraph
I know what you mean, a lot of naive enthusiastic atheists don't seem to realize the meaninglessness of life in that worldview and truth that nihilism would hold.

In my experience though, the smarter atheists (and what I sometimes think in times of particularly bad doubt) is "it doesn't matter how bleak it is, the truth may very well be very bleak. I can't just choose to believe something because it makes me happy".

Re: More venting...

Posted: Tue Feb 25, 2014 11:16 am
by 1over137
I know atheists who think that they cannot know the truth (like how universe came to be) so they do not think about it. They cannot solve it so they do not think about it.

They also think: if there is no God then there is no God. Enjoy your short life and that's it.

Edit: they are kind of reconciled and not depressed.