Only God can show science is wrong.

Discussion about scientific issues as they relate to God and Christianity including archaeology, origins of life, the universe, intelligent design, evolution, etc.
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Only God can show science is wrong.

Post by TheDunce »

The purpose of the board is: This board is a part of Evidence for God from Science

My argument is science cannot adjudicate over God, science is not the judge of God; and science cannot reveal God.

However in a round about way science is evidence for God, as God has come forward and shown that science is wrong. Pretty much every mind on the planet has been of the opinion that the laws of science, the scientific method are the judges of truth and knowledge, and in its idolatry presumes to judge God. We can easily summarize that belief in when challenging a statement we often hear: "THat is not scientific. " Everyone acquiesces to science. Oh science and there are no shortages of great wonders and scientific miracles. Quite, science may very well be a great delusion, or the great delusion. In its position to test God, its idolatrous.

So how does God reveal Himself through science? QUite simply He shows science is wrong. ANd it is. Science is so far off the mark that the system is laughable. He showed me how to debunk science, not the results of science but the philosophical system and beliefs. I suppose if the laws were Right -- representation of His laws, then maybe science would be producing even greater wonders and wouldn't be sitting on the His Throne judging HIm.

You can start with the laws of Diffusion, there are two. The laws do not relate mathematically -- Fick's Law and Stefan's Law. That's simply preposterous. They are actually compliments. SO He showed me the correct representation was an exponential times a logarithm and the two chemical potential are related as compliments to the same system. That is itself is a significant revelation. However it goes further, all Truths connect, so His representation of diffusion must also produce other Truths, and the hardest of hardcore Truths is a definition of mass. Sure enough, using the diffusion equations, and the knowledge that objectivity is rooted in the integers and transcendental numbers, it is easy to derive the molar mass of the proton to 0.0010 percent accuracy; then further analyses dhows that mass-velocity pairings are related to the fine structure constant -- science's biggest mystery.

So how does science reveal God? Science doesn't and cannot, as it is in error and plum wrong; however God revealed Himelf (to me at least) and crushed science, its beliefs and its idolatry.

Oh.. The Universe is rooted in the Logos or God's perfect thought --- you know the rest. .
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Re: Only God can show science is wrong.

Post by bippy123 »

The belief that science is the purveyor of all truths is called scientism and its a very narrow dogmatic view, but science as long as it is viewed in the correct light is evidence for God, but its not the ultimate evidence. Our faith is rooted in one event, the resurrection, everything else is a minor detaill.
As far as science is concerned, who gave us these laws of science .

Science itself was originally born out of Christian worldview. Christians wanted to know more about God's creationa nd science was one of the tools they used to do that.
He could just as easily created the universe with a different set of physical laws if he wanted to but he chose it this way.
Christ resurrected so why stress about the minor details of the way he created the universe :)
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