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Historical Accuracy of the Bible

Posted: Thu Mar 06, 2014 5:16 pm
by slabendadas ... -reliable/
An atheist's view
How much of what he is saying is true?

I haven't read the new testament, right now I'm on psalms. I think after I fifnish psalms I'll skip ahead to the new testament.
So please knowledgable people, tell me what you think of that article?

Re: Historical Accuracy of the Bible

Posted: Thu Mar 06, 2014 5:47 pm
by Furstentum Liechtenstein
slabendadas wrote:An atheist's view. How much of what he is saying is true?
Not much is true in what he wrote. He even got wrong the part where he said that ''some'' Christians don't believe the Bible to be accurate. Actually, most so-called Christians have doubts about the Bible's historicity, textual accuracy, that it contains the very words of God, and that it is relevant to today.

In a word, he's a flunkie. Don't bother with this character. Smart atheists are rarer than pimples on a fashion model's face.