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Posted: Mon Mar 10, 2014 7:38 pm
by Alpha~Omega
Hello, I recently did a critique of a video on Youtube. I would like for some of you folks to analyze my critique, and give your opinions on what you would of done/ what you think I did correctly.

Here is the link to the video:

Here is my critique:

Hello Skall, I will give you my counterpoints for each part of your video, I appreciate your respect, and I assure that it is mutual, I simply like to debate on such topics. I hope it will continue to be civil.

First off, you seem to be setting up a sort of Straw-man type argument, which you seems to define what you think Monotheistic religions are, while ignoring the fact that Islam and Christianity are in essence two totally different ideologies. I think this stems from a common lack of knowledge I find the PC crowd has on Religions in general. None the less I will address your points.

I can't speak for Islam, but in Christianity, there is no need to prove ones worth for anything, since an atoning sacrifice was made via Jesus Christ, rendering ones efforts towards "proving" themselves unnecessary.

Next we have the all to common idea that hell is a torture chamber. This is simply not true. This idea comes from medieval literature and other sources, such as the Divine Comedy. Hell is a place that is made for those who have chosen not to be with God after they die. You don't believe in God, so why should he force you into heaven? That is Divine Rape.

The flood. An act that was seemingly induced to due feelings of regret on God's part. However, consider the idea that the denizens on the earth of that time had become so corrupt and vile, that God sent the flood upon them as judgement. I realize that this will not be a popular answer, due to the general thought that Tolerance for all actions is touted as the supreme virtue. But would you tolerate parents murdering their children, and then proceeding to build their dead child's corpse into their house as a sort of good luck charm for a better harvest? I certainly hope not. ( this is what the followers of Molech and other ancient gods did)

After this, you go on identifying who the father in your argument might or might not be. There are many supporting arguments for the Judeo-Christian God. I will name a few for now, and will expand on this topic if needed since this in and of itself is enough for a debate alone. ( Mitochondrial Eve, First causation, Objective Morality, etc.)

Mr. Satan. Now it seems your addressing Christianity specifically. I'll just say this for now; it is very easy to tell weather or not a certain action is good or bad by determining if it is for the glory of God, or for some ill prospect. Again, I recognize this isn't going to be a popular answer. But considering that your talking specifically about Christianity in this case, it is a fitting one.

As for the mirror bit, if one would think that there is no one behind the mirrior at all, then the obvious question is why is it there in the first place? Getting rid of the "false information" would force one choice upon everyone, thus nullifying any thoughts about the concept of free will being a key factor in the decision making process about who really is God.

Life is tough man, no doubt, but you have the power to make it easier for others to get through it, and even beyond it. Will you accept this power or deny it? It is up to you to make the test easier or harder based on the perspective you hold of your surroundings.

Re: Advice

Posted: Tue Mar 11, 2014 5:11 am
by Furstentum Liechtenstein
Alpha~Omega wrote:Next we have the all to common idea that hell is a torture chamber.
The ''to'' above should be a too. Drop the ''Mitochondrial Eve'' stuff; it sounds like an appeal to science.

In general, your answer pleases me but I doubt Skall will understand it.


Re: Advice

Posted: Tue Mar 11, 2014 3:28 pm
by Seraph
Heeeey I like the science :(

Maybe replace "mitochondrial eve" with "fine tuning of the universe" :P