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Why will God let there be so few people in heaven

Posted: Fri Mar 14, 2014 4:33 pm

Hey guys, I've been feeling down again, mainly because of the fact that I feel like the stuff I'm trying to do for God in trying to reach the lost or encourage other believers just isn't working out. No one it seems wants anything to do with what I offer and it also seems that no one wants to see the evidence for God's existence or hear the gospel or anything.

And when I look at the grand scheme of things I'm under the impression that probably at least 98% of the human population from the beginning of time until the end of time possibly even more than that will end up in hell with probably only less than 2% making it into heaven.

And as a result, this causes me to ask myself much bigger questions concerning God such as, why does He allow satan to pretty much get away with everything? I mean, why does God just sit back and allow satan to ruin so many lives and take so many to hell? Why is God just fine and dandy with having only a couple hundred Amish Quakers, Fred Phelps and his crazy inbred family in heaven and that's it???? WHY???!!!!

Now to get on the bright side a bit, I'm sure many of you here will make it in and probably just by the hair on my chin I MIGHT and that's a big MIGHT make it in, and I know you all are cool, so at least I'll have some decent people to hang out with, but it seems like with over 98% of the human population going to hell would mean we would lose so many interesting personalities and we would lose so much talent, beauty, potential, and fun.

I mean, if this is true my only hope would be that God has other worlds, other universes in which other people make it into heaven and that way heaven as well as the new earth mentioned in Revelation be properly filled up. Well either that scenario or God could just create more people or more creatures that we can love and have good times with.

Which gets to another big pet peeve of mine, why is it (and this is especially true in my area) that for the most part (and again you guys are the exception to this rule because you all are into things like apologetics, science, philosophy, archaeology and so on) most born again believers just so happen to be some of the most boring, bland, dull, hateful, arrogant, self righteous, selfish, egotistical and down right meanest people on the planet?

That and the fact that many non believers can exhibit most or if not all of the polar opposite of those characteristics that I just mentioned? I just hope when such believers do make it into heaven that God will somehow fix their personalities and their brains so that they will be much more nicer and more fun to be around, because I honestly dread spending an eternity with folks like Fred Phelps and my neighborhood locals who want to imitate him.

I just hope that God isn't even remotely like him as far as personality goes. If I do make it into heaven and I'm surrounded by a bunch of Fred Phelpsy Amish prudes trying to preach each other into hell even when they are in heaven, I might just try to talk God into vaporizing me out of existence all together and call it "breaking even."

STOP Rant:

Re: Why will God let there be so few people in heaven

Posted: Fri Mar 14, 2014 5:26 pm
by Seraph
DRDS wrote: Why is God just fine and dandy with having only a couple hundred Amish Quakers, Fred Phelps and his crazy inbred family in heaven and that's it???? WHY???!!!!

Now to get on the bright side a bit, I'm sure many of you here will make it in and probably just by the hair on my chin I MIGHT and that's a big MIGHT make it in, and I know you all are cool, so at least I'll have some decent people to hang out with, but it seems like with over 98% of the human population going to hell would mean we would lose so many interesting personalities and we would lose so much talent, beauty, potential, and fun.
Only a couple hundred? :shock:
If it makes you feel better, I don't think God's criteria for salvation is nearly as strict as the old (sometimes seemingly masochistic) puritans made it out to be, practically needing to distance yourself from anything remotely enjoyable. So I think that the amount of saved people should be at *least* a couple billion if we're counting everyone who has ever lived or will ever live.
A genuine faith in Jesus should be enough to save anybody. :)

Though Jesus did say that the road to life is narrow and the road to death is broad...

As for not liking people in heaven, we will all be sanctified and made perfect like God. So people will probably be more fun in heaven than Fred Phelps is here on earth. For people who were prudes during their time on earth, we'll just need to forgive them like God has :P

However it is, I doubt disappointment will be among the emotions felt in the presence of God!

Re: Why will God let there be so few people in heaven

Posted: Fri Mar 14, 2014 6:13 pm
I certainly hope you are right on that, I guess another often asked question that pertains to this discussion is what will people do or how will people cope in heaven who even though they themselves make it in, either some of their friends and family, most of their friends and family or perhaps all of their friends and family don't make it in.

Take for instance lone muslims who come to know Christ but are then rejected by their entire family and even put to death for their conversion, how will they cope in heaven knowing that their entire family didn't make it in assuming that the rest did not make it in?

Now I certainly don't know the mind of God but one bright idea I came up with as far as how God could do things is create saved versions of lost friends and family members and in so doing, make the lost versions of these people fully aware that they have a saved version of them.

By doing this it would accomplish two key things, one, it would fully satisfy the need for people who did lose loved ones to be around at least a saved version of their lost loved ones so people won't be miserable in heaven and two it makes the lost version of such people suffer even more in hell because then they know they have been replaced and even their saved loved ones won't remember them. Plus by making them suffer more in hell you know God will go for this because after all if we know anything 100% about God its that He loves to dish out wrath. :ewink:

So again, by creating saved versions of lost loved ones it would satisfy the saint's "misery jones" and it would also satisfy God's "wrath jones"! :D Good night everyone! 8)

Re: Why will God let there be so few people in heaven

Posted: Fri Mar 14, 2014 6:17 pm
Oh and P.S. This is my 500th POST! :D :guitar: :jumping: :beer: :dancing: y\:D/ y:D y:o) y:@) y~:> y3:-O y8-X :sleep:

Re: Why will God let there be so few people in heaven

Posted: Fri Mar 14, 2014 8:57 pm
by bippy123
DRDS wrote:Oh and P.S. This is my 500th POST! :D :guitar: :jumping: :beer: :dancing: y\:D/ y:D y:o) y:@) y~:> y3:-O y8-X :sleep:
:clap: :amen: congrats bro y>:D< On your 500th post.
As far as you feeling that no one is being affected by your , I know that I have benefitted a lot from your posts. You have the guts to research things that many wouldn't put the effort to look into and you have opened my eyes to lots of new things such as the nephilim and what heaven will be like :)

As far as how many people are going to be in heaven bro, I think Christ's is much easier then we feel it is at times and I think we will be pleasantly surprised at how many people we will see in heaven :)

Re: Why will God let there be so few people in heaven

Posted: Fri Mar 14, 2014 8:59 pm
by bippy123
DRDS wrote:I certainly hope you are right on that, I guess another often asked question that pertains to this discussion is what will people do or how will people cope in heaven who even though they themselves make it in, either some of their friends and family, most of their friends and family or perhaps all of their friends and family don't make it in.

Take for instance lone muslims who come to know Christ but are then rejected by their entire family and even put to death for their conversion, how will they cope in heaven knowing that their entire family didn't make it in assuming that the rest did not make it in?

Now I certainly don't know the mind of God but one bright idea I came up with as far as how God could do things is create saved versions of lost friends and family members and in so doing, make the lost versions of these people fully aware that they have a saved version of them.

By doing this it would accomplish two key things, one, it would fully satisfy the need for people who did lose loved ones to be around at least a saved version of their lost loved ones so people won't be miserable in heaven and two it makes the lost version of such people suffer even more in hell because then they know they have been replaced and even their saved loved ones won't remember them. Plus by making them suffer more in hell you know God will go for this because after all if we know anything 100% about God its that He loves to dish out wrath. :ewink:

So again, by creating saved versions of lost loved ones it would satisfy the saint's "misery jones" and it would also satisfy God's "wrath jones"! :D Good night everyone! 8)
This post shows me you have a great heart bro, it's definitely a gift from God that you are thinking about so many people on this earth and their spiritual well being , empathy is certainly an awesome gift to have :amen:

Re: Why will God let there be so few people in heaven

Posted: Sat Mar 15, 2014 1:26 am
by Silvertusk
Like has been said - there will be billions in heaven. It is just you are living in a country that is getting more secularised. And don't forget in the end times - multitudes will come to Christ.

Re: Why will God let there be so few people in heaven

Posted: Sat Mar 15, 2014 7:33 am
by Stu
DRDS, don't get too down buddy. I will bet that all your efforts aren't in vain. What you are doing is planting seeds, sounds like many seeds :D, sometimes those seeds will flourish right away and sometimes they take some time, and of course some won't flower at all. Keep in mind if you can save but one soul that it would all be worth the effort. I know people like to say that, but bottom line is it's the truth.

Re: Why will God let there be so few people in heaven

Posted: Sat Mar 15, 2014 8:34 am
by ChristianScientistAnn
Christ Jesus made this statement repeatedly: "The kingdom of heaven is at hand."

Re: Why will God let there be so few people in heaven

Posted: Sat Mar 15, 2014 9:15 am
by Seraph
Is it Jehovah's Witnesses who believe that there will literally only be 144,000 people in heaven? The must stink since a literal interpretation of that chapter would imply that the only people to enter heaven will be 12,000 people from each tribe of Israel. Which I'm guessing equals none of us.

Re: Why will God let there be so few people in heaven

Posted: Sat Mar 15, 2014 11:34 pm
Yep, that's right, as far as I know that's what JWs believe.

Re: Why will God let there be so few people in heaven

Posted: Sun Mar 16, 2014 2:20 am
by bippy123
Stu wrote:DRDS, don't get too down buddy. I will bet that all your efforts aren't in vain. What you are doing is planting seeds, sounds like many seeds :D, sometimes those seeds will flourish right away and sometimes they take some time, and of course some won't flower at all. Keep in mind if you can save but one soul that it would all be worth the effort. I know people like to say that, but bottom line is it's the truth.
Amen Stu :) :amen:

Re: Why will God let there be so few people in heaven

Posted: Sun Mar 16, 2014 7:45 am
by PeteSinCA
DRDS, I'm happy letting God handle the heaven-or-hell judgment. I'm sure the thief on the cross next to Jesus didn't exactly lead a great life up to the point where he repented - in the last few hours of his life. If Phred Phelps winds up somewhere he does not expect, God will have been just. If Phred Phelps is, instead, in heaven, he'll have realized that the last several decades of his life were reprehensible.

What is remarkable is that any human will spend eternity with God, and what God did for that to happen. God doesn't force anyone who, in life, wanted nothing to do with God - or preferred some other "god" - to spend eternity with Him.

Re: Why will God let there be so few people in heaven

Posted: Mon Mar 17, 2014 11:00 am
These are some great responses, I just hope that God will still create human beings or at least some type of beings for us to be around and to love and enjoy. Because I'm still under the sad impression that very few people will make it in, and out of the majority of those who make it in, they will be some of the most boring, dull, bitter, hateful, legalistic folks to ever exist.

Now thankfully there will be a few people make it into heaven who are fun, nice, talented, good looking, with great personalities, many of them are you guys, but sadly believers of your ilk are few and far between, most that I have seen at least, in my local area, are of the Fred Phelps type. Now they do know their stuff, they know their theology and they know their strict morality, trust me, if anything, they will let you know by telling you how great they are in those areas, but as far as being great people to hang out with forget it.

I still hope that God Himself is not like that. I mean, just like with people, people can still be "good" they can still be moral, have all the right beliefs and still be a jerk. Or they can still have all that and still be dull, boring and tasteless. I just hope that once I meet God in person, He will be the polar opposite of the "Fred Phelps" type so to speak. But anyway, these are some great responses and a really good conversation to say the least. Thank you all so much. :)

Re: Why will God let there be so few people in heaven

Posted: Mon Mar 17, 2014 3:50 pm
Oh well, I better retract my Fred Phelps comments because earlier today some news regarding his health and his status within the WBC has surfaced. It's kinda off topic but ah, not so much off topic. ... er-1561830