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What should I do with this pain I have for my lost family

Posted: Wed Mar 19, 2014 5:49 pm
This is something that goes hand in hand with this thread, ... =3&t=39287 it's along the same lines, but it's more personal, and it doesn't only apply to family members, but friends, acquaintances and people I just meet and see in day to day life that I like or fall in love with and hope they are either saved or if not are able to come to the Lord. But the fact is, many people, if not, most people in my life right now really don't seem to care much about God, Christianity, salvation or anything of that ilk. They are immersed in secularism, ill will, or just indifference to Christ.

I try to talk to some of them about it when I'm around them in person, and I'm always trying to promote things like apologetics, the evidence for God's existence, as well as scripture on social media but it all for the most part falls on deaf ears. As far as praying for them, I do every night and many times throughout the day but so far I haven't seen hardly anyone I know appear to respond in a positive way. It all seems so futile.

And when I take into account with the possibility of us being in the last days and how so few will come to Christ in those days as everyone will flock to the antichrist because of the great deception, but even if we are not, again, society is so secularized and is only getting worse and it's not really about intellect at least for the most part, from what I've seen it's mostly has to do with people's will and emotions. If you don't believe me, just ask bippy123, he's dealt with atheists and unbelievers quite often and that's a common theme that both he and I have seen.

But anyway, let's take a worst case scenario, what if nearly all my family, friends, people I meet and so forth don't make it into heaven, surely I'll be overwhelmed with great sadness and despair so what will God do to make things up? Will He erase my memories of them, if that's the case, I'll almost will remember nothing about my life. Or will He do something to make up for it like create more human beings or at least create something to ease the sadness of me and others in my similar situation as well as to fill up His kingdom so there will be at least some activity.

And as far as this life goes, I tell you, I seem to have a very big heart and a very soft spot for everyone in my life and I really really hope that all of them or at least as many as possible come to know Christ, but with what I"m seeing with my efforts being pretty much in vain, not to mention right now I'm not on good terms with many in my family mainly for reasons I currently don't know or understand, I'm wondering if I should let me heart grow cold and be more about me. I know some calvinists would say that coming from the idea that even though I'm predestined everyone else around me isn't so therefore why even care, of course, for me that's easier said than done.

Almost all my Christian upbringing tells me to be concerned for souls of people around me, but if nothing is working out and it appears that right now next to no one in my life other than me is going to make it into God's kingdom, so why even care anymore? I just feel like the apostles in villages where they were not welcomed, just shake the dust off my feet and go my own way.

I'm trying to figure out if you all are in this kind of situation with your family and friends and nothing seems to work as far as getting them to respond to the gospel, how do you get over the fact of them most likely remaining lost forever and knowing that after this life you will never ever see them again knowing they will be tormented forever? I mean, right now I'm even tempted to just stop praying for many of them because it's just that futile. Any feedback and encouragement will be greatly appreciated. Thanks so much. GB.

Re: What should I do with this pain I have for my lost famil

Posted: Wed Mar 19, 2014 8:17 pm
by SeekingSanctuary
First, it is a good thing you feel pain. It doesn't feel good, but it shows you are Christ-like in a least this regard. I feel passing fear for people at time, but its passing. I really am not bothered by it as much as you are. You care a lot, and I really respect that.

Secondly, I don't know. I wish I could be more help, but I mostly just wanted to compliment you. You're being a good Christian.

Re: What should I do with this pain I have for my lost famil

Posted: Wed Mar 19, 2014 10:29 pm
by 1over137
Also many members from my family are not Christians.

Here is what I wrote month ago to my one friend:

I think it is not only out of God's wisdom but also out of his love that he leaves in mystery what he leaves in mystery. If I had more knowledge I could be heartbroken. Thus we live in hope.
And then, maybe, when standing at the Heaven's gate, I will throw myself into his arms and weep everything out. With him, we can handle that.

Re: What should I do with this pain I have for my lost famil

Posted: Wed Mar 19, 2014 10:47 pm
by neo-x
1over137 wrote:Also many members from my family are not Christians.

Here is what I wrote month ago to my one friend:

I think it is not only out of God's wisdom but also out of his love that he leaves in mystery what he leaves in mystery. If I had more knowledge I could be heartbroken. Thus we live in hope.
And then, maybe, when standing at the Heaven's gate, I will throw myself into his arms and weep everything out. With him, we can handle that.
I LOVE what you wrote hana, sorry, I am stealing this for a signature. y@};- y@};- y@};- y@};-

Re: What should I do with this pain I have for my lost famil

Posted: Thu Mar 20, 2014 1:14 am
by Silvertusk
DRDS wrote:This is something that goes hand in hand with this thread, ... =3&t=39287 it's along the same lines, but it's more personal, and it doesn't only apply to family members, but friends, acquaintances and people I just meet and see in day to day life that I like or fall in love with and hope they are either saved or if not are able to come to the Lord. But the fact is, many people, if not, most people in my life right now really don't seem to care much about God, Christianity, salvation or anything of that ilk. They are immersed in secularism, ill will, or just indifference to Christ.

I try to talk to some of them about it when I'm around them in person, and I'm always trying to promote things like apologetics, the evidence for God's existence, as well as scripture on social media but it all for the most part falls on deaf ears. As far as praying for them, I do every night and many times throughout the day but so far I haven't seen hardly anyone I know appear to respond in a positive way. It all seems so futile.

And when I take into account with the possibility of us being in the last days and how so few will come to Christ in those days as everyone will flock to the antichrist because of the great deception, but even if we are not, again, society is so secularized and is only getting worse and it's not really about intellect at least for the most part, from what I've seen it's mostly has to do with people's will and emotions. If you don't believe me, just ask bippy123, he's dealt with atheists and unbelievers quite often and that's a common theme that both he and I have seen.

But anyway, let's take a worst case scenario, what if nearly all my family, friends, people I meet and so forth don't make it into heaven, surely I'll be overwhelmed with great sadness and despair so what will God do to make things up? Will He erase my memories of them, if that's the case, I'll almost will remember nothing about my life. Or will He do something to make up for it like create more human beings or at least create something to ease the sadness of me and others in my similar situation as well as to fill up His kingdom so there will be at least some activity.

And as far as this life goes, I tell you, I seem to have a very big heart and a very soft spot for everyone in my life and I really really hope that all of them or at least as many as possible come to know Christ, but with what I"m seeing with my efforts being pretty much in vain, not to mention right now I'm not on good terms with many in my family mainly for reasons I currently don't know or understand, I'm wondering if I should let me heart grow cold and be more about me. I know some calvinists would say that coming from the idea that even though I'm predestined everyone else around me isn't so therefore why even care, of course, for me that's easier said than done.

Almost all my Christian upbringing tells me to be concerned for souls of people around me, but if nothing is working out and it appears that right now next to no one in my life other than me is going to make it into God's kingdom, so why even care anymore? I just feel like the apostles in villages where they were not welcomed, just shake the dust off my feet and go my own way.

I'm trying to figure out if you all are in this kind of situation with your family and friends and nothing seems to work as far as getting them to respond to the gospel, how do you get over the fact of them most likely remaining lost forever and knowing that after this life you will never ever see them again knowing they will be tormented forever? I mean, right now I'm even tempted to just stop praying for many of them because it's just that futile. Any feedback and encouragement will be greatly appreciated. Thanks so much. GB.
DRDS Don't give up my brother - you inspire me and shame me. I should be praying for my friends and family a lot more. In fact I am going to make a definite effort to do that. I am going to make a list and every night I will bring them to God. I have heard stories were people have prayed for loved ones for years and then finally it happens. God has his timing and he knows the perfect moment. Have faith in that and I will join you in the crusade to bring all our loved ones into the kingdom.

God Bless


Re: What should I do with this pain I have for my lost famil

Posted: Thu Mar 20, 2014 4:55 am
by PaulSacramento
Some of us have those that care nothing for Christ and others have those that have decided to follow Christ through what THEY believe to be the ONLY way ( Like my JW familiy for example).
All we can do is pray for them and have hope in Our Lord and the HS.

Re: What should I do with this pain I have for my lost famil

Posted: Thu Mar 20, 2014 5:13 am
by neo-x
The thing is, though you care, don't let this make you lose your peace. I felt like this once DRDS, 10 years ago perhaps but that just made me depressed. You know how I overcame, I learnt and came into bible teaching. You have to share and discuss and ease your burden inside you. Believe me, I have been through something similar and it alone didn't help. Pray and do all but your first focus should be you, your peace in God and Christ comes first, if you are strong you will pull others up. If you are overwhelmed with it, that won't help. So pray, fast but know that whatever God does is for the best, your trust should be in his fairness, and his mercy. And let it go at that. There is no good trying to think of things you have no control over. The best way is to your living life and testimony, persistence and humility is the thing that changes people.

So God bless you. Take care of yourself, you are a good soul. Be at peace in Christ.

Re: What should I do with this pain I have for my lost famil

Posted: Thu Mar 20, 2014 7:50 am
That is a great response Neo, I just hope that if heaven is empty with people that I know and love and if it's just empty period of human beings God will do something to make up for it.

Again, just like I stated in the thread about heaven being empty, why is it that God just lets satan get away with everything? Why does He let satan get the big victory in winning and possessing most of the human race? Why will God allow Himself to be defeated like this in such a big area? Not only in terms of quantity but also in terms of quality.

Because as I mentioned in the previous thread, and again, this doesn't include you guys and anyone else that is involved in apologetics and takes Christianity seriously, this again, mostly applies to the people in my local area the ones I physically live around. Most of them who are believers are some of the most hateful, self righteous, bigoted, two faced, ignorant, arrogant, Amish wannabe prudes who want to ruin everything good, wonderful and beautiful. They hate apologetics, they hate evidence, they hate talking about God's love, they are all about the law and all about preaching hate, doom, and gloom. They love using God as a WEAPON against others. And many of them look ugly too, they look ugly and many of them smell bad. They smell like fried amish hog vomit.

But at the same time, they are quote un quote "good" people who believe in "Christianity" but they have a sick psychopathic way of showing kindness towards others. And they have the right belief structure down but again, it's not so much what they believe but how they communicate their beliefs to others. As I said before, you can still be a good person and a person who has all the right beliefs and good intentions and still be a jerk. And in my area I'm surrounded by low class believers who are selfish jerks.

But because God still approves of them and they will probably make it into heaven, I dread being around them for all eternity. Because what if God chooses not to do anything about their tasteless qualities I just described and they still treat me and others the same way? What if God sees that as a virtue and that's what being holy and righteous is really all about? Because let's face it, I"m not God, I'm not all knowing I don't know the deeper meanings behind all of God's virtues and attributes and what if that's it people like Fred Phelps and the WBC nuts that are God's perfect role models for what a believer should look and act like?

I just wished I knew what kind of ship God is trying to run, again I'm not Him I don't know what's He's thinking but based on what I know so far, it looks like He's doing His best to sink the thing. And I hope I'm wrong, I hope and pray that I am wrong on this assessment. But anyway, that's all I've got for now.

And P.S. If you live in America and you love to travel and visit with local people and go check out local churches, please, STAY AWAY FROM SOUTHEAST KENTUCKY especially the CHURCHES THERE. That's my neck of the woods and coming from someone who is around this stuff constantly, it will do you NO GOOD whatsoever. This area is nothing but a sick pile of hypocritical meth and cocaine induced filth. The street corners of Oakland California and the projects of Bronx New York are healthier, happier and better than this vile evil deathtrap that I"m in. So please, stay out of this area, you will be doing yourself one of the biggest favors ever.

Re: What should I do with this pain I have for my lost famil

Posted: Thu Mar 20, 2014 8:00 am
by PaulSacramento
I firmly believe that many people simply do not understand the concept of Christianity as well as they think they do and because of that they create their own version based on that understanding.
This goes for those that BELIEVE and those that don't.
WHY they do this is because they WANT to believe that Christianity is THAT way so they feel they are right ( to believe as they do or to criticize it as they do).
Christianity is about sacrifice for others, love for others, devotion to others.
Christianity is about a God that so loved His creation that He gave up being God to be one of Us.
Christianity is NOT about being tolerant of those against God, but about being tolerant to mankind because He is truly fallen and needs to be saved and only God can do it.
Any Hate, anger, dislike and self-righteousness is truly "ANTI-Christianity".

Re: What should I do with this pain I have for my lost famil

Posted: Thu Mar 20, 2014 8:28 am
by SeekingSanctuary
I also live in Kentucky and I have a very different experience. I know a lot of great people who are Christians. Some of the happiest, most relaxed, easy-going, and caring people I know are Christians. Some of them also have the most of interesting personalities as well. (I also know people of other faiths like this as well, I feel bad for them)

That said I know the exact Christians you are talking about. I live on a street with two churches. I go to one. The other has descended into pompous yaking about how great they are, beating their chests and ran entirely by a single family. Which is awful, I used to go to that church once upon a time, it was great then. The wrong people took it over and that's that.

Re: What should I do with this pain I have for my lost famil

Posted: Thu Mar 20, 2014 8:37 am
Nice, what portion of the state do you live in? Surely it's not southeast, it must be up north near ohio or out west possibly.

Re: What should I do with this pain I have for my lost famil

Posted: Thu Mar 20, 2014 8:41 am
by SeekingSanctuary
DRDS wrote:Nice, what portion of the state do you live in? Surely it's not southeast, it must be up north near ohio or out west possibly.
Lake Cumberland area. Sort of. It depends on where you draw the lines, but most people would call it that.

Re: What should I do with this pain I have for my lost famil

Posted: Thu Mar 20, 2014 8:51 am
Nice, I'm quite familiar with that area. There is a pretty nice dirt track in that area that I haven't been to in awhile. I might go there sometime. I'll keep you updated that way we can meet up sometime. :D

Re: What should I do with this pain I have for my lost famil

Posted: Thu Mar 20, 2014 9:05 am
by B. W.
DRDS wrote:This is something that goes hand in hand with this thread, ... =3&t=39287 it's along the same lines, but it's more personal, and it doesn't only apply to family members, but friends, acquaintances and people I just meet and see in day to day life that I like or fall in love with and hope they are either saved or if not are able to come to the Lord. But the fact is, many people, if not, most people in my life right now really don't seem to care much about God, Christianity, salvation or anything of that ilk. They are immersed in secularism, ill will, or just indifference to Christ.

I try to talk to some of them about it when I'm around them in person, and I'm always trying to promote things like apologetics, the evidence for God's existence, as well as scripture on social media but it all for the most part falls on deaf ears. As far as praying for them, I do every night and many times throughout the day but so far I haven't seen hardly anyone I know appear to respond in a positive way. It all seems so futile.

And when I take into account with the possibility of us being in the last days and how so few will come to Christ in those days as everyone will flock to the antichrist because of the great deception, but even if we are not, again, society is so secularized and is only getting worse and it's not really about intellect at least for the most part, from what I've seen it's mostly has to do with people's will and emotions. If you don't believe me, just ask bippy123, he's dealt with atheists and unbelievers quite often and that's a common theme that both he and I have seen.

But anyway, let's take a worst case scenario, what if nearly all my family, friends, people I meet and so forth don't make it into heaven, surely I'll be overwhelmed with great sadness and despair so what will God do to make things up? Will He erase my memories of them, if that's the case, I'll almost will remember nothing about my life. Or will He do something to make up for it like create more human beings or at least create something to ease the sadness of me and others in my similar situation as well as to fill up His kingdom so there will be at least some activity.

And as far as this life goes, I tell you, I seem to have a very big heart and a very soft spot for everyone in my life and I really really hope that all of them or at least as many as possible come to know Christ, but with what I"m seeing with my efforts being pretty much in vain, not to mention right now I'm not on good terms with many in my family mainly for reasons I currently don't know or understand, I'm wondering if I should let me heart grow cold and be more about me. I know some calvinists would say that coming from the idea that even though I'm predestined everyone else around me isn't so therefore why even care, of course, for me that's easier said than done.

Almost all my Christian upbringing tells me to be concerned for souls of people around me, but if nothing is working out and it appears that right now next to no one in my life other than me is going to make it into God's kingdom, so why even care anymore? I just feel like the apostles in villages where they were not welcomed, just shake the dust off my feet and go my own way.

I'm trying to figure out if you all are in this kind of situation with your family and friends and nothing seems to work as far as getting them to respond to the gospel, how do you get over the fact of them most likely remaining lost forever and knowing that after this life you will never ever see them again knowing they will be tormented forever? I mean, right now I'm even tempted to just stop praying for many of them because it's just that futile. Any feedback and encouragement will be greatly appreciated. Thanks so much. GB.
I face the same things but see it on a larger scale. How do I cope with it?

The answer came to me in the revelation of Christ. He saw and still see's the same things to a greater degree than we ever will. Can you imagine that? How did he handled it?

One, he did not become defeated but pressed on and completed the work of the cross and rose from the dead. In a sense, we do to, however with our own cross to daily bear. How he caused me to bear this is to realize that He is in charge and I have but one small job to do. I am but a mere spec in God's overall plan. My prayers, who I speak too, who I influence - is part of that plan. I may not see some folks saved, but I did my job that according to God's wisdom, will later set the stage for another's future salvation. Or I am an instrument God uses to present His question to someone and it is the person's final answer to that question that will seal them.

Another way He helped me see is to know that if we do not do our job, many will get hurt. So better do our calling (job) so others do not get hurt. Another thing to do is to seek knowledge on what sin really is and how folks choose that over everything else and for a mass of pig slop sell away their birthright paid for by the Blood of Christ. Then another revelation was exploring God's character and nature uncovered in the bible and asking in prayer how he could be these things...

The most important revelation that helped me come to terms with this built off the others was what I mentioned to you before regarding making this your daily prayer:

"Heavenly Father, let me see through the eyes of Jesus, grant me the the grace to endure what I see, and the ability to obey what I hear from you..."

I find that, transforming me in ways I cannot explain. Often you weep over the lost while understanding that they sell away there birthright is on themselves. You may find yourself weeping over yourself and all shortcomings. Then, a remarkable thing begins to happen. You literally come to the altar, bearing all the promises of God, and like Abraham, hold that knife high above these all tied to that altar, ready to plunge the knife - then the Lord speaks from the thicket - "stop you have not withheld what was of value to you..." In that, you have died to self and are ready to endure till the end bearing much fruit. An incredible peace overtakes you and these things no longer worry you. You'll find rest...

Re: What should I do with this pain I have for my lost famil

Posted: Thu Mar 20, 2014 10:39 am
by RickD

I mentioned this to you a while back, and I'll mention it again. I was in a very similar boat that you're in now. I focused too much on negativity, conspiracies, and such. I felt it bringing me down big time. Like a huge weight on my shoulders. I prayed more, and focused on Christ more, by reading scripture. I started focusing more on Christ's love, and I had to completely rid myself of things that were bringing me down. I just stopped reading anything to do with conspiracies.

I stopped being, and feeling so negative.

My 2cents, fwiw.