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Experiences with God?

Posted: Fri Mar 21, 2014 9:13 am
by Seraph
I remember back in early high school there was a period where my parents were in the middle of a divorce and I was devistated by it, and during that time I would listen to music on the computer in the middle of the night at a low volume and I felt a sort of profound sense of eurphoria, well-being, and love. The feeling persisted for several weeks and I loved life in general for that period even though it was a rough time of life. I attributed the feeling to God, it was the best feeling of my whole life, and its why I have to believe that God is personal and cares about people, no matter how "hands off" he seems in his approach to things. It was *far* different than what people typically mean by experiencing God, where theyre in church with their hands in the air feeling passionate, it was a very relaxing, and genuinely beautiful experience. A big reason I think this feeling was God's intervention was because very shortly after, my Dad was killed in a horrible accident and a series of very tragic events occured, but that feeling of closeness to God sustained me through the worst months of my life.

Sadly that euphoric experience hasn't happened since then, but I remember it with fondness and to me it remains evidence for God's existence. I'm wondering, have other people here had something similar?

Re: Experiences with God?

Posted: Fri Mar 21, 2014 12:11 pm
by 1over137 was a very relaxing, and genuinely beautiful experience...
I have these...

I am not the type of person who would raise hands in the church and feel passionate.

Instead, loving, peaceful, wonderful feeling.

Re: Experiences with God?

Posted: Fri Mar 21, 2014 7:55 pm
by SeekingSanctuary
I have a list of experiences really, admittedly a short one, though none exactly like what you were describing. One comes close, but I'm not bringing it up just yet. There is a big one I never really told anyone about because it sounds hard to believe, bordering on mysticism, or even a psychotic break, and after you read it you'll see why I am reluctant to post it. Frankly, sometimes I don't believe it, but it honestly did happen.

It all started some time last year, the exact date is hard to remember but thanks to the events it wouldn't be hard to find out. I had a particular interest in getting closer to God. I don't know where it came from, but I had. Anyway, after some thinking I ended up praying for prophetic dreams.

Well, I got what I asked for.

That night I dreamed about Obama giving a speech involving his plans for Syria and their weapons. I didn't remember everything from my dream, but every part I had synced up, down to my thoughts watching it. However, this isn't the impressive one to me

Another night that week I remember dreaming about watching Avatar the Legend of Korra. Dreaming about watching a particular episode of a television show isn't out of the ordinary for me, so this isn't weird. Many times I'll only know what show it is by just sort of knowing, if you have ever paid attention to your dreams I'm sure you know exactly what I mean, this is because the characters and location have nothing to do with the show. This was one of those times. In the dream some guy lived in a shack in the woods with two other men, one of which was old and half-tree. Doesn't sound a bit like the show, so when I woke I just forgot it, like my normal dreams.

I think it was the next day I just happened to notice a minimarathon was on Nick. I hadn't seen a single episode of Korra since the ending of the previous season, or anything else on Nick since then, but I ended up watching. So what came on one of the episodes? Yeah, do I even have to say it? Dude living with two other dudes, one was old and part tree, in a shack. Yeah... turned out it was a flashback to something that happened long before the series happened. The one with Obama wasn't as big deal, since it was all stuff that could easily be predicted. This one I can't rationalize away. There was honestly no way I could have known, I promise you that.

I know, I wouldn't believe it either if it didn't happen to me. I'm a natural skeptic too. I am blessed, I screwed it up later on (story for another time. If you want you can PM me.) It really was an amazing experience that has never happened again after that.

But what is more impressive to me was the feeling I got when I prayed for it. I've only felt it a handful of times in my life. I don't know how to describe it exactly, like euphoria is the best I can give. I think its feeling God, or a "yes", or I don't know. But its amazing. This feeling is why I have such an obsession with prayer. I don't know how I can get the idea of what it is across, but if you have experienced it before than you know exactly what I'm talking about.

I have some other stories I can post if you want, but I have had a long week (with college work and a death) and a long day (hung out with some friends and did some homework) so this is it for now. This was just by far the most impressive and the biggest deal personally.

It also gave me some insight too. After this experience, I am at a point where the existence of a higher power is logical and reasonable, and since I interacted with it through Christian prayer and a longing to be closer to God, there are very few other possibilities (I doubt it was Vishnu, for example). So really it is my logical mind that says God exists. My doubts are ultimately irrational. However I still have plenty of them, if not more then before (no, wait, definitely more lately). When people and the Bible talk about how disbelief is a natural part of being human it is like saying inertia is a property of matter or gravity is a fundamental force of nature. It is an absolute and unavoidable truth, even it isn't immediately obvious.

(Note: I'm not encouraging Mysticism. Typically this stuff isn't for the right reason, it involves treating God, an intelligent being with a personality, like a tool. The motivation is always questionable. I've tried to recreate the experience with failure each time. God has his own agenda, I was blessed and am thankful for it, and my many attempts I mistakenly made to force it to happen again were a horrible idea that I feel have more damage then good, and feeding any doubts I have. When selfish motivations become part of your prayer you are NOT glorifying God. Don't make my mistakes.)

(Note 2: Yes it was a kids show. Yes that is very weird. At least it was something I would actually watch. :lol: )

Re: Experiences with God?

Posted: Sat Mar 22, 2014 4:04 pm
by bippy123
I can give a story my grandpa passed to my dad who passé down to me.
My grandfather was about to be murdered by seven of his coworkers on a remote beach in Egypt when an angel came out of no where to save him. My grandfather and the 7 coworkers all saw the angel and the 7 men ran for their lives.
When my granddad came out if the hole they had him dig for his burial the angel just vanished.

This was in the 1940's